Bike Friendly Pubs, where do you recommend?

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Bike Friendly Pubs & Accommodation Bike Friendly Pubs, where do you recommend?

This topic contains 38 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Woodstock Pub near Cowra, central west NSW area. Great Pub, we stayed there had the whole joint to oursleves reall well looked after food was good as well. Publican allowed camping out the back

    Phone: (02)6345-0262



    Silverton Pub.
    Cabins there now, or else roll your swag out where ever you think you won’t get run over in the morning. Though I haven’t been there since the last manager left…



    Bundarra pub – on the way to Inverell.

    Helped me out when I got a front flat a while back. Good food & pub accom plus a place to lock up the bike overnight.


    Nick Jackson

    Golden Dog Pub – Glen Reagh ( near Coffs )

    Looks after many a rider , trail , road , adv ;)




    Speaking of dogs…

    The Loaded Dog.


    I like this thread. The Royal at Capertee puts on a good feed and doesn’t complain when you park at the door. I don’t think they have accommodation though, pity.


    Scotty wrote:
    I like this thread. The Royal at Capertee puts on a good feed and doesn’t complain when you park at the door. I don’t think they have accommodation though, pity.

    We have stayed there a few times unless its changed recently

    Edit: I just googled it and they do see here




    The Peel inn Nundle, its awesome we have put the bikes around the back. Details here



    Nick Jackson

    That one I can’t remember in Collinsville was a cracker !!

    I think ???? :D



    craig evans

    iron bark hotel stuart town near orange we there every Friday or Saturday nite for dinner, and my place has plenty of space to roll out ere aswell half hr up the rd if you want



    Apsley Arms Hotel had a cracker night there, they have a lock up area under cover for the bikes. The pub roof is strong, they are up to date on their fire standards ;) Up stairs bowling :P We had a great time there didnt we Pete?, Ace? Strucky? We did didnt we :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Phone:6777 2502




    Bellbrook Hotel/ Pub
    Armidale Rd 55km NW of Kempsey
    Have heard they’ll let you drag your bikes up onto the veranda of your accommodation cabins too

    Trailboss wrote:
    Scotty wrote:
    I like this thread. The Royal at Capertee puts on a good feed and doesn’t complain when you park at the door. I don’t think they have accommodation though, pity.

    We have stayed there a few times unless its changed recently

    Edit: I just googled it and they do see here


    Good too know. I went to another pub in the area recently at Cullen Bullen. Won’t be back there in a hurry. When asked if they had food was told they could rustle up a ham sandwich but only had enough ham for one sandwich, there was three of us.



    The one we stayed at at the last Nav ride in Lithgow

    They could not do enough for us,getting everything ready for the night

    What was the name of that pubTB


    King strucky


    Trailboss wrote:
    Apsley Arms Hotel had a cracker night there, they have a lock up area under cover for the bikes. The pub roof is strong, they are up to date on their fire standards ;) Up stairs bowling :P We had a great time there didnt we Pete?, Ace? Strucky? We did didnt we :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Phone:6777 2502


    :laugh: :laugh: that was an awesome night :sick:
    I wonder what Chris Adv is up to nowadays?

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