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This topic contains 40 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 15 years ago.
November 23, 2009 at 7:00 am #162379
i still hate cats
November 23, 2009 at 7:20 am #162380we all take a different track in life and end up where we are one way or another. ya can tell what a bloke’s like when ya meet him. if he’ an arsehole being an imagrant ain’t gunna change much. he’s still an arsehole. but if he’s a good bloke i’ll have beer with him no worries. we are all pretty lucky to live here at this time and age. i don’t care where ya come from as long as ya fit in and don’t get involved in criminal and other bad shit.
politics and religion ah ollie. they get people goin mate
November 23, 2009 at 7:22 am #162428I think this has turned into a healthy debate with different perspectives from both sides of the coin. I have pesonally been involved with the interception and arrest of many illegal immigrants, spending months at a time doing circles around Christmas Island is definatley no fun at all. These people probably do have a crap time in their home country and will do almost anything to get out.But what gives them the right to jump on a boat and jump the Que ahead of thousands of others? Then demand that they be landed on Australian soil :angry: Some of the people that we have picked up were certainly not poor. When these people do get refugee status where do they mainly go? Sydney and the other major capitals thats where,not in the country where they are needed. The majority do not want assimilate and fit into our ways at all,they are the minority and expect everything to be given to them. Im no politician and I am definatley not racist,but when my Kids cant eat a ham sandwich in school for fear of being beaten up,thats when it takes it in the ar#e! What is happening in the UK,France,Sweden and Germany is an example of what could happen here.
Oh well thats my rant im gonna have a Pork steak.
November 23, 2009 at 7:37 am #162381yeah ollie i agree with ya that they should wait their turn. it would be like pushin in at the bar mate ….not good form and could end in a blue.
November 23, 2009 at 7:37 am #162431keep them in sydney i reckon we don t need them i like living in an australian part of australia ps this discussion is about illegal immagrants not immagrants
November 23, 2009 at 7:56 am #162432I’ll ask again.
If you were the minister for immigration what would your solution be ?
It’s easy to say dont let them in but it goes deeper than that. Am interested to see what other suggest we do.
Me personnaly, I dont have an answer other than what the pollies are doing now and treating each case on its merits.
P.S I didnt vote for this goverment either.
November 23, 2009 at 8:15 am #162437Jak as mentioned previously I am no Politician. Personally I would be taking the hard arse stance and let it be known that Australia is no soft pushover.Come in legit or dont come in at all. Ie sent back to their country of Origin. Thats just my view and personal opinion. Worked for Singapore. If you do come into Ozzy you must assimilate,you must learn English and you must do the things the Australian way,this is our Country and they are just guests. No freeloaders and everyone must work.This crap about family reunion is well just crap,sure come over,have your visit,then jump on your 737 and go back! easy
just my opinion
November 23, 2009 at 8:48 am #162443Ollie wrote:
Quote:Jak as mentioned previously I am no Politician. Personally I would be taking the hard arse stance and let it be known that Australia is no soft pushover.Come in legit or dont come in at all. Ie sent back to their country of Origin. Thats just my view and personal opinion. Worked for Singapore. If you do come into Ozzy you must assimilate,you must learn English and you must do the things the Australian way,this is our Country and they are just guests. No freeloaders and everyone must work.This crap about family reunion is well just crap,sure come over,have your visit,then jump on your 737 and go back! easyjust my opinion
Your right Ollie. And this is one solution. But can you really compare Singapore to Australia in reference to life style, policing and law. Singapore still has an active death penalty for drugs.
November 23, 2009 at 9:03 am #162455yeh mate not saying they are perfect,but for such a small country they dont take crap from anyone. I love Singa’s
November 23, 2009 at 9:27 am #162457Ollie wrote:
Quote:yeh mate not saying they are perfect,but for such a small country they dont crap from anyone. I love Singa’sOllie
Fair call. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
November 23, 2009 at 9:58 am #162460
AnonymousWow, what a difficult issue!
I love issues like this because I can always see both sides of the story and I wonder if I ever really had to make a binding decision in regards to, say, this issue what would I do.
