Birthday ride ?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Steve 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #103788


    Christmas is coming up way to quick again.
    So I have to ask what are the Birthday ride plans this year.
    Have a couple o ideas to toss around.
    Will be good to catch up with everone,as there have been f all rides
    in this neck of the woods .




    Details in a few weeks Toes. Plan middle to the end of May time there abouts. Will be fairly central for most this year. Nothing more now, soon ;)




    Any further development on this event. Mid may is not far away…


    I heard its up here in Rockhampton Boony.


    Boony wrote:
    Any further development on this event. Mid may is not far away…

    As you know Boony I am having trouble getting enough people willing to assist at the moment. I have some people that have offered help and am working on a few different options this year. This maybe the first year we do something different. It won’t be May I can assure you, stay tuned and announcement is a few weeks away.




    Any further development on this event.Its allways a great weekend



    OBT I know how you feel.I want to forget my birthday to these days.


    xr torcher

    it looks like we are not haveing a birthday get together this year so need to to over tern the monarch that king struckey has to be over turned he was a nice king but know he is a fully pledged latte sipper he spends more time up side down than on two wheels should not have not went to the other side mud flap was a good judge

    riderx wrote:
    it looks like we are not haveing a birthday get together this year so need to to over tern the monarch that king struckey has to be over turned he was a nice king but know he is a fully pledged latte sipper he spends more time up side down than on two wheels should not have not went to the other side mud flap was a good judge

    Perhaps a conspiracey is at foot so he hold the crown another year :D :D :D


    Dwayne O

    Good luck getting the Crown, Sceptre and Cowhide Cape off him X :laugh:



    I TOES pledge my allegiance to the current King
    With no animosity or chance of revolt from the kingdom of bstbushtracks.
    Although any talk of an uprising must go through the Lord Mayor of Nohope ,As busted as he is.

    Don’t know where you come up with these insubordinate attributes rider x
    :) :):)



    Although!!! the King did spend a lot of time on his back,
    more like a fair maiden than a king.
    Mabey the only fair thing is a vote.
    love democracy .go pauleen.


    toes wrote:
    OBT I know how you feel.I want to forget my birthday to these days.

    Toes we decided to make it a Christmas / Birthday this year because of many reasons these included event location problems, assistance, rides on etc. We choose November because people have family commitments in December. I spoke with people and we attempted to keep major events clear in November but the Nundle ride was put in November because it was the only time the van park was free I am told. There is no point having two major rides in the same month, travel distances and leave passes become a drama for us all. The guys didn’t want to do it in Nundle at the same time, so we will have to push it back again. Then people complain it is too hot to ride so further back we go. We need to raise some money to keep this site free if it’s going yo keep going, it will happen now next year I hope.
    It is now what it is, having organised and enjoyed every one I have been disappointed it hasn’t happened this year.

    To those that have offered help, thanks we will need help when we get a date next year ;)


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