check these bone heads

Home Forums General Bike Talk check these bone heads

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 16 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #94852


    Mick D

    No comment. I have been known to kick start XR600’s in thongs on a regular basis.
    But I am a trained professional. “Here, hold my beer and ya’ll watch this!!!



    We always laugh about “hold my rum and watch this” ha ha


    Nick Again

    There was A Husky 610 in this event. Anyone got an idea on how well it did or didnt go? Dont make me sad here, just want good news…ok?


    Mick D

    Hey Husky, Have you bin on tha cones or sumtin??You got ya posts in the wrong sections. I presume you was Talking about the Finke? Dunno how the Husky went.
    I saw that guys posts on TT so maybe in the Husky section, over there the info may be available??????

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