Thankfully I don’t have to make that decision and hence I mitigate that responsibility by deferring it to the politicians that I vote for.
On one side I agree with Ollie because of the financial burden that it places Australians because of the increase in taxes that we have to pay to support them as well as the loss in jobs for other Australians because the refugees will work cheaper than union rates.
However on the other side if I ever came across a child who I knew that if they were returned to their country which would mean certain death or worse I would do everything in my power to stop that from happening. Like DanD says this is an example of hypocriticism.
I am not saying this to offend anyone I just don’t know if there is an easy answer.
Another thing that I wanted mention – did you know that during the global financial crisis that one of the Governments ways of reducing the impact on Australians was to increase the amount of immigrants that we allowed into Australia? This actually allowed organisations to employ workers who did actually work for less so that they could stay afloat. I know that doesn’t sound right because they have put Aussies out of a job however the organisation may have laid off say 8 Aussies in order to save the jobs of 300 Aussies.
Obviously however that can’t be a long term solution but for me it was interesting to know that it was one of their policies and the effect of it.
November 23, 2009 at 10:21 am #1623821)Go to bunnings buy a hammer for that cat that keeps rearing its ugly head
2)Shoot the birds
3)give the bird cage to someone u don’t like
4)Fill the boat up with diesel send the illegals back to there own wharf (or sand bank)and say hooray
5) let those that want to follow the right channels and wait in line to become migrants do so when we are ready to let them in
6) In my opinion we are full we hardly have enough fresh water to sustain what we have living here now
November 23, 2009 at 10:27 am #162383PS
its funny that no one voted this goverment in that is so trigger happy with the chq Book
except my bloody mother in law
thats not a crack at u either jak
its just a common phrase lately
someone did??
November 23, 2009 at 11:12 am #162467KylieD wrote:
Quote:Another thing that I wanted mention – did you know that during the global financial crisis that one of the Governments ways of reducing the impact on Australians was to increase the amount of immigrants that we allowed into Australia? This actually allowed organisations to employ workers who did actually work for less so that they could stay afloat. I know that doesn’t sound right because they have put Aussies out of a job however the organisation may have laid off say 8 Aussies in order to save the jobs of 300 Aussies.I also know the State Govt. still has an employment freeze on. No Gov depts are allowed to employ people to replace or fill new vacancies.
That screws me because I got moved, it now cost me an extra $200/week in extra travel time and fuel.
The immigrants deserve to work, fair enough, the gov does employ them indirectly as contract cleaners etc and says it wants to make all school kids finish at year 12 so they have a better chance, but they still have to pay off their uni debt sooner or later, assuming they dont get sick and have to rely on Medicare.How do you decide if someone is really a refugee deserving of a fate better than death if they are sent home, if they never had ID where they came from?
But until that decision is made they must be treated with some respect but also as if they are a terrorist trying to establish a new branch of “we hate infidels” in the great southern land.As for an Aussie ship picking up hitch hikers in Indonesian waters, simple, drop them off for the Indo’s to deal with, it’s their water after all, we did them a favour.
The Gov is such a tight arse lately it surprises me they dont send an invoice to Indonesia for the cost of having the ship out of its normal service for so long.No Bob, I did not vote for this Gov. I have a policy of not voting for the major parties as I think they are as bad as each other, the only way to keep them honest is to vote for independants or smaller parties with a policy that ‘promises’ what I actually value and need.
Last time I voted for the Shooters party, sounds radical but if you actually read their policies they are definately not radicals, they actually have good ideas about lots of things, like having the right to ride in the Watagans (not specifically).And you’re right about another thing Bob, I have to use rain water from my tank to keep the vegie patch going, only allowed to use town water for a total of 2hrs a day and only 2 days per week, and I cant even choose which days they are. (point 6)
November 23, 2009 at 11:20 am #162478Bob wrote:
Quote:PSits funny that no one voted this goverment in that is so trigger happy with the chq Book
except my bloody mother in law
thats not a crack at u either jak
its just a common phrase lately
someone did??
I’m with Beemer in that i dont vote for the major parties. I dont really follow politics at all and have no interest.
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