check the treddly out

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    how fast is he ahh he washed the front out :laugh:!



    You have got to feel sorry for him. He smashed that other blokes time through the technical stuff, he almost beat it after having a stack that’s how much in front he was.

    You get fooled watching it though, thinking why did he push so hard in the easy section when he had it in the bag. Made it feel to me like a rookie mistake. Then I punched myself in the head and realised at the time you don’t know if you are in front and you have to push hard.


    Mick D

    It certainly is some impressive riding. Those bloody push bikes are treacherous things. :laugh: I have had more trips to hospital off pushies than off motorcycles. :S



    Poor bugger at least he’ll know he had the wood on the others in the hard stuff. How big is the sport gettin now. I was out ridin with me nephew a few months ago and we took a wrong turn (dodgy sign posting) when there was a down hill pushie event on in the Watagans. We started from the bottom and started goin up their course and I’m thinkin this ain’t right cause there was all these nicely made berms and little brigdes and shit. I then looked back at my nephew and he is just carvin the shit outa everything. That’s when i’m thinkin lets get outa here. So we keep goin up and I’m lookin for a way out and I start seein people who looked a little pissed off comin down towards us wavin their hands. By this time I notices a track of to the side and decided to go for it. We made our escape but hadta ride back down through the car park where we recieved alota death stares.Again I looked back and the nephews on the pegs doin stand up wheelies and hangin the arse out and generally being a rat. We ended up stoppin a few keys down the track and I said to me nephew what was the go with ya goin the rat on the pushie track and he just said “what” and gave me a dumb dog look like he did’nt realise.


    Mick D

    Good point Dusty, I make a special point to avoid what I know as pushy tracks here. There is certainly some sweet stuff out there because of the hard work the MTB crew put in and I am sure they wouldn’t like the XR in there blowing their berms apart. Some of their little bridges are probably not weight rated for an XR650 either.
    That being said, we as a group have a responsibility to get along with all the users of the bush and respect their right to be there as well.



    micknmeld wrote:
    That being said, we as a group have a responsibility to get along with all the users of the bush and respect their right to be there as well.[/quote]

    I hear ya Mick. I reckon “each to their own” because we are all different so who am I to judge. :laugh:

    I just stuffed up down the bottom but I thought the sign was directing us up the hill. We were on a main thoughfare at the base of the Watagans and I know that track very well and than there was this detour :huh: Anyway hopefully they got the signs sorted cause I certainly did’nt want to be ridin on their course or piss em off. :silly:



    cant see what the big deal is,,I always go flat out down hill and look like I am out of control and then crash…!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:



    Mick D

    Boony wrote:

    cant see what the big deal is,,I always go flat out down hill and look like I am out of control and then crash…!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


    You do that on the uphills and flat trails as well Boony :laugh:



    that my man is called consistancy ;) ;) ;) ;)
    But I do manage to avoid being drowned around puddles, you should learn that trick :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Mick D

    Boony wrote:

    that my man is called consistancy ;) ;) ;) ;)
    But I do manage to avoid being drowned around puddles, you should learn that trick :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Yep,I obviously put to much trust in my ride buddies at times. I do however, have a long memory and a vengeful nature ;) :laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:

    Boony wrote:

    that my man is called consistancy ;) ;) ;) ;)
    But I do manage to avoid being drowned around puddles, you should learn that trick :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Yep,I obviously put to much trust in my ride buddies at times. I do however, have a long memory and a vengeful nature ;) :laugh:

    that was the funniest thing i have seen for a while, you pulling up soaking wet and water dripping off your helmet,and the was not a cloud to be seen :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Must have been a PEPTIDE !

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