Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Broken Bago..Wauchope Feb 15

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    Thats right Bull it is need service not broken down, I thought it was a Yamaha or Fonda



    its stopped raining in port!!! 11.05pm…



    Cant sleep hey Hypo



    stoped here too B)



    Rat check pm


    Moto wrote:

    So is it raining good up your way boys? It hasn’t stopped for a couple of days down here. I hope you don’t mind getting wet :)

    mate, can you bring some of that very rare stuff called rain down with ya on wednesday…

    we need it to put out some fires still…

    there are kids in melbourne that have never seen the stuff.




    Noooooo im flooded in no ride for me i will have to get the hover craft kit for my bike
    try to send some rain to mexico but it seems it dont like it down there anymoore


    Mick D

    Tell me the silly bastards aren’t out in the bush!!! I got up at 5.30 and it was flogging down and it still hasn’t stopped.I reckon we have had an inch or two of rain over night.
    If they are out there riding in this weather,that is hard core.!! Or a bit silly, one of the two.



    dont think it happened i cant get out kdx 200 on the trailer with my bike and the owner of the kdx was sitting on the other side of a flooded bridge at 530am:( :(


    Mick D

    Yeah, I don’t think the boys were that silly. I just went past the meeting place and no sign of the boy’s cars. Good thing I think, as the SES boys are running around all excited about it flooding, as we are forecast for a heap more rain during the week.



    my phone was still on O/S time so no alarm this morn! looks like Im stuck in Port & cant get to my bike anyway. hey bull- is the creek still over? if not ill do a food run…



    hypoman wrote:

    my phone was still on O/S time so no alarm this morn! looks like Im stuck in Port & cant get to my bike anyway. hey bull- is the creek still over? if not ill do a food run…

    Still over will go and check soon ill call you after



    Well ‘ I sorted the Men from the Boys this morning let me tell you. It was wet, what started out as a day with 23 riders ended up with two, The wingham contingent left the boring flatland’s and went for the slippery stuff of the cells as soon as it started to rain, they have been waiting for the wet for months to go play in the real hard core hills, next Bull and his following gets flooded in, I got a distraught phone call from him and he was near crying, I do believe he is in his shed designing a bike/car flying fox system as I type.
    I also got a message from itsagas saying the Gas Gas wont go go because the battery was flat flat, I said sorry sorry:laugh: :laugh:
    The next drop out was Greedy 525, playing with his trees or something, so I found myself there with 1 other mad bastard, Tony on his 520.
    We had a blast, as I started getting by the time I was putting my padded shorts on I was drenched, and I still had 25 mins of dressing to go, I was totally soaked to the skin by the time I threw the leg over her, what a ride we were in for.
    We set off at 6.40 and were back at the car and gone by 9.30 and we had 76 kms on the clock, my favorite conditions are wet and today was a sweeeet sweeeet day, you could flick it any way at any time and the grippiest parts were running rivulets in the lowest points of the ruts, all the slop has been washed to the lowest points and they had super slipperry written all over them, knock it up a gear and haul through, I am looking in the hard parts catalog for a 7th and 8th gears, too many times I was sideways wanting another gear, with none to be found.
    It was so good going from slightly slippery to super slippery back to slight, on our feet the whole ride and into it. Tony who has not ridden his 520 for over 12 months was a sight at one stage, he was trying to pass me and I heard him trying around the outside so I went to close the door on him and he was past, sweet sideways and gone, I could not believe after so long off the bike he goes straight back to the full wick, bring it on Ya Da Man Mate, The amount of water at the bottom of the gullies was deep enough in some that there was no alternative but to go around, but we did go through 3 or 4 that were so deep I thought I had gone too far and would lose the bike.

    Betty performed flawlessly all day and lapped up the treacherous conditions, I am so glad that the S12 was on the front, as far as the Moto-oz, well it is hard to tell and I think it is not a wet anyway.

    I am so sore in the upper chest and the Hammies, I did not push too hard today and did not get off the bike so all the sore is just conditioning or lack there of.( no falls Moto )

    Wetter the Better….you guys at home nice and dry do not know what you missed, I hope the rain stays for another 2 or 3 months.

    The best thing about these conditions is the bike is almost clean just from the drive home in the rain,
    Sorry Bull you guys could not make it, I had so much fun I am thinking of going back out this afternoon or tonight for a night ride in the wet, I have some guys from Kempsey lined up and may do it later, I will report on that tonight if we go, I still have half a fat from this morning,

    :laugh: :) :laugh: :) :laugh: :) :P :laugh: :)









    good one guys,
    thats great you got the ride in so all was not in vain…
    hope some of this makes its down to menace and his kindred, put some fires out…

    good ride KTMrat and tony….

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