Bollocks taking it up the Cape

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    On Monday Bollocks,House and Gerro left tamvegas to ride to the top of Cape York. Cheating the flew to Cairns before getting on bikes. In his usual legendary fashion Bollocks destroyed a DRZ on the first day.

    They were last heard of at the Coen hotel and given the lack of communication since then they have either been eaten by crocs, are still at the pub or less likely are continuing with the ride.

    The full ride report will be epic.

    Boll asked me to ensure everyone knew he was having a great time and he didnt care that we were all at work. Mentioned something about peasants.


    Nick Jackson

    Your a legend Bol :D hope your having a ball mate !!!

    Can’t wait to see the pics :)






    thats all I have so far- they are in reverse order


    Nick Jackson

    Awesome pics!!! And a bent bike in true Bollocks style !!




    Thats gold, true Bolls style :laugh: :laugh: Love the Cape been there twice its awesome ;) Oh and the best part, Snowy posting in the Adventure section at last :P

    Thanks for sharing Snowy



    Dwayne O

    Good onya Bollocks ;)
    Great trip up there ,,,

    And this thread just goes to prove that Snowy resides in the same ADV Lovin` Closet as Boony :P

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Good onya Bollocks ;)
    Great trip up there ,,,

    And this thread just goes to prove that Snowy resides in the same ADV Lovin` Closet as Boony :P

    I submit in my defense that my original post has been moved!!!!!!!!!


    Dwayne O
    snowy09 wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Good onya Bollocks ;)
    Great trip up there ,,,

    And this thread just goes to prove that Snowy resides in the same ADV Lovin` Closet as Boony :P

    I submit in my defense that my original post has been moved!!!!!!!!!

    I see no evidence of that at all on my end Snow :whistle:
    All points to you hanging your head out of that shrinking closet I`m afraid mate 😆


    Please say you moved it.


    Dwayne O

    No chance Snowballs !
    And nor will I moderate or move it from it`s current location :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Let go & embrace your new found freedom of speech mate :)


    I shall forever more remain mute

    (in this category)


    Just heard from bolls. Apparently not as crash fit as he thought. He has fractured his clavicle. But on the good side gets to ride in the truck and get on the turps.


    Dwayne O

    Kind of surprised he didn`t fake an injury on Day 1 of the trip to get into the truck & on the turps :laugh:

    On a serious note,
    Hope you heal quickly & the break isn`t too bad Bol .



    Bugger. Least he’s still havin some fun drinkin :woohoo:


    Quote from bolls: where did it happen ?

    Old telegraph track.15 kn from camp.hit a tree.had to double on a bike.that fuckin hurt.pain killers and piss.should be ok

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