Boxing day jews

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 1 month ago.

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    Bit late but here are a cupple fish we caught





    Mick D

    Gee they are big ugly bastards!!!……………and now I think about it, so are the fish.



    Mick you beat me to it, but yes they are ugly Bastards…..poor fish imagine getting hooked up in the water and then having to dragged out into a boat and then look at these monsters. I bet the fish died of a heart attack.

    Big fish Man. I never have got one like that, but then I dont go fishing if the boats not big enough to ride my bike around it, for when I get bored fishing:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Maybe thats why I dont go fishing:P



    Now that is a big fish! I got offered to go fishing yesterday but passed up for a day at the beach/pub instead :laugh: If fish like that were on offer I may have been interested for a laugh.

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