Breakin in boots

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This topic contains 24 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 4 months ago.

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    Does’nt matter how good or bad you ride with this bunch of blokes you still have a ball:silly: and practice makes perfect;) just look at me im havin a great timeB)



    Tiny wrote:

    Does’nt matter how good or bad you ride with this bunch of blokes you still have a ball:silly: and practice makes perfect;) just look at me im havin a great timeB)

    Tiny ol mate you were riding like a champion on Saturday;) I watched you go by when I was cornerman on the main rd you wound the throttle on full and the big 610 sounded Horn:woohoo: :woohoo: I could tell you were havin fun:laugh:




    Everyone rode well it was the best ride period, the skill level was great see where we went and everyone got through with no drama, come on lets do it again tomorrow



    There is a thing you can use and it is better than dubbin. it is called neatsfoot oil, and it conditions leather from the inside and not the outside like dubbin and the rest, you will get better penetration of the hide from the inside as well so be careful of over-treating, I usually throw the whole jar in a sink full of hot water to make it real runny, I then pour the entire contents into one boot, slosh it around real quick and the pour out of that boot into the second one, slosh around quick and then pour out and back into the original jar, you will start with 500 mls and end up with about 100 mls at the end. You will have smelly socks and feet for a while but the boots will stay hard on the outside and be softer around your feet on the inside, you also only have to do this once for the life of the boot.



    Nice Tip Dave, karma for that mate.

    Thought I was in for a talk after my kato spray this arvo, nothing?




    Trailboss wrote:

    Everyone rode well it was the best ride period, the skill level was great see where we went and everyone got through with no drama, come on lets do it again tomorrow

    Mate some of us have to work!!

    Tinys trail and the Koala track were pretty good even Gili said it was the awsome,we will be going there again soon.

    cheers ollie



    TB the three kisses did it for me mate, to tell you the truth I went out to put a set of new bars on the youngest bike and came back a little bit later and shit had hit the fan , I love it, but its all good,what model katie did you ride and race



    Shit stretching it here, 1984, or 1986 KTM 250 cross country, white in colour, left hand kick start, got some photos somewhere of me racing it.
    It blew up twice, clutch always dragged, but I had to have it when I bought because Phil lovett was wining everything on them ha ha ha

    I enjoyed riding Motos, but please dont tell anybody or when I stir the pot they wont bite

    Hows the holders coming along/



    Nick Again

    Met an Old fella once when I was a kid( 100yr ago :(), he was a drover in his day, he used to rub the grease( fat) from the pork roasts into ALL his saddles, bridles etc. Being an animal fat, the leather will soak it up quickly and make it supple as well as waterproof too. ( can get a tad smelly, works if cash is hard to get). With the Dubbin/pork fat, leave the boots in the sun to warm up abit, then apply, it’ll get in a bit deeper.



    In the UK we have things called airing cupboards that house the hot water boiler system for the house heating (radiators). They make a great place to stick your boots in when you’v put the dunnin on, they supple right up :)

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