Bollocks taking it up the Cape

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #258865

    Ahh! Not good Boll. :( enjoy the rest of your trip mate.

    Cheers, Lefty


    simon burke

    Finished the trip :cheer:
    sore as a bastard :sick:
    sitting on liberty beach overlooking the torres straights drinking tinnies ;)
    Awesome trip.full report when I get home :)
    Bol :woohoo:


    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Finished the trip :cheer:
    sore as a bastard :sick:
    sitting on liberty beach overlooking the torres straights drinking tinnies ;)
    Awesome trip.full report when I get home :)
    Bol :woohoo:

    Legend ;)


    simon burke

    Cheers for the kind words…up yours to the smart arses :P
    Snowy did an xray for me yesterday..a clean break so no surgery or plates :cheer:
    downloading photos and vids today…this bloody ride report will take forever..left letter at a time..i think I need a PA :blink:
    Adventure ride report Snowy ??? HaHaHa :laugh: :laugh:
    Bol :woohoo:


    Where is this report Bol you bonehead


    menace wrote:
    Where is this report Bol you bonehead

    Yeah, where?



    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Finished the trip :cheer:
    sore as a bastard :sick:
    sitting on liberty beach overlooking the torres straights drinking tinnies ;)
    Awesome trip.full report when I get home :)
    Bol :woohoo:

    I’ve heard of the yard glass, but filling an aluminum flat bottom boat with beer is a whole new level! :silly:

    Hope ya heal in time for nundle!


    simon burke

    yeah yeah…it’s coming :P
    here’s a teaser :cheer:

    Its going to be an epic ride report. Just waiting on Gero’s and Houses photos and vids .. so I don’t miss a thing.
    Will be posted in trail ride report section so Snowy and Menace don’t have to read it in the out door dunny with the lights off :P


    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Will be posted in trail ride report section so Snowy and Menace don’t have to read it in the out door dunny with the lights off :P

    Sorry Bolls I will be moving it to where it belongs because that is what it is :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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