Boof head of the week (how sweet it is, payback that is)

Home Forums General Bike Talk Boof head of the week (how sweet it is, payback that is)

This topic contains 29 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 13 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #211493
    micknmeld wrote:
    Yes, I am a qualified mechanic, not an auto electrician, although fitting a KTM530 blinker inside the rusted out blinker on the Nissan’s bull bar is a work of art!

    Mate i am glad your not any form of sparky as they are a very special breed of people in them selfs


    micknmeld wrote:
    Hhahahhahah Good one TB, last time I tell you anything!! It is all good though, I am just happy that the lights are working now! Didn’t I feel like a goose when I pressed the button on the dash and the shed lit up!!

    I do take offence to the under maintained line though. It gets serviced every 5000km which isn’t always every year as the Nissan doesn’t get driven all that much, hence I clean forgot that the switch was on the dash, as I had it in my head that the Driving lights were hard wired straight to the high beam.

    Yes, I am a qualified mechanic, not an auto electrician, although fitting a KTM530 blinker inside the rusted out blinker on the Nissan’s bull bar is a work of art!

    I will stick to the under maintained I have seen and driven it :huh: that fact that you take offence is just a bonus :laugh: :laugh: there is more to maintance that a service :P Mechanics should be able to trouble shoot driving lights, electricans do way more :laugh: but lets not split atoms thats neither a electrican or a mechanics job :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for the laugh mate, I have done heaps worse myself :P



    Mick D

    A far as mechanical Faux pas go that one is minor in the grand scheme of things. I pumped 20 litres of brand new oil into a gear box of a dozer that didn’t have the drain plug in and it all soaked into the dirt. My old boss was a bit pissed about that one.


    Dwayne O

    So much for not telling us anything anymore,,,,
    That lasted about 2 minutes :P :woohoo:


    Mick D
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    So much for not telling us anything anymore,,,,
    That lasted about 2 minutes :P :woohoo:

    It is OK Eagle I will tell you blokes but not that Bloody TB….:laugh:


    Peter Horn

    Damn funny TB!
    As for STM, enjoy it while you can Mate, you’ll get old ‘n crusty too one day, in Mick’s and my defence (as fellow old farts!!), it aint ability that stops us after dark, its just that … well as you get older openning hour slips a little earlier in the days activities to the point where driving after dark is just plain illegal. You only need driving light for those intricate little bike repairs that involve bright light, like fitting decals etc… ;)

    Hey TB i need more emoticons, I want one for this little speil with a walking stick, hat, white hair and thick glasses!
    Ineeded one the other day of one with a straw hat and a corn cob pipe, think i might have mentioned Nundle people in that bit of text …. :whistle:


    Matt Baker

    I was pouring some diesel into my truck a few years ago and thinking to myself, hmm this is some soapy looking diesel (like it sometimes is). Turned out that it was soap, well truck wash anyway, 20 litres of it.

    Found out about 2kms down the road when she was blowing bubbles out of the exhaust stack :laugh: :laugh: (not really it just stopped)

    Turns out truck wash works best on the outside of your engine and truck!


    Nick Jackson
    Corey8 wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Yes, I am a qualified mechanic, not an auto electrician, although fitting a KTM530 blinker inside the rusted out blinker on the Nissan’s bull bar is a work of art!

    Mate i am glad your not any form of sparky as they are a very special breed of people in them selfs

    I’ll bite :D

    We are a very special breed mate , a breed that saved you and your brother pushing a Drz out of a very nasty gully ;) :D


    Nickj wrote:
    Corey8 wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Yes, I am a qualified mechanic, not an auto electrician, although fitting a KTM530 blinker inside the rusted out blinker on the Nissan’s bull bar is a work of art!

    Mate i am glad your not any form of sparky as they are a very special breed of people in them selfs

    I’ll bite :D

    We are a very special breed mate , a breed that saved you and your brother pushing a Drz out of a very nasty gully ;) :D

    Our sparky at work is a special breed, we had problems with the refueling ute, the fuel pump kept stuffing up on us so our special sparky had a look at it, after pulling everything apart someone pointed out that there was no fuse between the battery and pump, too easy for our special sparky and it was all fixed.
    While refueling the digger the pump shit itself so we took a look under the bonnet, Ahhhh yep there’s your problem right there, the house fuse off an old switch board screwed in the engine bay just wasn’t doing the job.
    He’s so special he should wear a stack hat everywhere he goes.


    Mick D

    Further to the recent turn of events that lead to this thread being posted.

    1 x 5 pin relay, used once. :laugh:


    micknmeld wrote:
    Further to the recent turn of events that lead to this thread being posted.

    1 x 5 pin relay, used once. :laugh:

    And being that it is sharp Mick that has it for sale it will be slightly more expensive then when he bought not because he likes to make a profit but because the relay has experience ;) can’t put a price on experience people :P



    Mick D
    Trailboss wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Further to the recent turn of events that lead to this thread being posted.

    1 x 5 pin relay, used once. :laugh:

    And being that it is sharp Mick that has it for sale it will be slightly more expensive then when he bought not because he likes to make a profit but because the relay has experience ;) can’t put a price on experience people :P



    Funny post that one TB, made me snort out loud in the office. B)

    $13.95 RRP


    hey Mick,
    can you please refresh my memory on why TB was once a boofhead of the week ;)

    and any other OBters while your on a roll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (ahhh, the cat story, that was a classic day in history) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    I got up at 4am in the morning as we had an intruder in the house, I crept thru the house to front him and jumped around the corner yelling into the kitchen in the dark to be confronted by an excited 5 year old ready for his first day at school :laugh: :laugh: :blush:

    Mick may have the article, he sent me a copy Salina has it somewhere I will see if I can find and scan it. Naturally being in the media he tells the story heaps better :P


    Iva wrote:
    Hey TB i need more emoticons, I want one for this little speil with a walking stick, hat, white hair and thick glasses!
    Ineeded one the other day of one with a straw hat and a corn cob pipe, think i might have mentioned Nundle people in that bit of text …. :whistle:

    Ask and you shall recieve

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