August Naivgation Ride 2013 Wauchope to Bacca and Back

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports August Naivgation Ride 2013 Wauchope to Bacca and Back

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  • #248264

    Wigster wrote:
    The best one yet. Even though I only got half of it done. Well gutted about that.

    Interesting ride home (mostly tar) with no ability to operate rear brake. But at least I’m not sharing a ward with Puddles (get well soon mate).

    Showed the hole in my boot to the wife. Suitably horrified by my (admittedly exaggerated) story, and swollen ankle, she has insisted I get the best pair of MX boots on the market. Result!!!

    Hope every one got home safely. Ride report coming up.

    Thanks TB!


    Wigger, what happened mate? What were you wearing on your feet?



    Well what can I say :woohoo: my first nav ride & it was a hoot :laugh:
    Great tracks, bit dusty but better than rain. Don’t remember much of Friday night :blink: but it was great catching up with the ADV guys. Would like to thank TB & everybody involved, sweeps, support vehicle etc.
    If you hasn’t been on one yet, get your name down for three next one ;) ;)


    Puddles wrote:
    Well my rides over sitting at port hospital waiting for x rays. Thanks ace & eagle & everyone else that helped get me out.
    Cheers puddles

    Don’t mention it Puddles (a.k.a – the human bobsled)

    Speedy recovery mate.

    If only we had a video camera, I know I will be getting good value out of that story at work tomorrow :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Dave Wiggin
    jtb2879 wrote:
    Wigster wrote:
    The best one yet. Even though I only got half of it done. Well gutted about that.

    Interesting ride home (mostly tar) with no ability to operate rear brake. But at least I’m not sharing a ward with Puddles (get well soon mate).

    Showed the hole in my boot to the wife. Suitably horrified by my (admittedly exaggerated) story, and swollen ankle, she has insisted I get the best pair of MX boots on the market. Result!!!

    Hope every one got home safely. Ride report coming up.

    Thanks TB!


    Wigger, what happened mate? What were you wearing on your feet?

    Thor MX boots. Hit the end of a log poking out in to the track.

    Will not do these sort of rides without MX boots. Than god I didn’t have the Blundstones on.




    Ah… I saw the odd one or three of those! ;)


    Dwayne O
    Puddles wrote:
    Well my rides over sitting at port hospital waiting for x rays. Thanks ace & eagle & everyone else that helped get me out.
    Cheers puddles

    No worries Pudles,, That was a big effort you made to get out as far as you did mate :whistle:
    Hope you get a speedy recovery mate ;)


    Dwayne O
    Ollie wrote:
    you didnt go and fall in another hole did ya Puds ? Hope ya didnt scratch up the Husky to much :laugh:


    Well ,,,,
    He did manage to do exactly that Ollie :pinch:

    Fell heads first into a 5m ravine, minus the bike,,, and that was after the foot injury

    We can laugh about it now,,, but it was a scary few minutes initially I can tell you :S
    Ace has the whole thing etched into his memory bank B)


    Shit 5 m
    Lucky boy


    Dwayne O
    Wigster wrote:
    jtb2879 wrote:
    Wigster wrote:
    The best one yet. Even though I only got half of it done. Well gutted about that.

    Interesting ride home (mostly tar) with no ability to operate rear brake. But at least I’m not sharing a ward with Puddles (get well soon mate).

    Showed the hole in my boot to the wife. Suitably horrified by my (admittedly exaggerated) story, and swollen ankle, she has insisted I get the best pair of MX boots on the market. Result!!!

    Hope every one got home safely. Ride report coming up.

    Thanks TB!


    Wigger, what happened mate? What were you wearing on your feet?

    Thor MX boots. Hit the end of a log poking out in to the track.

    Will not do these sort of rides without MX boots. Than god I didn’t have the Blundstones on.


    Good to hear you made it home safe Wiggy ;)

    I wear good boots and I have a pretty big black bruise up my left shin from a large stick in the first 5 ks sat mornng before Lake Cathie :S
    I remember the hit but didn`t see the bruise till tonight at home …

    Hope that foot settles down mate


    Home, Showered Fed and Watered :)

    Great weekend, thanks TB and all involved, adventuremoto and yamaha included.

