BEWARE If You Ride Alone ,,,,

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    Dwayne O

    A sad story from out near Parkes :(
    Maybe a Spot Tracker would have helped, maybe he already had one,,,, but other riding buddies are a must wherever you ride !!!

    Condolences to the family of this poor bloke


    Ian Kersley

    Chilling story eags couldnt think of a worse to go poor bugger.

    Dont think the spot tracker would of helped if it was bar mounted.

    rip old mate


    Adrian Lee

    Sends a chill down the spine when you read something like this.

    I have been riding alone a lot lately but i must admit that at the pace i ride

    coming unstuck would be a longshot :laugh: :laugh:



    RIP and thoughts to the riders family and friends as well as to the riders who found him as no doubt, they will be questioning, wondering and grieving as well.

    But, as to the situation of riding alone I cannot lie as I do it and I fully know the risks involved should something go (heaven forbid) wrong and I do try to take some level of precaution by ensuring that people know the rough area of where I will be and by having ‘check in’ text message times.

    As sad as it may be, not everyone has people with whom they can ride at the same time, nor maybe who are available to ride the areas, and then of course there are some who simply love the solitude of the lonesome road warrior.

    Again, deepest sympathies and condolences to all involved in this tragedy.



    My thoughts go out to the family and friends of this poor bloke. RIP

    We all have a feeling of being infallible and that nothing major will happen …. but…. this is a reminder that it can happen to any one of us regardless of our skills.

    When riding with mates you get to share the great experiences plus be there for each other at when things go bad. I use to ride on my own only cause I didn’t know to many riders….. now I’ve got many great mates to ride with …and i know if i go down…. I’ll be looked after (that’s after they take a photo)



    Condolences to old mates family.

    As for never riding alone, I doubt there is anybody on this forum who has not been for a squirt on there own.

    Im guilty of this and have done so for over twenty years. Yes it’s better and more fun to ride in groups but some times out of necessity it’s go alone or not at all. Some days I even enjoy the tranquility of being out by myself.

    It’s all about being sensible about where you go and how you ride. Also letting people know where you are going and general itinerary.

    To be honest I would say it is when riding in groups that I take the biggest risks and am more likely to get hurt.

    Either way I know the risks when I venture out for a ride and I’m well aware things could go wrong and I don’t make it home.

    The reality is driving down to the supermarket for milk is probably a bigger risk than riding alone.



    Local paper this morning has the poor rider as being from Shoalhaven Heads near Nowra and stated he was on holiday at the time.

    The article did include a picture of the bike involved but will not mention the make/model out of respects but if people are concerned feel free to message me and I will forward the info in order to allay the fears




    Yes,It’s a sade fact,,,,but if I didn’t ride alone,I would never ride at all. I ride at least weekly and always on my own,I tell my wife before I leave, and carry a phone,,thats it,,but I am always mindful that I am out there on my own,and for the most part ride under my limit,,,,but not allways. I , like most of us ,I’m sure, ride for the fun and the joy of it,,,and it is not a safe sport,,,,,,tearing through the trees and rocks at speed,,shit can happen,,and I love it.
    cheers teza


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    A sad story from out near Parkes :(
    Maybe a Spot Tracker would have helped, maybe he already had one,,,, but other riding buddies are a must wherever you ride !!!

    Condolences to the family of this poor bloke

    Condolences to the family of this bloke.

    Hey Eagle,
    I ride a lot on my own as well as with a group. While I enjoy riding in a group + the safety, there,s nothing like a 3-4 hour after work or w/end on your own nothing planned.Just riding tracks as they come up, exploring dead end tracks & taking others just to see where they end up.You dont stop unless you fall over as there’s no-one to talk to.Usually you turn back once your fuel is close to reserve . totally spent. Lov it


    Dwayne O

    Yeah Joe,,,
    I often ride alone as well :whistle: Thats why I got the SPOT last year ;)
    Just becomes a worry if the unit gets damaged(as did Badbowies on the corner run) or you are unconcious or unable to utilise it because of injury :pinch:
    Maybe the thread title should read “What can happen if” ,,,

    AT least the poor bloke has finally been identified, came from Shoalhaven Heads area and was on holidays :(
    R.I.P mate


    tryhard wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    A sad story from out near Parkes :(
    Maybe a Spot Tracker would have helped, maybe he already had one,,,, but other riding buddies are a must wherever you ride !!!

    Condolences to the family of this poor bloke

    Condolences to the family of this bloke.

    Hey Eagle,
    I ride a lot on my own as well as with a group. While I enjoy riding in a group + the safety, there,s nothing like a 3-4 hour after work or w/end on your own nothing planned.Just riding tracks as they come up, exploring dead end tracks & taking others just to see where they end up.You dont stop unless you fall over as there’s no-one to talk to.Usually you turn back once your fuel is close to reserve . totally spent. Lov it

    For F%$#k’s sake Joe, get a spot tracker, send me and mine a link and turn the bloody thing on. Every time you tell me you went for a ride by yourself I can’t help thinking one day I’ll get a call from Carmen to say you went for a ride and haven’t come home.


    Nick Jackson

    Wise words Lotsa , both STM and I ride alone a fair bit and both have our spots on.

    I leave mine on tracking just as a back up if I’m unconsious and can’t hit the button at least my wife can log on the Spot site and see where I am then send in help .


    Dwayne O

    Yeah, Very Wise words indeed from the man they call LOSTA LOTSA :whistle:
    Luckily, He lived to tell the tale :laugh:

    then he bought a SPOT :whistle:


    lotsa wrote:
    For F%$#k’s sake Joe, get a spot tracker, send me and mine a link and turn the bloody thing on. Every time you tell me you went for a ride by yourself I can’t help thinking one day I’ll get a call from Carmen to say you went for a ride and haven’t come home.

    Yeah I will second what Lotsa is saying, the night we tried to get a search party for Losta when he was MIA sucked big time

    Cheap insurance Joe




    Well I’m not convinced on the spot tracker………Still think its a gimmick thats why I havent bought one!

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