Camping ?

This topic contains 34 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #201139

    micknmeld wrote:
    aido wrote:
    All you pricks have ruined my thread and confused me more.

    Start another thread Aido. Try a different title though. As soon as you mentioned CAMP, Boony and TB where all over it…….:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You mean were all over it Dev :huh:

    Buy a swag Aido, buy an expensive one I have had cheap and expensive, expensive better.


    LC4skin wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    No fester My Mamma is long past needing a body bag. The reason I asked is, we where looking for enough waterproof material for TB’s new GIMP suit. :laugh: :sick:

    :laugh: alright so thats it eh :huh: should I have a cry now like you and post up

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    Thread Hi-Jack 😆

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    If Boony hijacks a thread you jump down his throat?

    But I guess its fine for you

    C’mon LC, you have been around long enough to know there are 2 sets of rules around here….

    TB will always find a way to justify himself, somehow…
    and usually at Micks expence :whistle: :P



    Gday all,

    Since the topic is on swags or tents the obvious can be said that swags are bigger and warmer then tents, but too hot in warm months and to big at times for bikes if you use a matteress in them. Tents are too cold unless you have a sweet sleeping bag. In the end i have a simple formula i go with. If i go riding i use the tent in the attached link, this has proven itself in torrential wet season rain in Nth Qld, and kept me dry with only minor condensation within it. But this has to be teamed up with a sleeping bag. At the same time take into consideration because i do, that if you do sleep in a small tent after riding and most likely having a few or many brewskies, you wont feel the cold that much. Dont get me wrong you will still feel it, just not as much.

    cheers ryno

    BTW the tent packs up to about 400mm by 130mm dia, including poles. It works for me.



    Hey Ryno, nice input mate. We have a camping Adventure bike thread you may wish to add it into the camping section, some pictures etc and your thoughts we would appreciate it



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