    First OB ADV ride for Wookie, skyrider and Brownie who all rode R1200GS bikes which raised a question mark with the illustrious organizer who knew what was in store. The boys proved they can mix it with the little bikes on the saturday, living up to thier usual standard and setting a great pace. Until Brownie lost his luggage ….. Skyrider found it and lugged the extra hard case, dangling from the back of his GS by a piece of strap for 70KLMs of single and snotty double track. What a legend! I have never seen a man hug another man with as much gratitude as brownie displayed when SR rode into view with that ridiculous hard luggage banging around the arse end of his bike ….. I didnt make that up, that was genuine man love right there.

    Brownie securely fastened the luggage to the back of the correct GS with the NOT so trusty gaffa tape and lost it again 3 minutes later. SR looked on in dismay as the luggage once again bounced down the trail and brownie, once again, rode off into the distance. There was moment of stunned silence and then …… I wont repeat what was said, it was an impressive display of language skills by SR

    We got many photo opps when the main group of riders started to catch up on there way through our little roadside repair station. Unfortunately one of the first riders through was puddles and as he came around the corner he locked up the front and proceeded to park his motorcycle in a very unprofessional manner, right ontop of his own leg. Brownie finally managed to score some tie downs from a well prepared old bull and when eagle and a few other helpful chaps showed up SR and I helped a battle scarred puddles back onto his mount and his fellow OB riders escorted him on while we gave the heads up to those that followed to take it easy.

    Puddles, your a legend. Another quick hand to get him across a rocky creek crossing and we left him to the rest of his crew that had discovered thier missing comrade.

    Squiggle fell off in the sand, SR fell off in the mud, Wookie fell off but wont provide any details and denies it and Brownie fell off opening a gate on Sunday. Thats 1 each boys 😆

    Well, the GS boys can ride, but they also proved they cant do it two days in a row, with skyrider and brownie crying uncle on Saturday night. Skyrider was just too damn F&&%ED to continue for another day of TB GS torture testing and Brownie just wanted to get home and cuddle his KTM 250 EXC in a dark corner. Wookie was sore but still game, and though my Zumo 660 had died …. again! :angry: :angry: :angry: we were going to push on.

    Had a great night on Saturday night. The staff at the Nambucca motel had a great sense of humour and were great fun.

    SR knocked on the door today with a alternate ride planned and wookie had a GPS route that pretty much coincided, when wookie elected to head home via the new plan B I decided to follow, with my rooted Zumo in toe.

    We came back today via taylors arm, willie willie, gingers creek and knottingbull. I am pretty sure we did not miss a single pub on the route home ;) Wookie even got us to his old local and proceeded to sit outside it until opened and served the boys beer. Bloody germans. The mix of TB trails on the saturday and the cruizy sunday home was actually an awesome combo so all was definately not lost.

    I for one will be on the next one. See yas all there.


    Dwayne O

    I am going to need a couple of days to compose myself before penning a ride report :laugh:
    So much happened, fantastic route, great people, some real funny stuff went down too :P

    But I will say a massive thankyou to TB, Strucky (& Crash) for the route organising.
    Wolfman Steve for ADVMoto for the support (both ute & behind the scene)
    Peter from Yamaha for the support and great company again.
    Of course thanx to the guys that helped lead sweep and pick up the pieces.

    Accommodation and hospitality was tip notch at both venues also :woohoo:

    ;) ;) ;)


    Some pics




    REPAIR ATTEMPT 1 (See ride report above :)








    Thanks to one and all that helped with this ride. I know there would be a hell of a lot of hours setting, pre running, organizing accommodation etc etc etc, it is really appreciated.
    A special thanks as well to flying fish for running the Nav Newbies on Saturday, it helped build confidence with the whole Navigating thing, and also to Eagle and Ace for letting me tag along with them today ;)

    All the sponsors ADV Moto, Yamaha etc thanks to you as well.
    It was my first Nav ride and I had an absolute ball. The royal donkey performed very well indeed, alot better than I had anticipated.
    Couple of quick pics, I need a shower and some sleep.
    I will also do a more detailed report soon……

