Bulahdelah Ride 30-31 August

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Bulahdelah Ride 30-31 August

This topic contains 41 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ron Birrell 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Boze wrote:
    mongo wrote:
    Is it still a goer……keen as off to get a rear tyre..

    We had a couple drop out and some more added so now I think the ride is full. Mongo, Craig & Dom your on the list.

    YES Mongo and all the others this ride IS still ON.

    Just about to load me truck up ready for a fast get away after work

    Bring it on :woohoo: :woohoo:

    fast get away :laugh: KTM on a trailer


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joP_wlLnfvA the creeks will be up, watch out for bolders


    I will put up some YELLOW arrows on cabagetree road so you wont get lost.


    Matt Jones

    hey guys

    Craig has pulled out work issues

    Cheers Matt


    Wayne Drew

    hi guys
    sorry for the late notice but myself and Leon are not going to make it :(

    have a good ride and will look forward to the ride report



    drewy wrote:
    hi guys
    sorry for the late notice but myself and Leon are not going to make it :(

    have a good ride and will look forward to the ride report


    Sorry you guys cant make it, next time



    Going to have to give it a miss tomorrow fellas , boss has asked me to work and with all the wet weather we have had I need the hours



    Well we went but the rain stopped the ride. didn’t stop the purple liquid 😆 😆 :sick: though :blink: :silly: :blink: :woohoo: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
    I forget what that stuff was. It took nearly half a day to recover. :sick: :sick: Nice to meet you all. :)

    (note to self stop mixing drinks) I don’t normally wipe me self out like that before a ride :unsure: see you on the next one. Buzz and I are keen to come back. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    normally have vids of the ride but only got some on the nights festivities quickest ride report ever.





    Bloody east coast lows :(

    This ride was at last minute postponed :( It rained constantly from 2am Saturday so when everyone awoke it was mmm what will we do. With the week of rain already in the hills it was going to be an interesting ride/slide. We waited for a good while and the rain still didn’t stop so we postponed it for a later date.



    :( :(

    Next time



    I gotta thank all that did turn-up :) :)

    Duey, Jamie & I went for a quick lap through Nundle today now we got dirty bikes :) :)


    Sorry guys, I have no control over the weather! Thanks for putting in the effort! Next tine


    Ron Birrell
    storky wrote:
    Sorry guys, I have no control over the weather! Thanks for putting in the effort! Next tine

    All good Storky, now we know where to go for next time

    Cheers Buzz

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