Cleaning out the Poo – A bit Political ….But

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  • #162489


    seems like we all have a differing opinion of the lovely people attempting to sneak into our beautiful free country,,

    My 2 bob worth is that asylim seekers should not be reconised unless they come with skilled labour attached.

    no family reunions and that other crap dont count, and kick them off the bloody ship ,WTF is this leaving the customs boat anchors of indonesia whilst they make up their mind regarding the inevitable,, probably a ploy to keep a boat out of action so their bro`s could sneek past and try to gain entry.

    Anyway i recon we start the dirt bike party and we vote Micknmeld for prime minister cause him got the knowledge cause his a mayor. B)


    Bruce Curtis

    I did and i do poll booth work for whomever is the more honorable, but i usually don’t like to sit on the sidelines when the biggest game in town is going down, ain’t my style, still remember my Grandfathers and fathers words, “well if you don’t like it boy do something about, otherwise you’re just another whinger sitting on his barstool”.




    I mostly agree with Ollie. It’s mostly the not the really poor people that get on these boats, remember there passage isn’t free, they buy their space on the boat and in doing so create a whole ‘illegal immigrant’ system that cuts out other, potentially more deserving, people from their own country. Are these the sort of people that you want to have in Australia or anywhere else?

    Having said that, I’m not against people being given a chance in another country but they should have to work for it and the system should be fair, in particular to the citizens of the country that are letting these people in.

    My annoyance with the situation was that one day the manager of our soccer team brought a young Afghan guy to training. He was an illegal immigrant who was waiting for a decision on asylum. It’s bad enough that he’s free to roam around but he was a nice young kiddie so we all took him and shouted beers and chips after training every week for a couple of months.

    At the time I had a good job earning a over double the national average wage but could not get a house loan as I couldn’t afford the repayments by myself. I could not get assisted or ‘council’ housing as I earnt too much. So I was in a ‘no mans lad’ in terms of property but still paying 45% tax every year.

    Now, one day this kiddie comes to training super happy saying he has been granted asylum. I was genuinely happy for him until he told me that he was being given a brand new apartment (down near the waterfront) and would benefit from all the government payouts for not having a job. He had to be seen to be trying to get employment though, which for the 6 months before I left the country he never had.

    This is despicable behavior by the government in my opinion and should be considered treason by whoever agreed to it.


    Mick D

    I deliberately haven’t entered into this debate as my family basically lobbed on Australia’s shores with no visa. Admittedly that was some time back (before my father was born),they also arrived with a desire to make a better life for themselves and went onto make a lot of money through hard work and have lived very comfortably since.It wasn’t untill my grand father went to go back over seas that it became apparent he wasn’t an Australian citizen,even though he had been paying taxes for over 50 years!!
    I for one are glad they made the journey :)

    I got this email a while back but refrained from posting it as I wasn’t sure if it would be deemed racist and inflamitory.I will post it now as it fits the topic.

    If you cross the *North Korean* border illegally, you get 12 years hard

    If you cross the *Iranian* border illegally, you are detained

    If you cross the *Afghan* border illegally, you get shot.

    If you cross the *Saudi Arabian* border illegally, you will be jailed.

    If you cross the* Chinese* border illegally, you may never be heard from

    If you cross the *Venezuelan *border illegally, you will be branded a
    Spy and your fate will be sealed.

    If you cross the *Cuban* border illegally, you will be thrown into
    Political prison to rot.

    *However, if you cross the AUSTRALIAN border illegally, you get a job, a
    Driver’s’ licence, a social security card, welfare benefits, food stamps,
    Credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a new house, free
    Education, free health care, a lobbyist in Canberra and, in many
    Instances, you can VOTE.*



    Good one Mick :P


    Bruce Curtis

    They are some of the reasons we are the “more civilised” country, we could also lower our standards to those accepted by these ‘developing” nations, but where do we stop?

    In singapore gaol time for spitting

    In North Korea death for speaking out against Kimmy

    In afghanstan women are traded

    In saudia arabia there is high morality espoused but no ehtical inclinations

    In China minimum working conditions are null

    Be real if we think they are doing a great job why don’t we take on their systems, plus honestly how many refugees would they have trying to get IN

    Really like an animal trying to get put in the zoo……..




    Mr Blue wrote:

    “well if you don’t like it boy do something about, otherwise you’re just another whinger sitting on his barstool”.


    If I became a politician I would probably get the sack for punching idiots!


    Bruce Curtis

    WikdBeemer wrote:

    Mr Blue wrote:

    “well if you don’t like it boy do something about, otherwise you’re just another whinger sitting on his barstool”.


    If I became a politician I would probably get the sack for punching idiots!

    and you’d never run out of idiots believe me…..

    you’d have to build an electric punching machine, claim it on tax as a genuine work expense.




    Mr Blue wrote:

    and you’d never run out of idiots believe me…..

    you’d have to build an electric punching machine, claim it on tax as a genuine work expense.

    I just some particularly tasty lamb curry pie out reading that Bluecee :laugh:



    60th refugee boat arrived yesterday

    Yesterday the 60th refugee boat arrived in Australian waters, that is five boats per month for the last 12 months — over 3000 generally male Muslim refugees.

    And it didn’t even make the Channel 9 News.

    Who are these refugees, these are the ones with enough criminal background or sufficient money to get themselves onto a refugee boat.

    Ask yourself, will they ever assimilate as Australians as we know Australians? Will they want more mosques? Will they want their children educated in Muslim only schools? Will they require taxpayer funded medical care, accommodation, language courses, rental assistance and any other government/taxpayer handout?

    Do you know the background of all the 911 terrorists.

    They were all illegal refugees who entered America under their refugee acceptance program.

    Do you know the background of the leader of the Australian terrorist group found guilty of plotting to blow up a major Australian event such as the Melbourne grand finals killing tens of thousands of people.

    He was an illegal refugee who entered Australia under the refugee acceptance program.

    There is currently only one politician raising concerns about the current flood of refugees since the new labour government changed the requirements.

    Tony Abbott.

    And he can barely get himself heard on national news.

    If this concerns you, pass it to a friend. If you just don’t care enough — please delete this and get a copy of the Koran — it will shortly replace every piece of literature in your home — by law.

    Note: Now that the government has given the 3 commercial channels a 250 million dollar windfall of taxpayer money, with no strings attached ,we are not likely to hear anything critical of the government. What price democracy in an election year?

    just Food for thought


    Dwayne O

    You have hit the proverbial right on the HEAD there Ollie :dry:

    When are we gonna wake up to this crap :angry:
    There are some scary things in that post for sure, but sadly it is all reality

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