Cleaning your Airfilter

Home Forums Bike Preparation Tips Bike Preparation Tips Cleaning your Airfilter

This topic contains 81 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 7 months ago.

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    it alright menace just sit down, and the little angels flying around your room will protect you from reality. If that doesnt work TAKE MORE DRUGS;)



    just a hint for people with kids don t wash air filters with napisan because they will fall apart i have done it .i just wash them in kero than warm soapy water


    Dwayne O

    I just ordered another Unifilter for the KLX as I have found them to be the Ducks Nuts,,,,,,
    I clean it in the missus` washing powder in warm water & have had no signs of any ill effects at all.
    Have been rotating the Unifilter with the original filter since the Hill End ride & the old original is now ratshit, I am unsure of it`s age but I`ve now put 12,000k on the machine since I got it with that filter !!!

    I am grabbing some Twin Air socks when i get the new Unifilter next week as well for the longer dusty rides.


    Hey Eagle, have been using uni filters for years and have found them to be very good!!
    Even after aborted Denman ride the outer filter was very dusty but the inner was still clean.
    Just have to remember a bit of greese to help seal against air box and alls good. I am going to pick another one up next week for a mate, Have been told they have moved from Hornsby and are now at west Gosford.


    Dwayne O

    Cheers Boulder,
    I got my first one prior to Hill End & reckon they are worth every cent;)
    What type of grease do ya use as a matter of interest? I`ve been smearing some extra filter oil on the mating surface of mine, should go the grease though I suppose:blink:


    Nick Again

    Moto wrote:

    boulder wrote:

    I use turps and then wash in warm soapy water, rince and leave to dry. Works for me.

    Hey moto next time he chews something, give him a finger of hot english mustard, he will learn not to chew your stuff in no time!!

    Dan actually told me he hates Tobasco, I haven’t given him any yet but I might just get the bottle out. I was also thinking of rubbing chilli juice on the TV remotes to stop him from attacking them every chance he gets!

    Cheers for all the help guys :)

    Mate, he’s a pup, he’s chewing shit up because he has a shitload of teeth wanting to come through. next time your in coles/woolies or the butcher, get a bag or two of “Brisket bones”. He’ll chew these way before anything else, they’re a soft bone and are way good for young dogs.( this also helps keeps his digestive tract free of crap from tin foods and dried foods.) (chicken necks are full of protien and will blow your mind on how quick they can pull a poor dog up) sorry to digress…


    Nick Again

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Cheers Boulder,
    I got my first one prior to Hill End & reckon they are worth every cent;)
    What type of grease do ya use as a matter of interest? I`ve been smearing some extra filter oil on the mating surface of mine, should go the grease though I suppose:blink:

    I use a marine grade grease on mine..water doesnt cut past it too quickly like it can with non water proof jobs??


    Bruce Curtis

    Husky610 wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Cheers Boulder,
    I got my first one prior to Hill End & reckon they are worth every cent;)
    What type of grease do ya use as a matter of interest? I`ve been smearing some extra filter oil on the mating surface of mine, should go the grease though I suppose:blink:

    I use a marine grade grease on mine..water doesnt cut past it too quickly like it can with non water proof jobs??

    Just to be a bit pedantic Mr Husky, while i agree marine grade grease is sound thinking, isn’t normal bearing grease a non water soluble as well, and a water inhibitor?, just thinking out loud here, cause marine grade is usually just thicker isn’t it(viscosity etc etc)




    Marine grade grease is designed to operate under water for long periods of time. Any normal grease will be fine seal your airbox. I might try honey next :dry:


    Nick Again

    Mr Blue wrote:

    Husky610 wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Cheers Boulder,
    I got my first one prior to Hill End & reckon they are worth every cent;)
    What type of grease do ya use as a matter of interest? I`ve been smearing some extra filter oil on the mating surface of mine, should go the grease though I suppose:blink:

    I use a marine grade grease on mine..water doesnt cut past it too quickly like it can with non water proof jobs??

    Just to be a bit pedantic Mr Husky, while i agree marine grade grease is sound thinking, isn’t normal bearing grease a non water soluble as well, and a water inhibitor?, just thinking out loud here, cause marine grade is usually just thicker isn’t it(viscosity etc etc)


    Mr.Blue..I’m not to sure on that. I do know that when i was in the mines we had a no. of different greases for many different occasions, however when it came to uses around water we always used a water spec. grease. Alot of trailer beaarings are hit with a basic “axle grease”..Boaties tend to use a marine grade as it is harder for water to “permeate” it. If you get a little of ” normal” grease in the palm of your hand and drop a bit of water on it, mush it around and it’ll go white and break down, try it with a marine/water stable grease, it wont go white and break down. I do know that shell made an Alvania( mineral clays) R3 grease that withstands a fair amount of water pressures before being pulped. however for an Airfilter i think its chasing wind. I use the marine one because it was given to me, also because i know it wont be pushed away by othe4r reason. :)


    Nick Again

    Moto wrote:

    Marine grade grease is designed to operate under water for long periods of time. Any normal grease will be fine seal your airbox. I might try honey next :dry:

    Want some Selly’s All clear? i hear it bonds in water.. :)



    Nah, I’ll stick with the honey thanks. I think I’m onto a winner there ;)

    If you got stuck out in the bush you could also just lick your airfilter to keep you alive :P


    Moto wrote:

    Nah, I’ll stick with the honey thanks. I think I’m onto a winner there ;)

    If you got stuck out in the bush you could also just lick your airfilter to keep you alive :P

    if we got stuck in the bush moto….

    id give you something to lick, and if you did it good, id let you live…till i got hungry anyway.

    ….what happens in the bush, stays in the bush, hey big fella;)





    Moto wrote:


    dont be like that, id even let u use the honey…..honey;)

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