Blinkers – Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lindsay Petersen 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have been trying to get my blinkers going on my WR450 for a while. It’s probably the most frustating thing about the whole re-build I have done. The bike has never till now from new had blinkers on it.

    After talking to Betta Bikes (who did the stator/electrical upgrade) they suggested a new “variable” flasher relay. It turned up today – was exactly the same as the (new) one on it and still no go.

    i can get the blinkers to light up using the switch by bridging 2 wires (yellow-power/ brown- blinker circuit) at the relay connection but plug the relay in and no go. The 3rd wire (green) apparently is for the indicator dash light (see pic)


    I have tried the standard blinkers as well as the “micro” blinkers currently on it. Same result. – no go

    I am running a vapour speedo with “dashboard) accessory. I am not sure if this is causing the problem. it plugs straight into the standard speedo electrical plug – I know it works because the high beam indicator lights up when flicked on

    Anyhow – any info on what to do next would be appreciated. My electrical knowledge is limited to “I wonder if the light goes out when the fridge door shuts”

    I don’t think – “Yes Officer they were working when i left home” will work forever

    And yes – i do want to run blinkers as part of the Rallye Conversion.

    Linz :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    Still no luck with it Linz :whistle:

    Sounds like a frustrating time there mate,,
    I don`t have much input other than there may be a loose or broken wire somewhere in there…

    A simple test light setup might help to narrow down a fault easier than the multi meter you were talking about the other day ???

    Good Luck with it Bud ;)


    Plinz, when you say you tried with standard and micro blinker did you have the standard on both front and rear or just one end. The flasher can needs a current draw to activate and some need both ends working to activate. Most of the micro blinker and LEDs don’t draw enough current.


    Hi eagle
    Done everything Betta Bikes told me to do – still no go. Got me farked. Short of keep spending money on flasher relays till i find one that works (and thats not going to happen) I am absolutely lost. :blink:

    Bike electrics – Doh!!!!!!!!!!



    Hey Scotty

    Standard front and rear – micro front and rear. They are not LED’s. Like I said both styles light up (continuos) when the relay is bypassed – plug in the relay no go

    Linz :blink:



    What year model just looking t one service manuals


    “07” model – should have put that info up before. As far as I am aware nothing changed till after 2011.

    Got the original bike service manual – no help at all

    The problem seems to be at the flasher relay connection. Not sure where to from here
    Here is a link to what I’ve done to the bike – just in case anyone has a better insight to what will get the blinkers to fire up


    plindz wrote:
    “07” model – should have put that info up before. As far as I am aware nothing changed till after 2011.

    Got the original bike service manual – no help at all

    The problem seems to be at the flasher relay connection. Not sure where to from here
    Here is a link to what I’ve done to the bike – just in case anyone has a better insight to what will get the blinkers to fire up

    Yep no help at all

    Me too sorry cuz


    Are you completely sure the green wire is not an earth wire?


    I had some frustration getting the blinker to work properly on my 08 WR450 recently to get it registered. Mine come on but would not flash at idle on when revving. A blip of the throttle during the text and all good. I would think your upgraded stator would overcome that.

    Attached a copy of the supplementary wiring diagram in the event you haven’t got one. As you said yellow power, brown switch block, green dash light.



    Having a wrong flasher relay could be the problem – not all 3 pin flasher relays are the same.

    Some have 3 terminals designed to be wired like the WR diagram. They should have terminals marked X (for connection of the power), L for connection to the switch and P for connection to the dash indicator.

    Others have terminals marked B, E and L. If you have one of these it won’t work as it is designed for a completely different wiring configuration.

    Hope this helps


    Well – After some phone calls, emails and pics back and forward to Betta Bikes I now have Blinkers that work, a cracker 120+ H4 headlight and a super bright LED rear light. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    It appears that when the electrical upgrade was done (converted to DC) one of the connections out of the stator were still set up for AC. That explains the weak headlight and no blinkers.

    With a bit of cut and shut to some wires with a couple of connection relocations and bingo everything is working as it should

    just got to tidy up the wiring, put it all back together and then off to test it out :cheer: :cheer:

    Thanks to all for the response. With this new found knowledge I’m off to test if the light really does go out when you close the fridge door :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    That must be a relief Linz :whistle:

    Good work on the perserverance mate ,,, Most would have cracked it well before solving it :laugh:


    Hi eagle

    Might of spoke too soon – unless it’s the battery that is farked. (not sure how old it is). Had to kick it over and the blinkers stopped working and the bike kept cutting out at idle. Not sure if it’s a connection problem or the battery. Once the bike warmed up it kept cutting out :angry: :angry: :angry:

    i am seriously contemplating a road trip to Betta bikes in Adelaide to get it sorted. I am absolutely lost as to where from here. Will give the guy’s at betta Bikes a call Monday to discuss whats happening. :blink:

    By the way, I am about to crack it :whistle:



    Sorry to hear this, as you have done so much research/trial and error. :(
    Man, you must really need this blinker system to work.
    This is a WR isn’t it???
    Made for the endeuro world???
    Keep going with it, you will either blow your own fuse
    :pinch: :whistle: or sort it out eventually
    Good luck, I have nothing. ;) KTM Rider, worth a thought. :whistle: Just jokin. B) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Sorry maybe too many :laugh:

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