Coffs 2011 ride report.

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    After so much work and planning mother nature decided to let loose and drop almost 200mm on us in 36 hours :pinch: I must have checked the radar 200 times on Thursday and everytime I checked it just got worse. I was pretty gutted that all the trail work and route planning I had done was for nothing and at 1.45pm on Friday I showed up at the service station on my own and sat there in the rain trying to imagine how I could get the group around the worst of it. Nickj and ChrisT showed up and at 1.55 it was just the three of us.
    We joked that this would he the group for the day. All of a sudden a deep rumble of bikes on mass could be heard and in less than a few minutes 26 others arrived :woohoo:
    In true OBT form everyone was upbeat and ready to ride. As 30 individuals stood there in the rain I gave the briefing and we headed off. I was really unsure how high some of the crossings would be so I hoped for the best and rode off into the mist and rain.

    To be continued.



    My initial plan was to hit some main trail and gain some elevation. This would not only let the group settle in but it would give me a good indication of how wet it had gotten. Amazingly the ground had dealt with the worst of it and traction was good so I hit our first single. To say it was dry would be lying but it was in surprisingly good shape. It was still raining and I was wet through already but the riding was good. At the first re-group everyone was loving it and the group was running well. My next plan was to start working my way downhill to see what would be passable and then I would be able to mentally plan a loop on the run.
    We rode a great single I had recently cleared out and at the bottom of that I encountered our first big water hazard. It was impossible to tell bow deep it was but it was clear to see how fast it was running :ohmy:
    We really needed to be able to get across so I got off my bike and walked straight in. It wad knee deep and wide but it was definitely rideable. I waded back to my bike, pushed the button and hoped for the best. :unsure:


    Mick D

    Dont keep us in suspense!

    I can imagine how you felt STM, I had the same weather to contend with, at my birthday ride and it turned out better than I thought!

    The forecast is for it to clear sometime today, get out there and make the most of it! Have a good ride guys!


    My bike pulled through the crossing and it was only the first of four. All were about the same depth and as I cleared the fourth one I headed back up a ridge line and prayed that no one had drowned a bike. At the next regroup everyone pulled up and the group was in great spirits. It was clear the low lying stuff would be tricky but the middle ground and ridgelines were in good shape. I formulated my plan for the next twenty km’s and as the rain continued to flog down I took off up the next ridgeline with a soaking wet crew of OBT in hot pursuit.

    To be continued



    Adrian Gale

    Thanks for the updates King.

    Great planning on the run. Stay safe and enjoy the wet.

    Looking forward to the upcoming reports. Go the widow maker!!!!!



    Dwayne O

    A large group of Soggy Wet OLD BULLS would sure be stinky :whistle: :P

    Make the most of it I suppose (not much chance of esaping a deluge like we have been getting) :dry:



    Great stuff !!! No surprise to see the crew loving it all the way. I went for a wet ride this avo in the sun shine,tomorrow should be fine,,, :) :) great,,,enjoy. :cheer: :cheer:



    how many sore heads do we have today? :sick: or is everyone up and riding :unsure:


    Mike Wyeth

    In the car and on way back to noosa as some of the boys headed out this morning for the Sunday loop which will I’m sure be excellent, the suns out and the conditions will be prime.
    STM will be pretty wooly this morning after a very big night!!! As will be plenty of others :sick: will check back in later ;)


    Awsome weekend riding, and hangin out with Old bulls! Thanks to STM for leading us through some of the best trails of the year for me!
    Thanks to the sweeps for doing a great job! And everyone that helped me pick the Kato out of some tricky spots, including the ground :laugh: .

    More to come!


    Thanks to STM for a top weekend.Also thanks to nick and chris.

    The riding was awesome :woohoo: them creek crossing were unbelievable. :ohmy:

    The beach was a blast. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    My family had a top weekend also and had a ball sat night at the auction.

    Thanks again to everyone involved.



    Still kicking back in our unit after the riding and the pool and it’s just bliss. More later


    Friday ended up being a good ride despite the weather. It rained on us the whole ride but the trail surface was surprisingly good. When we got back to the resort it was smiles all around and plenty of stories of mid pack madness. As soon as I got home I checked the radar and it looked like the worst had passed.
    Right on 6.30pm the first shuttle arrived and then did laps until we were all at the pub. Including families there were mire than 60 of us and we had a great night and a good feed.
    By 11 I was tucked in bed listening to the rain absolutely flogging down on my tin roof. I rehearsed a loop in my head that would hopefully keep us away from the worst of it and checked the radar one more time.

    To Be Continued




    Great weekend all round

    Thanks Scott for puting it on and leading as around some great tracks and some big deep creek crossing they were awsome.

    Great to see some old faces and meet some new one. Big thanks to Nick and Chris for sweeping I thought with numbers that we had it flow realy well .

    Well done to all the OBT for digging deep for the chartiy great result and a lot of fun good job Bollocks once agin.

    Con Grats to Dude for his award

    Look forward to next year all ready



    Frigin brilliant, thanks Scotty Nick and everyone involved , loved it! :) :)

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