Basin Run 14-3-15

Home Forums Ride Reports Basin Run 14-3-15

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ben Guest 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Great run around our loop
    Hope I didn’t keep the young guns waiting too long
    Did all the singles down to the Basin and even though some were overgrown after the wet summer, most were in great condition with the rain we had over the past couple of days :woohoo:
    From the Basin it was onto Concrete Hill and then we did a hill we don’t usually do 👿
    A lot more singles with a few gnarly bits eventually led us down Pro Hill and around the Koala Trail
    More singles to Bar Hill which is always a good challenge 👿 👿 👿
    Down Great North Walk and around to Wave Rock. The bridge has now collapsed and there is only half left standing. Hope that section doesn’t collapse :ohmy:
    Wave Rock is another good challenge 👿 👿 Then we were off down an obscure single before hitting Hell Hill. 👿 👿 👿 :woohoo:
    With only three of us we covered ground quickly with very little rests :sick: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Left the cars a bit after 8:00am and were back a bit before 1300
    Top ride
    Thanks Sam and Tim
    Pics to come


    Tim adjusting my chain. No glasses is a good excuse when you get older. :laugh:
    Not much fun not being able to see though ;)

    The Young Guns on Bar Hill :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Almost a bridge too far :pinch:

    Me at Wave Rock

    Sam coming to terms with his new 2 stroker




    Tim on Hell Hill



    That’s all folks



    Great report.Im putting it on bucket list of must do ride


    Great report and photos as always Murph.


    Awesome ride report as usual, sorry to miss this one but have booked in a weekend working on the Nissan ready for next weekend…… :( next time


    Dwayne O

    Nice pics Murph ;)
    I was at the bridge last sunday and it wasn`t that bad then, it obviously collapsed afer the flogging down on Wed night :whistle:

    There were a group of Jeep 4×4`s crossing it last week, they`ll not be crossing it again :laugh: :laugh:

    It will suck when it`s totally gone :S


    Hey Eags
    Tim and I have already sussed out an alternative to the bridge
    But it will take some work with slings :sick:
    Maybe not much of an option for an adventure bike :laugh: :laugh: ;)


    Ben Guest
    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey Eags
    Tim and I have already sussed out an alternative to the bridge
    But it will take some work with slings :sick:
    Maybe not much of an option for an adventure bike :laugh: :laugh: ;)

    I like the sound of that :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

    Nice photo’s & report Murph.

    How does that new Sherco of Sam’s go?



    Sam Rodgers

    Thanks for the ride Murph, it was a top day.

    Conditions were perfect. Good fun chasing Tim, and Murph was never far behind. Have never covered that sort of terrain so quick before. B)

    The Sherco is awesome Ben. I got the 250 factory model. Has a good spread of power and turns really well in the singles. Feels different to ride at first but after you get used to it you don’t wanna get off the thing. This was my first hard hills ride on it and was happy with the low down grunt. :woohoo:



    Nick Blyth

    Great pics Murph,, as always..

    straight up wave rock too, good to see you weren’t on the chicken run around the side…thats one up for the older farts amoung us……
    But Tim… going around the tree on hell hill, I thought he would of nailed it right up the middle, suppose he didnt want to show off for the camera…



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