Basin Run 14-7-15

Home Forums Ride Reports Basin Run 14-7-15

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dude 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #262329


    Awesome well done lads. I’m seeing Dude on this Husky thinking – he’s helping someone ride up these hills all day until I realise it’s your bike? Didn’t realise you defected to the dark side with us?! Happy with it?


    axel wrote:
    Awesome well done lads. I’m seeing Dude on this Husky thinking – he’s helping someone ride up these hills all day until I realise it’s your bike? Didn’t realise you defected to the dark side with us?! Happy with it?

    bit of getting use to and some more fiddling to make it just right. :cheer:


    Adam Rodgers

    Good report as always gentlemen ;)

    We’ll have to get the timing right soon :S :pinch:

    I haven’t done a basin run since Andy and Mal were down :ohmy:

    Keep em coming :woohoo:


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