Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

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    Why does the rats bike have a small exhaust & he calls it Betty:kiss: :whistle:



    Trailboss wrote:

    Go away Dave you idiot, you have no grounds with which to speak, only one of your KTMs has completed one ride in 8 months, the other still has a cracked head or the likes doesn’t it. :laugh:

    So its still standing still isn’t it? and Betty stood for how long 10, 12 months.

    If that doesnt quieten you I withdraw and you are right :blink:

    Hey TB since Betty Has been Back (whats that 3 weeks ago???)I have done over 1000km(and 2 tyres) on her I am doing a full service before the weekend, Mate it is Back and you had better warm the humble pie



    Ktmrat wrote:

    Hey TB since Betty Has been Back (whats that 3 weeks ago???)I have done over 1000km(and 2 tyres) on her I am doing a full service before the weekend, Mate it is Back and you had better warm the humble pie

    That’s fighting talk if ever I heard it:ohmy:



    Pie whats the pie for, whos eating pie, lets eat pie at the end of the 4 hr pony express, Betty and the Tractor can dance there.

    Nothing more from me here Dave




    I cant dance I just prance



    I’ll beat all of your retarded asses when I race at the ironman and win. You are old too old and decrepid to think about coming close to me. Not to mention you are old and fat. Look at TB and moto, who are they going to beat, the kids!

    As for KTMRAT and his pathetic attempt at a motorbike. I’ve see ladies with better beards than his and they could have stayed on a bike.

    The squirrel IS watching you.



    squirrel wrote:

    I’ll beat all of your retarded asses when I race at the ironman and win. You are old too old and decrepid to think about coming close to me. Not to mention you are old and fat. Look at TB and moto, who are they going to beat, the kids!

    As for KTMRAT and his pathetic attempt at a motorbike. I’ve see ladies with better beards than his and they could have stayed on a bike.

    The squirrel IS watching you.

    Yes I would expect you to like ladies with beards, you would like them even more if they were fully covered in fur I bet



    squirrel wrote:

    Look at TB and moto, who are they going to beat, the kids!

    Maybe not, but I’ll be in front of you! That or I’ll roost on your furry little head, bring it on!!



    squirrel wrote:

    I’ll beat all of your retarded asses when I race at the ironman and win. You are old too old and decrepid to think about coming close to me. Not to mention you are old and fat. Look at TB and moto, who are they going to beat, the kids!

    As for KTMRAT and his pathetic attempt at a motorbike. I’ve see ladies with better beards than his and they could have stayed on a bike.

    The squirrel IS watching you.

    You gotta get past the scrutineer yet fur ball:laugh: :laugh:



    Updated list- Dont Know how many of the Wingham Core will be coming now, with this rain they have gone up into Pole Dump

    KTM Bull – KTM 525
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520
    Rosco – KDX 200
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah blah
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls)
    KTM Rat – KTM 576
    Steve (wingham) -KTM 530-out ?
    Syd (wingham) -KTM 530- out ?
    T-Rex (wingham) – KTM 200 – out ?
    2 others from wingham(confirmed)- out ?
    3 others from wingham(not confirmed)- out ?

    Finza – WR450
    Tucky – Old steel framed dunger 250 blue crap

    Down to 11 or 12 now I think

    Strucky is out, decided he needed to test the floaties at home- Honda riders



    MickG wrote:

    Where there is water usually means there will be mud so there wont be any KTM,S out riding this weekend u know they dont like to get dirty.

    Cant see your name on the list:unsure: :unsure:



    Ok the rain dance worked way to well and im nearly flooded in so i hope it eases some so i can get out to Bago



    GL puddles wrote:

    Notice how all the KTM riders are pulling of the ride. must be scared of a bit of water

    Is this what happend to you pussbag



    KTM Bull wrote:

    Ok the rain dance worked way to well and im nearly flooded in so i hope it eases some so i can get out to Bago

    Of course it worked well, you asked for a pole dance after the first rain dance remember, so it is obvious she will do anything rather than a pole dance, tell her you dont want the pole dance anymore and we will be good to go, the rain will stop



    GL puddles wrote:

    Why does the rats bike have a small exhaust & he calls it Betty:kiss: :whistle:

    At least I can do that to a bike and still respect it in the morning, with the blue camp its all regret the next day:P

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