basic meals

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    craig evans

    just wondering what your favorate meals are ? looking for something differant- simple nice cheap meals , im lucky as iv got all home grown stuff out my back door ,just like we just sat down to some fresh venison i shot and butchered last week fresh eggs vegie’s and toped with home made lemon merang pie with fresh stewed fruit for desert, want some more variaty and its a passion i enjoy [cooking]


    jim cady

    Bit of a chef are you Wolfie.
    That venison feral or farmed, I have only had it a couple of times before a little gamey for me. :blink: Funny how we become used to what we buy in woolies. :laugh: :laugh:



    bugger me Wolfie, what time is dinner, were all coming over :laugh: :laugh:

    Throw in a nice pale ale and it couldn’t get much better.

    When i was working on a property we trapped pigs, and butcher one, then grain feed the others till it was there turn to die. The grain fed ones didnt taste as good as the first one, and some of those wild pigs will eat some wild things :blink: :sick: but they are so tasty :laugh:



    craig evans

    yes james im abit of a chef 😆 love trying to make different meals ,the venison was wild free range yum yum good tip best hung for a few days not just over night – ptw iv got 2 wild hogs hanging in my mates cool room waiting for butchering also plus some yum yum mouth watering lamb and a turkey waitng for saturdays roast


    jim cady

    Not really the weather for a big feast Wolfie,but when winter rolls around sounds like your the man :laugh: :laugh:



    Hey wolfie nice feeling that youve got all that fresh and cheap produce at your backdoor.

    some may bag this , but i am a bit of a fan of Jamie Oliver have a go at a few of his 15 and 30 minute recipes you can download from the internerd. “cracking” :laugh:




    “great” an OBT cooking segment??

    would you like frys with that.

    The only time we get to eat bambi up this way is when snowy cleans one up when his leading a ride,,IE last sunday,, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Te altermate feed is a bag of snakes and a drink of water.. ;) ;) ;) :whistle: :whistle:


    I am also a fan of Jamie Oliver’s and his 15 and 30 minute books are very good.
    I cook plenty of wild animals caught locally but they are all fish :laugh:



    craig evans

    ill swap you something for fish stm lol


    I’m the main cook at our place
    This time of year its usually BBQ or cold meats and different salads

    P.S. I saw a young deer riding down from the Watagans last Monday



    What was it riding murph?.

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