Black license ride

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Gavin Brown 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    jim cady

    Finally got the P plate monkey of my back yesterday after twelve long months of watching the speedo and parked cars on the side of the road.The last two months being extremely frustrating as I had placed myself under a bike riding ban for fear of doing the license in :laugh: so close to the finish line.

    Time is a limited luxury on a Sunday for me, as kid minding dutys occupy my arvos as the other half does a nightshift.So with this in mind I thought that I would still sneak out for a quick one, bike ride that is.

    Put out a call to the Farrier to see if he was interested and he was keen, so a meet up time of 8.00am was agreed upon.
    I got out of the house a little late and it was nice to know that I had a little breathing space due to the absence of the initials P1 stamped on my license.

    Back of the bike looks better without that big red P and funnily enough it goes a bit better too :woohoo:

    Speedboat races were on the river today,so ferry closures were a consideration also 9.00-10.00 and then 11.00-1.00pm not that it was an issue on the way to the Farriers place.

    Arrived to see EZ waiting out on the road ready to go,but whats this, where is the 950 broken,did you say broken EZ :laugh: :laugh: TB will have fun with that :whistle:

    Lucky for him he can pick and choose decisions decisions

    Still couldn’t keep up with him though :pinch: ,thought I may have had half a chance due to him not wanting to lay the big girl over and scuffing her but no cigar.
    It was very dusty up through St Albans common today and added in the mix were a lot of cars leaving the area from a big push bike race the day before visibility wasn’t great.

    The plan had been to go to jerrys for coffee and see what happened from there but in amongst the crowded carpark I spotted another couple of Latte adventurers :laugh: :laugh: sorry boys ;)

    Never having formally met Lotsa despite us both being on the last OB nav ride or Gavb belated happy birthday mate it was great to stumble upon some familiar faces all thanks to the Oldbulls site B)

    All four of us had a good chin wag that lasted for some time leaving little ride time for me as I was on my Sunday schedule and had to be heading home.I ended up scooting back the freeway as the ferry closures
    didn’t allow any more gravel time.

    Not much of an action packed ride report I know but considering the fact I hadn’t riden for so long it was an extremely enjoyable morning out on the bike,thanks guys for making it so.

    Catch you on a ride soon


    Dwayne O

    Nice little sneak out James…

    You can always trust Lotsa & Gav to sniff out a latte and a feed :laugh:
    Ez looks more at home on that 1200 than on the 950 actually,, especially in his latte machine riding gear (looked out of place on the Kato) :P



    Dave Wiggin

    Nice one James.

    It must feel great to stretch the legs of your Ten.



    jim cady

    Don’t let the riding gear fool you Eags,he bleeds orange :woohoo:

    And yes Wigster tis good to stretch the legs,albeit little ones B)


    Yeah good stuff James getting out there Champ!

    Glad that you enjoyed your ride. Will catch ya on the Nav ride mate. ;)


    jim cady
    Lefty wrote:
    Yeah good stuff James getting out there Champ!

    Glad that you enjoyed your ride. Will catch ya on the Nav ride mate. ;)

    Been a long time coming Lefty,

    Will be getting a couple a week in from now on B)



    Good one James

    Gav and I were out for about four hours and only did 15 minutes of dirt, drank lattes and watched all the nice bikes roll in.

    I should buy a BMW

    ChrisT tuned up doing a trail ride and chatted him for a while too

    Not much riding but a very enjoyable day


    Gavin Brown

    It was like a bike show at Jerrys. And its good to always run into someone you know. Nice to meet you guys and good to see Chris again.
    I had a bit of extra time on the way home and did a detour through Duralong and Yambo Forest road emerging at Cooranbong. Spectacular morning jaunt.

    Sorry no pics of latte. :whistle: if a latte is drunk in the forrest and no one hears you drink it. Does it actually count.

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