Cape York July 2012

This topic contains 108 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    Nick Jackson
    Trailboss wrote:
    Big thanks to Ace for sending us his sat phone to loan it’s a cracker. Have it on charge and will get a pre paid sim and up and working on the drive up to Mackay, actually it will give Jacko something to do while we travel and listen to both sorts of music B) I may actually head of Wednesday now and do the first leg early, ummmmmm


    Your stereo won’t make Mackey it I’ve got to listen to Slim Dusty for 16 hours :blink:


    Have a great trip TB…. will be watching your SPOT with envy… be safe………thanks for all your help in getting us ready for APC… will ensure we write a ride report of this weekends ride so it will feel like you were there….

    Have a wonderful time.



    craig evans

    have a safe and enjoyable trip ,i want to take the family back up there to see how much things has change since when i use to work up there 15 yrs ago. what a great way to have a birthday tb happy bday to mate


    KatGirl wrote:
    Have a great trip TB…. will be watching your SPOT with envy… be safe………thanks for all your help in getting us ready for APC… will ensure we write a ride report of this weekends ride so it will feel like you were there….

    Have a wonderful time.


    Cheers Kat, enjoy the ride this weekend and watch that big crossing after Hillend :unsure:

    I will log in next week to read your report and see how you and Amy go



    wolfie wrote:
    have a safe and enjoyable trip ,i want to take the family back up there to see how much things has change since when i use to work up there 15 yrs ago. what a great way to have a birthday tb happy bday to mate

    Thanks Wolfie I am interested to see how its changes since I was there 8 years ago. Cheers for the B/D wishes



    simon burke

    Have a great trip guys :cheer:
    Ride safe and drink plenty…you lucky buggers B)
    Will be watching the spot with interest :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Nice list of things to take, will go to school on that.

    Noticed one thing missing though…………Cable ties. They can be priceless sometimes.

    Enjoy the trip fellas, will be watching with great interest as a group of my mates are planning the same August 2013!!!


    Nick Jackson
    XT600 wrote:
    Nice list of things to take, will go to school on that.

    Noticed one thing missing though…………Cable ties. They can be priceless sometimes.

    Enjoy the trip fellas, will be watching with great interest as a group of my mates are planning the same August 2013!!!

    Well spotted XT but I keep them in my bumbag as standard trail tools so I didn’t list them individually , as I didn’t list spanners, t bar , sockets etc :) And as an electrician I use them for everything :D

    Are you joining your mates on their cape ride next year ?

    If not I think you should consider it , I can’t wait now !!! :woohoo:



    Amy Harburg

    See ya Guys, Have an amazing and safe trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it later.

    As Kat said, we will keep you posted about our ride on the weekend.


    Flying Fish


    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    Big thanks to Ace for sending us his sat phone to loan it’s a cracker. Have it on charge and will get a pre paid sim and up and working on the drive up to Mackay, actually it will give Jacko something to do while we travel and listen to both sorts of music B) I may actually head of Wednesday now and do the first leg early, ummmmmm


    Well, Have a safe trip man and Happy Birthday on your way up ;)
    What a pressie :whistle: Awsome

    Keep us in the loop & see ya all on your return guys B)



    Thanks Nick,

    Will be part of that crew heading North, have similar criteria as you guys, so we will be watching with interest AND envy!!!!

    I like the idea of skipping across to Fraser as well, so will suggest that we try and fit that in.

    Enjoy the journey guys.



    Have a great trip Guys and ride safe. :woohoo:

    Lefty ;)


    Enjoy your ride guys!! I will be watching the spot trackers with interest. :)
    Will put the bladders in letterbox Thursday morning early for you TB.
    Ride safe and take lots of pics. B)



    Cheers Boulder will be at your mailbox about 7 am

    Day off today, load bike, load gear, last shop and relax



    Whattya mean we leave tomorrow!!

    Best I extractum digitum and finish getting organized. Or should that be start getting organized!!

    At least it is too wet to work today, wonder if I can con Kath into packing for me? Worth a shot!

    Bring on NQ and some warm weather.


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