CCR….coffs coast report

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Dudes View B)

    Had not decided to do this ride uptil the night before. :ohmy:

    The weather was cool and wet, why not go. ;)

    Friday arvo ride was a bit dusty down the back but was cool temp and had a nice time riding through the bush. ;)

    Sat morning ride was led by Lee the dude who owns a motorcycle shop at Grafton and was a nice lad,. ;)

    Did some hills and it started to rain which was great for dust not so for vids :huh: :cheer:

    Sat arvo after the able inn lunch was led by STM and rode around for a few more hours. ;)

    Had a fun weekend, thanks STM and the north coast crew. :)


    Richard W

    Great to see so many riders turn up for this ride. Turned out to be another awesome OBT weekend.
    I tried my best to keep up with the bling riders and get some video so hopefully it looks ok.
    Thanks to the lead riders and sweeps for getting us out there and back with a smile.


    Adam Rodgers

    Thanks STM for hosting us again :woohoo:

    A special thanks to Lee for leading Saturday morning whilst STM worked :pinch:

    The light rain only made it more fun and with cool temperatures conditions were perfect :woohoo:

    Thanks Dude for sweeping Friday and Saturday morning and Pikey Saturday arvo :cheer:

    I had a lot of fun and thanks to the rest of the crew for that B)

    Bring on the next big ride :woohoo:


    Dickie wrote:
    Great to see so many riders turn up for this ride. Turned out to be another awesome OBT weekend.
    I tried my best to keep up with the bling riders and get some video so hopefully it looks ok.
    Thanks to the lead riders and sweeps for getting us out there and back with a smile.

    Cracker edit Dickie. How good were those conditions on Saturday arvo! Absolutely primo.




    Thanks boys had a top weekend great riding and conditions,
    well done with the vids Dude & Dickie
    Good to see Nick drop down for a couple of coldies on Saturday night
    Awesome job STM


    Richard W

    From Saturdays ride.
    Slowed the video down to 20%
    Nice recovery.



    Sat arvo edited.


    To all the boys who fronted up to play tour guide for us . :woohoo:
    I had an absolute ball. Best ride in a long time. B) The tracks were almost graded compared to what i normally play on. :pinch:
    DICKIE that step out was in one of the down hill sections. :blink: It felt big .. :S . You almost got the stack of the year cause i wasn’t going slow…. 👿 but there again none of us were :woohoo:

    To everyone who missed out better luck next year. 😆

    G Mac



    Looks like a top weekend was had there boys B) Thanks for the report n vids :cheer:

    Cheers Teza.


    simon burke

    Great report guys :cheer:
    Looked like a cracker of a weekend B)
    Welldone :)
    Bol :woohoo:



    I agree Bolls ,

    great report and once again Scotty has gone over and above, ,great OBT spirit STM,, ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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