    Waiting for the ferry on Saturday morning

    View from the motel Sunday morning

    View from the lookout on Sunday’s ride

    So I am home,had dinner, bike washed and ready for the next nav ride

    Now, some people have said I am mad, washing bikes as soon as I get home, no matter what the time.
    I can see their point, but its easier to do it straight away before the dirt has baked on
    TO these people I would say this…. you think I am mad??? check Tryhard’s lunch from Today

    You kept me laughing all weekend mate, thanks :laugh: :laugh:


    Couple more



    Bandaid and Beer Roadside recovery vehicle…. TB, why dont we have one of these ??? :P

    And our recover vehicle, manned by the very excellent steve from adventuremoto, still … notice no beer. :(


    Measures you have to resort to when you have no beer :(


    Dwayne O

    My take on Day 1…

    We departed Newy around 3.30 Friday arvo and arrived right on expected time at Breckenridge to see a growing crowd of eager ADVers.
    It was good to have a few brews with some familiar and some new faces while bench racing around the fire watching the stragglers arriving in the dark.

    Awoke real early after a sleepless night of anticipation of what was to come. TB had layed it all out at the brief friday night and there was some pristine riding ahead, along with some testing of stamina and commitment to finish the day before dark. He had told the group if you hadn`t hit Taylors Arm by 3pm, it would not be pretty coming in after dark and probably best to skip the last section. :whistle:

    Not far out of the suburb of King Creek it was straight into the forest for some twisting, turning and figure eighting dodging some tree that blocked the route. It was a good start to get us warmed up.
    Then a tour of the Royal Kingdom capital right past the Royal residence and then slabbed it to Port Macquarie and to Telegraph Point ferry. That`s where the real fun began :woohoo:

    I sent Lefty ahead `cause I didn`t want the big 640 up my clacker at full noise while burning a hole in the back of my helmet with his HID laser. :silly:
    Ace decided to be tail end Charlie and paddle the Beemer through the sand. We passed some wannabe Finke Racers heading the other way just before the sand started proper.

    Lefty was gone from here and I wasn`t going too bad, or so I thought and decided to stop a few times to wait for Ace because it would have been no good trying to lift the 800 solo.
    The third time I stopped, we decided to stick close and I dropped back to watch the big beast paddle
    As soon as I took off, it was deep and fluffy and I got to second and lost the front hard and toppled over with my foot stuck firm under the bike, face down in the sand watching the top of Ace`s Arai bobbing out of sight up Plommer Road :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I was stuck fast and nobody around so removed my lid and goggles and waited about 8 minutes for the next bike to help me up,, thanx again mate ;) (sorry but forgot the name of who it was)

    There was some good dirt road, water views and trails from here on to Kempsey for fuel and lunch with Mick`s mate Lionel 😆 :sick:

    After lunch was a blurr for me really, fast trails, twin and tight single(yes Snowey, we rode some superb singles that you can`t even get to `cause you don`t have the fuel range) :P :P :P :P :P
    I loved the section that waeved through tunnels of Lantana and then led to slippery exposed rock and slimy green grass while hopping over logs and ducking under fallen trees.
    There was a tricky but fantastic climb up to along a ridge then weaving back down only to climb up again. All of these places are in areas I have never ridden before and I was just too busy tucking in and wrestling the unsettled front end all arvo to take in all the names of trails.

    We came across Poor Puddles and a small group and he didn`t look too good when trying to put weight on it. There were some anxious moments when he got back on the Husky and Ace & I had to help him back on and through some tricky dry rocky crossings before he had his Bobsled moment
    All good in the end and we got him to the rest of the Wauchopians and left him to them to get him to Stev in the recovery wagon :dry:

    It was then a push to hike it down some great country and along a picturesque river valley and ground into Taylors Arm 25mins in after the recommended cutoff time. A small group had just left to take on the last loop and I decided to slab it to Macksville and Nambucca just ahead of MickP, SteveP and James.
    Huge thanx to Steve for returning my toolbag I left at the servo (mate I still owe you those beers and rest assure Mick will remind me) :unsure: :laugh:
    On arrival at the Motel it was great to have a hot shower and tuck into some beers while the riders and stories started rolling in from the days events,,

    More tomorrow

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