Bathurst 1000

This topic contains 75 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 15 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #148199

    Matt Baker

    its heaps fun



    KylieD wrote:

    DanD is not really interested in stuff like that.

    you could take his ford chairs

    me and dan will go racing

    i’ve been offered tickets and transport to the sydney and brissy sx. but i said no. i’m not much of a spectator. i would rather do

    though i did watch the bercy sx once.
    top fuel rails are impressive too

    and i would like to see f1 and gp bikes one day. but i’m in no hurry.



    LC4skin wrote:

    you gotta get on the mountain with the ferals

    lc4skin is right you havent been to the bathurst 1000 unless you have been pissed on the mountain with the ferals its a laugh



    H-e-y K-y-l-i-e,

    ( supposed to give the impression of shy, interest/ attention grabbing, smooth, swarve voice, gooy eyed with a hint of drool):laugh: :cheer: :laugh: :cheer: :laugh: :cheer:

    hey Kylie, don’t suppose you have a sister? single that is.

    a chic that rides dirt bikes and likes V8’s!

    hmmm, sigh

    love0020.gif love0041.gif love0031.gif




    I’m keen to go. I’ve wanted to go every year since being in Australia. The first year I had no mates. The second year…well….I had no mates and this year….ummmmm…..I have no mates :P

    When is it, it’s normally October isn’t it? If it is then I’m out as my family will be here for holiday.


    Matt Baker

    its oct 8-11


    Mick D

    Moto wrote:

    When is it, it’s normally October isn’t it? If it is then I’m out as my family will be here for holiday.

    Treat them to a day at the races,that would be an excellent holiday experience.:woohoo:


    Moto wrote:

    I’m keen to go. I’ve wanted to go every year since being in Australia. The first year I had no mates. The second year…well….I had no mates and this year….ummmmm…..I have no mates :P

    When is it, it’s normally October isn’t it? If it is then I’m out as my family will be here for holiday.

    have you only been here for 3 long years moto….

    that explains a lot mate:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    one tip for ya, if ya go to bathurst, dont drink, to many mad blokes up there…..and you, my boy, will get lynched with your reputation of drinkng and fistycuffs:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Ahhh…its 3 days before they arrive so will probably skip it this year. I really want to go see it though. I wanted to watch a Bathurst race before I had even been to Australia.

    And yes Menace in November I would have been here 3 years :kiss:


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: :laugh:
    Ya don`t really need to go Moto,
    Ya already did a lap in the CHopmobile & GOT BOGGED in the SAND TRAP:P :P :P

    Isn`t that enough of Mt Panorama for ya:laugh: Oh the embarrasment:blink:


    john morgan

    I usually go ,have done for past 5 years straight, but not going this year. Police squareheads have squeezed the life out of it.Plus alcohol bans have become a profit gouging exercise for organisers.The race is still good and is a must do for those never been but take plenty of cash. They cant stop you taking an esky of foodand soft drink YET .
    if looking for a cheap camp spot , the cricket ground in town has free camping but zero you can watch the bus loads of police go to the mountain, from their bunker a the showground.actually this is quite interesting to see, as an absolute fortune is spent by the cops this weekend.
    like I said before it is a must do for those who havnt been.



    I went one year and camped on the mountain, it had been flogging down with rain all week and it was just one huge mud puddle, cars were getting stuck left right and centre. Was pissed the whole time, didn’t have a shower til the 4th day and had been wearing workboots with no socks. It took a good 3 or 4 scrubbings of the feet once I got home to kill the smell. Toilets were in short supply made worse by dickheads blowing them up. You do miss a lot of the race though with the track being so big, TV gives the best action but it was agood weekend.

    Good times



    If I remember I’ll start a thread before next years race and we’ll se if we can get and Old Bull crew going :)


    Matt Baker

    you better start the thread a while before the race because the good campsites book out months in advance.

    we already have got an old bull crew going, me.:)



    Okay, well as an experienced Bathurst attendee you can help with the organisations. Between us we’ll sort a thread out and see who’s keen :)

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