Bike Territory Ride – April 8/9/10 2011

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    Sorry Roy that post should have read arrive Fri 8/9am



    Righto Boys, I having been sweating razor blades trying to get my bikes brakes sorted in time but it is all done now. Not perfect probably but will get me through. Now I’m starting to get excited. See you on the weekend.

    Friday – 9.30am

    Saturday – 8.30am

    If you turn up any other time we won’t be far away. If you can let me know before Friday I can organise to swing the group past and pick you up. Otherwise on Saturday head south if it’s before lunch and north (other side of the tar from the quarters) if it’s after and listen for the bikes.


    simon burke

    Sorry Roy…gotta work friday and Saturday…:angry:
    Stevos a no goer too…
    next time. :(

    Bol :woohoo:


    Aaron Wilde
    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Sorry Roy…gotta work friday and Saturday…:angry:
    Stevos a no goer too…
    next time. :(

    Bol :woohoo:

    Roy you might have to call this ride an ADV ride to get them back. We can call it the “Ride to Castle Top and Back home to Mummy in time to do the washing up”:silly: You can down grade the ride difficulty to 1. :blink: We will include 150ks each way of black stuff there is one corner that is marked at 45Kph recommended but probably should be 25Kph:ohmy: and there is a little bit of roadworks with 100m of recently formed locally sourced crushed granite:ohmy: Perfect for stretching the legs (Read) capabilities of such a bike:laugh: To your credit Boll you are working and that must come first. As for those who are not working and going on another ride. There will be a ute leaving Tamworth early on Saturday morning with 2 FREE seats NO fuel money accepted. I will tow your trailer and all the rest of your crap. I will not even ask for a thank you. You just have to listen to me bang on like this for an hour and a half there and back…… Maybe it wont be worth it:unsure: I usually get back to Tamworth at 1130pm Friday night so I would have to travel out to Kingswood Moore Creek Road/ Nemingah( like the last one will happen) to pick you up:whistle: What would Cory8 say?????:blink:


    simon burke

    You can sooooooo bite me :huh:
    I have to work you SOB all friday and half of Saturday…which puts me in as a no show for the Bike territory ride.
    I am shitty enough that i can’t go, cause i have riden there before and its awesome riding and you wouldn’t get a better host than Blue. (And Roy is not a bad bloke…for a girl :P )..
    I know you and Snowy pillow talk with each other and think that i have grown a skirt because i bought an ADV bike…but you just don’t understand that i am twice as cool now cause i can ride to all corners of the world (or my post code anyway) B)
    I have been looking forward to this ride for weeks and now my hopes have been dashed :(
    Thanks for rubbing it in Aaron…..i feel bad enough as it is :dry:
    You will keep…next time i ride with carefull..for i have an evil plan hatched for your bike…cue evil laugh 👿
    i’ll ride with my wing man on Sunday now…mustgetonabikeangetdirty :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Was thinking the fact that all you tamworth boys were very quiet was not a good sign. Aaron and Nathan are the sole representatives. Haven’t heard from House so better not blaspheme his name under my breath just yet. Good news is that a smaller group should get more ground covered. Bad news is I will have to curtail my beer intake to ensure I have the energy to cover the extra ground.


    Aaron Wilde

    As I said Boll I understand you have to work which has to come first. As for the ADV thing the dig stands:laugh: The real targets for the spray have yet to realize they are in the firing line. It is only a matter of time:evil: Cue my not quite as cool as yours evil laugh.:evil: :blush: I will make the dig a little more obvious.


    simon burke

    House is doing open houses most of Saturday Roy …guess thats why hes called “House” :huh:

    Bol :woohoo:


    simon burke

    Roy….will there be much riding on Sunday..or is everyone sorta pissing off ?
    If there is riding Sunday i will come..and i reckon i could drag House,Stevo and maybe even Boony along :whistle: (will take abit of work :huh:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Mate, if you are coming there will be riding. There will be a few leaving at lunch time but as long as the teetor totter hasn’t wrecked my bike or body by then I’ll be up for it. Some of the other boys from dubbo (lonnie and co) are die hards as well so they’ll still be there too.

    Don’t ever let it be said you succumb to peer pressure Boll. Will be good to see you.



    Gunna be sweet boys. The rain gods just did their thing and if we are getting it in town Blue will be getting twice as much out there in the hills. Gotta love it when a plan comes together.


    Roy, I hope to be there tomorow morning by 9 am but could be running late as I just got home and nothing is organised and bike still needs some work. Is it quicker to go via Narrabri or via Bingara from Tamworth? My ute isn’t that dirt road friendly so i won’t be going upper horton.


    Aaron Wilde

    If you are not going to go via Upper Horton I would go through Narrabri. At least you can have one last good coffee before going into the wilderness. See you there.


    Aaron Wilde

    Just did the Google maps thing: Upper Horton way is 164Km
    Bingara way is 205Km
    Narrabri way is 224Km
    If you want to check it your self put in Rocky Creek Narrabri, New South Wales as the destination as it is just up the road I think.
    I would still go via Narrabri if you don’t want to mess the ute up.


    simon burke

    Roy…don’t think i’m really a chance…local footy darby the night b4 and its odds on i’ll be crook as a dog :sick:
    i might never turn up…especially since a good mate of mine from Brissy just rang and said he will be down for a beer or two. :P
    have a great ride and give my regards to Blue
    Bol :woohoo:

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