Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

This topic contains 124 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David 16 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #122453


    KTM Bull wrote:

    GL puddles wrote:

    Notice how all the KTM riders are pulling of the ride. must be scared of a bit of water

    Is this what happend to you pussbag

    He is very tired and must go sleepy sleepy, poor baby, he rides a blue dog anyway, he would not lke all the puddles out there, whats the GL stand for Mate??
    Come on tell us, dont be shy



    GL puddles wrote:

    Ktmrat wrote:

    GL puddles wrote:

    Notice how all the KTM riders are pulling of the ride. must be scared of a bit of water

    Typical yamaha rider, I will have to speak slowly, the other guys are going to the big boys playground because of the rain, they want to ride serious, do you want to put ya money where ya mouth is and move the ride up to Pole dump where the big boys are playing:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thats cool Mick , but you are a trojan(not the condom) and I will half expect you

    or even easier Mate,Puddles, they don’t want to play in the easy playground called Wauchope, now that its wet and slippery they want to go to the big and harder hills:P :P

    Your only speaking slowly because has I have said before KTM riders have half of there brains missing.
    Whats the big boys playground is that where the swing sets are for you to play on & mummy comes & wipes your snoty nose.
    Money where my mouth is do you need me to buy you a set of floaties to or do you want me ask strucky for his pink ones for you.
    No new tyre will help you. you will still fall of & come home crying at the end of the day because you have an ouchy:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If mummy can handle the Cells and E-lands in the wet Mate, I am with her, you can stay here in the flat lands coz it might be a little slippery for the crapaha:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:



    one Kawsacky the rest KTM what happend to all the red n blue heros



    So is it raining good up your way boys? It hasn’t stopped for a couple of days down here. I hope you don’t mind getting wet :)



    KTM Bull wrote:

    one Kawsacky the rest KTM what happend to all the red n blue heros

    Their colors might run



    How’s black betty going get on i9n the mud mate. All that power, slippery conditions and a rider prone to crashing?

    Our prayers are with you :laugh:



    Moto I only tell you guys I crash to not hurt your egos



    Updated list

    KTM Bull – KTM 525 – maybe flooded in but keen
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520 – maybe flooded in and broken bike
    Rosco – KDX 200 –maybe flooded in but keen
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah blah scared cat -out
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls) out
    KTM Rat – KTM 576 – Keen to go(1 more sleep)
    Strucky on his Honda 400 out
    Finza – WR450 Too Wet, I am staying in bed
    Tucky – Old steel framed dunger 250 blue crap I am in bed with finza
    Mickmeld -XR630 (if he gets a leave pass)
    itsagas – gas gas- Flat battery
    Tony KTM 520 keen
    Greedy KTM 525 keeeeeeen

    Down to 5 guys
    4 KTM’s
    1 Green mean machine

    No Hondas or Yamahas to be seen
    :) :)



    count me in boyz!!!! (if I’m not flooded in too)…

    hey Bill….I’ll give ya $500 for the Katie after ya stack it…
    that goes for you too Davo!- (even though your bikes more thrashed!!!!)



    hypoman wrote:

    count me in boyz!!!! (if I’m not flooded in too)…

    hey Bill….I’ll give ya $500 for the Katie after ya stack it…
    that goes for you too Davo!- (even though your bikes more thrashed!!!!)

    Hypoman welcome back to oz, are you realy going to bring the big 600
    hope so we will look after you and make sure you make it to the end



    Speak for yourself Bull I will turn around and run him over:)



    now now be nice its his first ride in ages



    Yes I will behave for 5 mins



    Ktmrat wrote:[color=][/color]

    Updated list

    KTM Bull – KTM 525 – maybe flooded in but keen
    Ole Mate 520 – KTM 520 – maybe flooded in and broken bike Whats this Broken business
    Rosco – KDX 200 –maybe flooded in but keen
    Puddles – Blue Sh#t box 400 something blaah Why is his bike a Sh#tbox when ist not broken like the KTM a couple above
    4 others – (we are working on them to become Old Bulls) out
    KTM Rat – KTM 576 – Keen to go(1 more sleep)
    blah scared cat -out Strucky on his Honda 400 out
    Finza – WR450 Too Wet, I am staying in bed Sounds smart to me
    Tucky – Old steel framed dunger 250 blue crap I am in bed with finza
    Mickmeld -XR630 (if he gets a leave pass) Bit hard Dave he is working tonight, from 3 in the arvo to 2 the next morning
    itsagas – gas gas- Flat battery
    Tony KTM 520 keen[color=][/color]
    Greedy KTM 525 keeeeeeen [color=][/color]

    Down to 5 guys
    4 KTM’s
    1 Green mean machine

    No Hondas or Yamahas to be seen
    :) :)

    Have fun guys, look forward to a ride report




    The 525 isnt broken i pulled it to bits as it was my old bike and has some 10,000km + on it and is in need of some bull mods to the engine,and it had a bald rear tyre – tread

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