Catch me if you can!!!

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scott bocking 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    I love riding technical single track, I’m not fast or slow but I do find that most people spend longer picking their bikes up than me. I’m not saying that super skilled but I love a bit of a challenge. I ride a DRZ400 and I carry minimum a of equipment ( but I do bring esentials/ tools etc).

    I live near Byron bay and I have 200 hilly acres to practice on.

    I also ride a Suzuki GSXR 600 ( road ), Honda TL250 1974 & montessa 315r.

    I also ride a 500 cc Suzuki Quad and about another 5 bikes on top.

    I am dead if my wife ever looks in my shed or reads this.

    I run my own removals company and can have days off when I please so if you find yourself in my area and fancy a ride just message me.

    Cheers Gordo’



    Welcome aboard bloke. No wife should be in the shed. Go the trusty drz






    Nick Jackson

    Hi Gordo ,
    Welcome to Old Bulls , we do a lot of single track riding around the Yamba and Coffs area so keep a look out for a ride and jump in ;)
    I also ride a Drz and it’s a good mount although it was a heavy bugger on Evs tight singles last sunday !! Check ot the Coffs 18/9/11 ride report ;)

    Catch you on the trails soon




    Gday Gordo,Whats the riding like up that way?Is there state forest or private?i is there alot of single track?
    cheers ev


    Mick D

    Hey Gordo, welcome to OBT, you’ll gain plenty of mates around here, seeing as though you ride a 400cc Banana. They are the people that secretly would own a XR650 if they had an electric start, so they are all reasonably good people.
    Thanks for the intro.


    Adrian Gale

    Classic intro. Enjoy the ride my friend. ;)



    There is loads of tracks up here. I wouldn’t be able to show you all the legal tracks within 20kms of my house in a weekend of none stop riding.

    My favorite track start about 100m from my house and is a 15km fire trail through rainforest, with waterfalls and abandoned houses. It is red clay, so great fun in the wet and is very rarely used by anyone except me so it is basicly like my own track.
    If you want to come up and have a play just PM me your phone number and we’ll work something out.

    ( This invite is to anyone by the way, I’ve got a spare room and a beer full of fridge ).

    Cheers Gordo’



    Probably right. I was looking for an XR650r, but I came across the DRZ for the right price and to be honest 10 years ago I was a Honda man, but now I think they have become complacent ( my curent three best bike are all Suzuki, GSXR600r, Vincen 500 Quad and DRZ400e and not realy out of choice. There is no doubt that the DRZ could use a bit more power but we just have to make up for it with more skillfull riding technique.

    I’ve just come back from Cape york and the DRZ was the only bike that didn’t need anything ( beside tighten the new chain after 800kms ) doing to it.
    I road with a XT600 ( Carby problems ), KTM ( fuel pump problems ) and a xt660z ( small things needed keeping on top of and the owner drowned it in a river crosssing )

    Cheers Gordo’


    Ian Kersley

    Giday and wellcome to obt Gordo . Got an offspring near there . Maybe mite get up there for ride one day when you slow down enough for someone to catch you but that intro has put out a challeng . Im old and slow so it wont be me and i ride a DR without the z . cheers bones



    That was my intention with the title. He he he.



    Bruce Curtis

    Hello Gordo…
    single track addicts up here too, there’s a regular group of us from Grafton to Brunswick…….
    the invite works both ways… we have oodles of forest round Casino-Grafton to get lost in and single track heaven.

    Bruce Cee


    Welcome aboard Gordo

    You are surrounded by plenty of Old Bulls and some great riding so keep an eye out for upcoming rides.

    Enjoy the site.




    I hope you all realise that you are going to be hounded from now on until I know all your tracks.

    Cheers Gordo’


    Bruce Curtis
    gordonmichaellee wrote:
    I hope you all realise that you are going to be hounded from now on until I know all your tracks.

    Cheers Gordo’

    Only if you live to 150 years old……

    we find new ones/make new ones every ride

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