best of luck rachael

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This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scott bocking 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #257621


    Awesome news that! Well done!
    Keep on keeping one both of you.


    all the best Rachel and Wolfie. Keep your chin up! Cheers budge


    craig evans

    im home doing all the chores and iv just got a message COME GET ME she coming home TODAY, doc happy with the healing, movement and all the other stuff so ill pick rach up the sarvo :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: only condiction is she take it easy



    thats great mate you both and the kids must be happy with that news

    take it easy does that mean you have to cook and clean :cheer:

    King Strucky


    wolfie wrote:
    im home doing all the chores and iv just got a message COME GET ME she coming home TODAY, doc happy with the healing, movement and all the other stuff so ill pick rach up the salvo :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: only condiction is she take it easy

    Mate thats awesome news, congrats to you both :)

    PS don’t make her split fire wood until tomorrow mate, I know it sounds soft but give her the whole day off ok ;)



    craig evans

    I do most of the cooking [ love cooking ] and do help with the washing anyway and if I didn’t I wouldn’t care , the kids don’t know yet king strucky

    im so rapted mate she comn home this early its not the same without her at home


    craig evans

    will do tb :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ps ill tell her what you said so becarefull with the next cake she does for you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Thats great news Craig,,,all the best with it.

    Cheers teza.


    Dwayne O

    Fantastic news Wolfie & Rach ;)
    Give her the rest of the month of mate and give her a hug from me too please.

    Our situation is still going along slow.
    The sister in law got the all clear after surgery and finds out if she needs any radiation today.
    My wife,,,Not good news unfortunately,
    Positive diagnosis of breast cancer today and now have to wait to see the surgeon for next Thursday :pinch:

    We are drawing on your positive attitudes though mate, thanx for that already ;)


    craig evans

    ok after a 1.5hr trip home that normally takes about 35 min, we are FINALLY HOME :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    iam so much happy now

    rach has sent a huge thank you out to all :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: ;)

    thank you everybody for your surport

    cheers wolfie and rachael

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Fantastic news Wolfie & Rach ;)
    Give her the rest of the month of mate and give her a hug from me too please.

    Our situation is still going along slow.
    The sister in law got the all clear after surgery and finds out if she needs any radiation today.
    My wife,,,Not good news unfortunately,
    Positive diagnosis of breast cancer today and now have to wait to see the surgeon for next Thursday :pinch:

    We are drawing on your positive attitudes though mate, thanx for that already ;)

    Best of luck with it Eags, hope it works out well mate, will be thinking of you guys, attitude is the key mate :)

    wolfie wrote:
    ok after a 1.5hr trip home that normally takes about 35 min, we are FINALLY HOME :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    iam so much happy now

    rach has sent a huge thank you out to all :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: ;)

    thank you everybody for your surport

    cheers wolfie and rachael

    Thats great news Wolfie, must good to have her back home mate :woohoo: :woohoo:


    craig evans

    sorry to hear the bad news eagle if you need a chat im here I know how hard and lonely it can get, and its amazeing how many so called friends ditch you when they find out 👿 👿 , that’s first hand exprience :pinch: just remember im only a message or a call away

    that’s an under statement, trailraider, I feel so much lighter now, its amazing how it works, ssssh I even had a teary moment when she walked in the door


    Dwayne O

    Thanx Wolfie & TR,
    Positive attitude is sure the key, that`s what I told her today time & time again,,,

    Just sux having the wait for doctors and tests all the time :pinch:

    All good Wolfie on the offer mate, you have enough to do around your place looking after your own gem mate ;)
    I`ll be waiting till after next thurs maybe for the next phase (may get an opening Tues if someone cancels)
    Here`s hoping !!!!

    Cheers guys


    daniel lewis

    all the best for a full recovery Rachael

    owe thoughts are with you Daniel Lisa and the boys

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