Care packages

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alyssa 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #101624


    After the news of another one of our troops has been killed while serving our country it got me thinking about care packages, for those that don’t know about this, the care packages can be sent by anyone, even if you don’t know anyone in the defence force, it’s just a way of giving them some well deserved support.
    Whether you think they should be overseas fighting is irrelevant, these people are doing there job, and bugger me if it isn’t one of the hardest jobs you can do, these guys and girls might not agree with why they are over there but they do it to protect us so we can get on our trusty steeds and roost this great country.
    So over the next week I am going to put one together and send it off.

    Here is some info that I copied from another site.


    The parcel
    • must be 2kg or under, and
    • must be the size of a Bx2 Australia Post cardboard box or smaller,
    • must not contain aerosols, batteries or other goods prohibited in the post,
    • must be accompanied by a customs douane,
    • must be posted by someone who has a photo identity (drivers licence).

    Australia Post carries the parcel free as long as it is under 2kg in weight and under the size of the Bx2 box from anywhere in Australia to the AFPO in Sydney.

    If you have several magazines you can send them bundled together for free, wrapped or packaged, clearly addressed, with douane etc, as long as the bundle is under 2kg.

    The Post Office is aware of the parcel arrangement with the Department of Defence.

    Sending to Afghanistan
    An Australian Soldier
    Op Slipper
    AFPO 13
    Australian Defence Force
    SYDNEY NSW 2890

    for the dog handler and his helpmate
    An Australian EDD Handler
    Op Slipper
    AFPO 13
    Australian Defence Force
    SYDNEY NSW 2890

    Sending to East Timor
    An Australian Soldier
    East Timor Operations
    AFPO 61
    Australian Defence Force
    SYDNEY NSW 2890

    Sending to the Solomon Islands
    An Australian Soldier
    Solomon Island Operations
    AFPO 62
    Australian Defence Force
    SYDNEY NSW 2890

    Messages to the Troops
    Russell Offices
    Department of Defence

    fax: (02) 6265 1099
    fax from outside Aus: +61 2 6265 1099
    email: messagestothetroops*at*

    Suggestions for care package contents for service troops in combat zones
    Send a letter with an email address and/or a self addressed envelope, no stamp required, so the troops can reply.

    Ask about their living conditions and if they have fridge or microwave available to them then it is easier to know which food items to send, but do not worry if they do not use something troops have been giving it to the chaplain or another unit to pass out to others that might need it.

    NO HOMEMADE Food items unless you know the soldier as they get thrown away.
    If sending liquid or food products, place them in a snap lock bag in case of leakage
    dried fruit
    drinking choc (individual sachets)
    easy mac
    individual small cereal boxes
    individual ring pull tuna cans or sachets
    long life milk (small packs)
    microwave popcorn
    microwave rice (reject shop $2)
    oatmeal (individual sachets)
    pepper (individual sachets)
    powdered energy drinks
    salt (individual sachets)
    sauces & condiments like mustard etc (individual sachets are good, ask Macca’s if you can have some and why…)
    spices – to go with lamb/goat for example, rosemary, garlic, thyme, greek spices
    sugar (individual sachets)
    tabasco sauce
    trail mix
    twisties (can also be used as packing in spaces in the box)
    wasabi peas
    aftershave (they complain they smell)
    air fresher (non aerosol sprays & the cardboard card ones)
    baby wipes (bulk & travel size)
    cotton buds
    deodorant (non aerosol)
    foot powder
    hair conditioner
    hair shampoo
    inner soles
    lip balm (chap sticks)
    razors (NOT the real cheap ones like Bic! Personally I use Schick and I’d only send those, we don’t want them cutting/slashing themselves to shreds!)
    shaving cream (non aerosol)
    soap (normal & travel size)
    socks (black & white)
    tissues (medium & travel size)
    toilet paper (one roll in a box)
    toothbrushes (sometimes)
    if female troops then add the following
    female hygiene products
    gel or hair spray (non aerosol)
    hair ties
    hairbrush (only send 1)
    Misc & entertainment
    blank cards (for troops to send home)
    board games
    board games (some marines have a wonderful photo of them playing twister)
    book (try not to send romance novels)
    cheap dvds please write on cover & disc in permanent marker “Aussie troops property” to avoid theft
    drawing paper
    footballs/basketballs (and a pump)
    magazines (nothing rude)
    music CDs (Please write on cover & disc in permanent marker “Aussie troops property” to avoid theft)
    other sporting goods
    playing cards
    poker chips
    sport sections of newspapers
    tennis balls (if you have tennis courts nearby you can buy second hand balls cheap – I got some from the University tennis courts $1 each, Slazenger and other brands)
    writing Paper
    NO Alcohol to be sent to any troops
    DO NOT SEND CLOTHING except socks

    What not to send:
    Aside from and in addition to any items prohibited by Australia Post and the destination country, the following are prohibited to be sent to AFPO13 Operation Slipper:
    clothing other than socks
    magazines with naked women
    any religious materials

    Has anyone else done this ?

    Do any old bull have family in the defence force ?

    It would be cool if we could load our troops up with Old Bull care packages :woohoo:




    What a great idea
    First time i had heard about it was at chrissy,
    It was suggesting care packs for the dogs and handlers
    We sent a few packs away and love the idea of it

    they all do an amazing job for us and our country,
    are away from there family and friends

    so let me know if you do the packs
    Stephen and i will throw in some $ or just allocate what stuff you want us get

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