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This topic contains 34 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 14 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #176795

    And thanks Scott ;)



    Going by the pics you guys have put at least one of these together, did you have any issues? Mine took a few trial fits to find a top ring/bottom ring rotation alignment that was close to lining up the connection tabs and all of the bolts had to be lightly threaded prior to tightening because it had to flexed the tabs to line up.

    I’ll probably get a bit of weld run along the tabs to stiffen it up for the long haul too.



    It shouldn’t need welding AB, mine has done a ton on work and never even needed tighten after it was first assembled



    Mine needed a little fudging and encouragement to put together, but it seems all good now though :P


    Mick Pilgrim

    Got my tyre changer this morning and it all bolted together OK.
    Just leave the bolts loose till you get them in place then tighten em up.
    Just looking for a tyre that needs changing so I can try it out. :silly:




    mickp wrote:

    Got my tyre changer this morning and it all bolted together OK.
    Just leave the bolts loose till you get them in place then tighten em up.
    Just looking for a tyre that needs changing so I can try it out. :silly:


    Bring down to my place Mick, I agreed to fix some wheels for an Mayor who shall remain nameless, he has my spare wheels on loan cause they fit his bike. So yeah mate I will de lace them for you and have them done and rebuild the wheels for you being that I am a nice guy. The ARSE turns up with tyres on expecting me to strip them as well lazy bastard couldnt even take the tyres of to help :angry:

    Short story Mickp there are tyres to do at my place ;)



    Mick Pilgrim

    Sorry TB, a bit far to drive. I’m not that keen.

    I’ll give Lotsa a call. He offered to bring around a six pack for me last time he wanted a tyre changed :woohoo:



    Trailboss wrote:


    I agreed to fix some wheels for an Mayor who shall remain nameless, he has my spare wheels on loan cause they fit his bike.


    give it up TB, you will never get those rims back :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    possession is 9/10s of the law hey Mick :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Mick D

    menace wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:


    I agreed to fix some wheels for an Mayor who shall remain nameless, he has my spare wheels on loan cause they fit his bike.


    give it up TB, you will never get those rims back :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    possession is 9/10s of the law hey Mick :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah they’d be the same rims and hubs he lent to me saying in the same breath “Oh the hub is flogged out and the bearing just flops about a bit,they did 28,000,000 km on my bike,just use some shimming steel and some bearing glue and it should be right.”Ended up costing me close to $100(mates rates) to get the hub machined and fixed proper,now they are fixed he is busting to get them back. :ohmy: Any wonder I am dragging the chain. :laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:

    Yeah they’d be the same rims and hubs he lent to me saying in the same breath “Oh the hub is flogged out and the bearing just flops about a bit,they did 28,000,000 km on my bike,just use some shimming steel and some bearing glue and it should be right.”Ended up costing me close to $100(mates rates) to get the hub machined and fixed proper,now they are fixed he is busting to get them back. :ohmy: Any wonder I am dragging the chain. :laugh:

    Oh you just opened up a can of whoop arse on yourself you PEANUT, easy to tell you work in the news industry your reporting skills fit right in :laugh:

    Firstly you wanted the rims right wrong or indifferent and I told you they had a flogged bearing hole but you wanted a look and send them anyway so I did then there was some methods of fixing yes

    The repair cost you nothing, it was also $89 that your work sorted out NOTHING CAME OUT OF YOUR POCKET FOR THE REPIAR and I offered to pay for remember

    I have never busted my arse to get them back and as you know have gone to a lot of trouble for you to continue using them remember 3 weeks back with all that I went through so you could continue using mine because you like the look of the black rims :huh:

    Speaking of your rims and arses once I do the work and sort yours out and repsoke them and have the rims done I will shove yours up your f*$king arse :laugh:



    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    The repair cost you nothing, it was also $89 that your work sorted out NOTHING CAME OUT OF YOUR POCKET FOR THE REPIAR .BULLSHIT,I paid his advertising bill with our company and I offered to pay for remember.I dont remember that conversation


    Oh hail the new king of truth bending. :laugh: Mate you could get a job in politics with the way you can present your version of events (BTW you spelt repair wrong) ;)



    micknmeld wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    The repair cost you nothing, it was also $89 that your work sorted out NOTHING CAME OUT OF YOUR POCKET FOR THE REPIAR .BULLSHIT,I paid his advertising bill with our company and I offered to pay for remember.I dont remember that conversation


    Oh hail the new king of truth bending. :laugh: Mate you could get a job in politics with the way you can present your version of events (BTW you spelt repair wrong) ;)

    Oh you pecker head, of course I offered to pay for a repair to my own hub who wouldnt ;)

    Now speaking of paying, before this goes back on topic

    Your invoice will read :laugh:

    Strip tyres of wheels $20

    Strip hubs and rims for Anodizer $30

    Storage for spokes and hubs $20

    Clean spokes and nipple threads for reassembly $12

    Deliver and pick up rims from Anodizer across Sydney $50

    Cost of having rims anodized You sort out ;)

    Reassemble and true wheels $130

    Refit tyres to wheels $20

    Misc materials $20

    Hire of black rims for 3 months $220

    Repairs to black rims after you broke a spoke $10

    Delivery of black wheels to you in Wauchope $50

    Delivery of your rebuilt wheels to Wauchope $50
    Discount for you $0.00

    Total $532.00

    Now as I said months ago I am happy to pay the $89 :P



    Mick D

    Thanks for the fun I dont remember was I doing air filters ha ha Back on topic,those tyre changes at that price are a good buy. Grab me one when you are on your way up here next.



    Will do Mick, when assembling the unit like Mickp said leave all the bolts loose until they are all started then happy days



    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    Will do Mick, when assembling the unit like Mickp said leave all the bolts loose until they are all started then happy days


    You can assemble it for me,even if I get it right you’ll say I did it wrong. :laugh:

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