Breakin in boots

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    Dwayne O

    Hey guys,
    Any tips on how to make the breaking in of boots process easier or quicker ???? I don`t like the chances, apart from getting out on the KLX with em on, which sounds ok to me :)
    I didn`t slurge on $$$$ as funds are a bit tight, so I got ANSWER “FAZERS” a 200 model runout special from Ballards. $145 with free socks :woohoo: They will do me to get into the sport! FAZER_BOOTS.jpg



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Hey guys,
    Any tips on how to make the breaking in of boots process easier or quicker ???? I don`t like the chances, apart from getting out on the KLX with em on, which sounds ok to me :)
    I didn`t slurge on $$$$ as funds are a bit tight, so I got ANSWER “FAZERS” a 200 model runout special from Ballards. $145 with free socks :woohoo: They will do me to get into the sport! FAZER_BOOTS.jpg

    awsome buy mate! I found if you rub plenty of dubbin in it softens them up a bit,dont let them dry in the sun is another good tip,they should last you a few years



    Peter Daniel

    Nice looking boots, especially for the price 😆

    I have recently purchased a new set of boots, They are middle range Berik’s

    To be honest with you i think there is no easy way i walked around in mine for hours before riding in them. They still hurt like hell to ride in for 2 or 3 rides though.:angry:

    But my kankles were safe


    Dwayne O

    Hey Ollie,
    Is “dubbin” the leather cleaner/softener stuff ? I think it sounds familiar.
    I walked around in them a bit this arvo, think I might wear em to commute for a few rides to work. Definitely don`t wanna wait to hit the trails in em as stiff as they are !!!
    Thanx for the comments guys.



    yeah mate thats the stuff!! it also waterproofs them,I just remembered spray a bit of WD40 on the buckles also after a wash. and last but definatley not least Bandaids/elastplast on the heals for the first few rides:laugh:



    Dwayne O

    Cheers mate,
    I`ll try all of the above, HA HA



    Yeah dubbin is the go. I use it all the time on my footie boots, makes them nice and supple :)


    Dwayne O

    The boots are goin fine, taking some getting used to as I have been wearing em to commute to work last 3 days of the week. Got sick of wet socks mon & tues I can tell ya. Might look funny wearing em on the road but I don`t give a s%@t, my feet were dry & warm. HA HA



    Get a few mor rides in and you won’t even notice they’re on your feet. Did you get some dubbin for them?


    Dwayne O

    No Moto,
    No Dubbin yet, the missus had this other leather conditioner/waterproofer shit that I sprayed on a couple of times. They seem to be softening up already, No blisters as yet either, but I haven`t got any long rides in. It is only 20k each way to work.



    I didn’t get blisters with my boots, it’s not like you’re walking all day in them. You should get some dubbin though, it is definately the best stuff I have ever used to soften leather. It has a grease like texture, but if you rub it firmly into the leather you can feel it getting softer as you work it in. It will be much better than a spray that just coats the surface :)


    Dwayne O

    Cheers moto,
    I reckon you are right, I will look into it :) Still finding my way with the gears etc:blush: :) :laugh: takes a bit of getting used to.



    I had the same issue, kept pressing the rear brake lever without meaning to. I still keep hitting it updown a gear here and there. But that’s mainly because I can’t ride a bike. I will get a longer ‘Hammerhead Designs’ gear lever at some point :)


    Dwayne O

    😆 😆 😆 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    You reckon u can`t ride a bike, wait till ya see me out there !!!!!!!!!!
    I`m sick of selecting NEUTRAL, & the KLX even has a f#*%@#g light for that :laugh:



    I hit Neutral up one of the better hills we rode on Saturday and just about survived. it was tough and go for a minute though!

    Might need to change the gear oil?

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