Climbed a Volcano

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    Climbed a volcano on Sunday, Anak Krakatoa the son of Krakatoa, it is growing out out of the ocean where the old one was befor it blew itself to bits in 1883. This one started in 1924 I think it was and poked out of the ocean in 1927, it’s about 500m high now. It was very quiet while we were there, I was hoping for some rumbling and maybe a bit of ground shaking but only got a bit of steam. You aren’t allowed to the crater though, only about half way up.
    After that we went snorkelling of an island nearby that used to be part of the original Krakatoa. It was awesome, clear water, not cold, brilliant coloured fish and coral. The ocean floor just dropped away into the abyss about 20 meters from shore, I dived down past the edge of the drop off which was about 4 meters down and kept going for a bit and was unreal to be looking up at a cliff face when your underwater, especially considering it was only snorkelling and not scuba diving, but I tell you I thought the surface would never come getting back up, Wish I’d had an underwater camera.

    You can see a ridge on the left about half way up, thats as far as we were allowed to go



    Here is the water we were diving in [img][/img]


    Dwayne O

    Aren`t you supposed to be over there WORKING ??? :laugh:

    Nice pic mate, I love the one of the water, it looks almost eerie that colour,,,
    I suppose it was actually crystal clear below ???

    Now Get Back To Work,,, and get ya arse home so we can go for a ride again too ;)



    You can see the damage to the solar panels caused by the last eruption a month or so back. (p.s. Thats not a pose for the camera, I didn’t even realise he had taken the photo until today.) [img][/img]




    racy and i were at a travel agent this afternoon. among other things we asked the travel agent to look into use visiting an active volcano in the south pacific. i think we are allowed to look into this one and see it exploding


    Dwayne O

    Looks a bit like the Boulder Farms at Louee :laugh:

    Nice pose Jeffro ,,,, now that you mentioned it :silly:



    Jeffro wrote:

    You can see the damage to the solar panels caused by the last eruption a month or so back. (p.s. Thats not a pose for the camera, I didn’t even realise he had taken the photo until today.) [img][/img]

    Good to see the legs out Jeffro you look like you may have lost some of you waist mate :laugh: :P

    Nice work all round mate



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Aren`t you supposed to be over there WORKING ??? :laugh:

    Now Get Back To Work,,, and get ya arse home so we can go for a ride again too ;)


    Your a hard man Eagle, can’t a bloke have 1 day off. Just to prove I am working, here is a shot of me bathed in sweat after climbing around inside some steel pontoons in the heat, and this was only in the morning. [img][/img]



    Jeffro wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Aren`t you supposed to be over there WORKING ??? :laugh:

    Now Get Back To Work,,, and get ya arse home so we can go for a ride again too ;)


    Your a hard man Eagle, can’t a bloke have 1 day off. Just to prove I am working, here is a shot of me bathed in sweat after climbing around inside some steel pontoons in the heat, and this was only in the morning. [img][/img]

    That explains the weight loss :ohmy: :laugh:



    champo35 wrote:


    racy and i were at a travel agent this afternoon. among other things we asked the travel agent to look into use visiting an active volcano in the south pacific. i think we are allowed to look into this one and see it exploding

    Yeh I thought we would be doing the same but to be honest I dont know if I could have made the climb.


    Dwayne O

    Jeffro wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Aren`t you supposed to be over there WORKING ??? :laugh:

    Now Get Back To Work,,, and get ya arse home so we can go for a ride again too ;)


    Your a hard man Eagle, can’t a bloke have 1 day off. Just to prove I am working, here is a shot of me bathed in sweat after climbing around inside some steel pontoons in the heat, and this was only in the morning. [img][/img]

    Thats great jeffro,,,,

    I see you have a head start on the “Mo” as well for MOVEMBER :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    Jeffro wrote:

    champo35 wrote:


    racy and i were at a travel agent this afternoon. among other things we asked the travel agent to look into use visiting an active volcano in the south pacific. i think we are allowed to look into this one and see it exploding

    Yeh I thought we would be doing the same but to be honest I dont know if I could have made the climb.




    did some research on krakatoa last night on wikipedia. absolutly amazing stuff.

    pressure wave travelled around the earth 7 times. changed the earths weather for years :ohmy:



    Nice pics there Jeffro. How clear does that water look.

    When should we expect to see more pics from our OBT foreign correspondent?


    Mick D

    Nice one Jeffro, it isn’t everyday that you get the chance to climb an active volcano!!
    It is a bit freaky I will admit, I got to climb Mt Sakurajima, in Kyushu Japan. It hasn’t erupted for a long while but the smoke and steam makes you wonder when it will next.

    The little igloo thing in the foreground is a shelter just in case it decides to blow its stack.


    This is about as close as I wanted to get to it

    This onsen at its base was pretty awesome though,it is right on the edge of the ocean and that water is as hot as hades.

    Japan is a pretty cool place for exploring Volcanos too.

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