I USED to give blood regularly, in fact, me and the bride used to make a trip out of it , get a milkshake and come home . Until one day after work I met the bride at the blood bus , I hadnt had enough to eat during the day I suppose , but I`d given blood, had a juice and a biscuit, then when they sat the chair up I went out for the count, felt like seconds but in fact I was in and out for 2-3 minutes, they were on the phone for an ambulance when I came to. made me sit there for half an hour, pumped me full of juice and bisciuts.
2 weeks later I got a letter stating the blood giving wasnt for me anymore , even though i`d given for 10+ years .I got a keyring and a dont come back. Shame really, it was probably a one off , not enough food and big day at work.
moral; make sure you eat before you go and give blood