Coffs 2011 ride report.

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This topic contains 239 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #212918
    adam wrote:
    Dude wrote:
    Sand stuff………
    sack the vid dude……….

    That’s that from me
    had a great weekend

    cheers dude B)

    Holy shit you can see from the marks in the sand how Murph bounced :ohmy:

    A tough character that Murph :laugh:


    i reckon, deep down it actually scared the Turkeys out of him……. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    luckily he got his fill again saturday night :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

    you are a madman Murph 👿 :laugh:



    Video No.3.

    Having a bit of a run with Murph. :woohoo:


    Awesome Vid there Mal, sounded like Murph was giving you a peppering as well.

    mal5.1 wrote:
    Video No.3.

    Having a bit of a run with Murph. :woohoo:

    I am so stoked to see how well that flowed. My goal was to trust the cornermen and spread the group and that is proof that it worked. Hard to believe that there were over 40 bikes on that ride and you and Murph had sections like that to yourself. That first tight single is ‘Outer Limits’ and that uphill fire road with the massive water bars is ‘Horsepower Hill’. The last single is ‘Whinge Road’.
    Even in the singles there are a lot of lines and you managed to puck the best option almost everytime on trails you have never seen before. Nice one Mal. No wonder you were so stoked at the end of every ride.


    mal5.1 wrote:
    Video No.3.

    Having a bit of a run with Murph. :woohoo:

    how good were them trails mal, the only prob with the parts you filmed was I done the first 4 minutes with a flat front,, and it was still funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn



    Is there any footage of the two that made the widow maker(in the wet)?
    Did they do it in first or second?
    What line did they take?

    BellingenEv wrote:
    Is there any footage of the two that made the widow maker(in the wet)?
    Did they do it in first or second?
    What line did they take?

    Both took the left line and it sounded like second till the middle ledge then 1st after that although with Murph’s 500 it is hard to tell B) Every gear sounds like 5th




    STM tells it as it is and how its going to be



    First regroup, a quick chat STM said and to see how they are settling in


    Two thumbs up from Mal (who can ride)


    One from Deejay while T Driver thinks shit we have been stopped for 21 seconds, umm maybe I can have another dart :laugh:


    The two strokers riding and :laugh: Menace and Moto


    Dude on his green machine, lucky he doesnt look like a lady (like the songs says :P )


    LC getting a push from the King :ohmy:




    King STM wrote:
    I am so stoked to see how well that flowed. My goal was to trust the cornermen and spread the group and that is proof that it worked. Hard to believe that there were over 40 bikes on that ride and you and Murph had sections like that to yourself. That first tight single is ‘Outer Limits’ and that uphill fire road with the massive water bars is ‘Horsepower Hill’. The last single is ‘Whinge Road’.
    Even in the singles there are a lot of lines and you managed to puck the best option almost everytime on trails you have never seen before. Nice one Mal. No wonder you were so stoked at the end of every ride.

    Mate the ride flowed perfectly. In a lot of the singles there would only be a few guys together and if I came up on a slower rider I’d just cruise along with them or they would move over when they felt safe enough. If a faster rider caught me I’d just move over and let them go.

    It was awesome running with Murph for a while. We’re not fast riders but have a great time pushing each other. The tracks are just plain awesome. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    I have a 2 videos to upload tonight/tomorrow and probably 2 other to edit. One is 15min of the Middle Ridge hill that caught a few riders out. :woohoo:


    Aaron Wilde
    King STM wrote:
    BellingenEv wrote:
    Is there any footage of the two that made the widow maker(in the wet)?
    Did they do it in first or second?
    What line did they take?

    Both took the left line and it sounded like second till the middle ledge then 1st after that although with Murph’s 500 it is hard to tell B) Every gear sounds like 5th


    Was that your other left STM???? :laugh: I only saw Murph get up there on the Saturday moist session. But he hit the ledge on the more right side. Once he got over that he did the best job I have ever seen of metering out the traction with the clutch. All you could hear was the rear wheel just spinning the tiniest amount. Beautiful to watch. I did fall and fail on my attempt at the widow maker on Saturday so I could have amnesia. So please feel free to correct me if I have got the attempts mixed up. Or seeing you are the King it might be “Off with his head!!!” :laugh:


    Your right Aaron
    I think its best to hit those sort of hills with the most straight and direct line, even though there is a pretty big step up to negotiate. I had luck on my side on both assaults. :cheer: :woohoo:
    The right was the go but not as far right as Factory Phils line. :sick:



    Video No.4

    Hanging with Deejay

    Video No.5

    That bloodly hill. ‘Middle Ridge Hill’. The Old Bull spirit was in full swing and Crash lived up to his name. :laugh:

    This one is in lower res as it’s 15min long.



    Great vids Mal, man was there some action back there :laugh: bloody awesome




    Great Job Mal

    All the vids are great, this ride is about two weeks old and every one is still talking about it.

    I wonder Chris is this the most vist ride report in OBT histroy




    strucky wrote:
    I wonder Chris is this the most vist ride report in OBT histroy



    Not even close Strucky, biggest ride report thread Camerons 2010 and biggest pre ride thread (biggest thread of all time here) Camerons 2010. Funny they are both adventure threads when no one like adventure riding :huh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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