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This topic contains 239 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dean 13 years, 2 months ago.
December 15, 2011 at 12:11 am #213206
&%*#$$ performed a few stand up burn outs on his KTM on a private bitumen section provided for him. I didnt see it but by all accounts it was awesome
December 15, 2011 at 1:09 am #213207Some great pics there TB.
I’m glad that i got rid of that passenger though. :huh: I though I may need a blood transfusion after that blood sucking free loader. :ohmy: :ohmy:
December 19, 2011 at 8:47 am #213209Well after 4 failed upload attempts I’ve finally got the last video to upload. It’s not in HD though.
December 19, 2011 at 3:51 pm #213408mal5.1 wrote:Well after 4 failed upload attempts I’ve finally got the last video to upload. It’s not in HD though.Your diff lock comment had coke running out my nose :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
December 28, 2011 at 3:07 pm #213421Bonus
December 28, 2011 at 5:25 pm #213741Still waiting for the rest of TB and Crash’s pictures and videos, will they be up by the next ride?? :whistle:
December 28, 2011 at 5:56 pm #213744snowy09 wrote:Still waiting for the rest of TB and Crash’s pictures and videos, will they be up by the next ride?? :whistle:Snow I have posted 12 videos and 22 pictures I have nothing else much so bugger off, you can do the media at the next Coffs ride in 2013 :laugh:
December 29, 2011 at 1:19 am #213745So what were you two doing the rest of the time while you two were alone out in the bushes? Obviously not taking photos eh
December 29, 2011 at 8:09 am #213753snowy09 wrote:So what were you two doing the rest of the time while you two were alone out in the bushes? Obviously not taking photos ehGood point there were long long periods of time spent waiting for you and that shit box DR :laugh: :laugh:
January 12, 2012 at 11:43 pm #212524King STM wrote:We were going to have to make good time to get back to the pub before the kitchen closed so I set off at speed and stretched the group. We had a bit of ground to cover but we had buffed forest roads and some open flowing singles that would allow us to keep up a good pace. I did not regroup until we hit the Pacific highway and it was only 5 minutes or so until we were all together.
It was dead low tide in an hour so this would be our chance to ride the beach as a group. TB and Crash took off ahead to set up the cameras as we quietly made our way through the local streets down to the boat ramp. The wet weather had firmed the sand up perfectly but as I looked ahead I saw TB trying to kick his bike to life and Crash sitting on the other side of a deep washout. This washout is the only one on the beach and at that tide it is normally just a trickle but with all the rain we had had it had gotten a fair bit wider and where TB had gone it was over knee deep. keep in mind this is saltwater.
I did not want to lead that many through that much saltwater but Murph and a few other found a shallow safer place to cross but I had already turned the group around. Those that wanted to follow crossed and the other followed me back towards the pub via the road.
By the time I walked into the bistro it was 1.57pm and I asked it they were still serving lunch. They said I had 2 minutes but I told them that I had 42 guys. After a quick chat with the manager they agreed to serve us so it was only us in the line and they got the meals out in no time at all.
Everyone was wet through and the wind had picked up and the rain had set back in so I made the decision that there would not be an arvo session in the bush but if anyone wanted to ride the beach it was low tide and there would be no one around. By the time we finished lunch it was 3pm and we had ridden 75km of great trails and survived the conditions with no injuries and no stranded bikes.
The crew who rode the beach had a ball and by 4pm the sun was shining and the temp was rising. Some lounged in the pool, some drank beer in there cabins whilst other fanged on the wet hard sand. Nickj and I cut onions for the BBQ and drank home brew with ChrisT.
It was turning out to be a beautiful afternoon and by the time we got back to the resort everyone had a drink in hand and a smile on their face. The rain was gone for the next few days at least and we still had a huge night ahead and another morning to ride in what would be absolutely primo conditions.
The camp cook house is the prefect spot to have a BBQ and all the families who had come along joined in the fun. The big and little kids were all having a ball and a few OBT wifes got together to slag off their husbands. :laugh:
We had such a good crew assembled and every had plenty of food and Mal took on Chef duties on the big BBQ and keep the food turning over. It is the one time I get to look at the group together and see how much fun everyone is having and the stories about their days riding. It is those moments where all the effort to put a ride like this together seems like no work at all. It was great to see Moto, LC4skin and Menace back at a ride and they were keeping the drinking pace up to a level that few others can match! I made the mistake of sitting down next to Menace during the auction and I left my balance at the table when I got up to present a prize to TB :silly:
The auction was a massive success and Bollocks did an incredible job and made a huge difference to how much was raised. Thanks to Spud for his contributions, The Bucca boys for the OBT charity rack, Crashes bid on the OBT plaque and Nickj for out bidding TB for his jersey. I reckon it was the most fun night I have had all year.
By 11pm most had headed off to get some sleep and I was left with a few of the more dangerous boys. I decided it was time to call it quits, had a double Berocca and crashed out in ChrisT’s cabin.To Be Continued
Did you ever finish this stm? :laugh: Maybe i missed it :dry:
January 12, 2012 at 11:48 pm #214382I did have another chapter to tell but thanks to Menace and LC I can’t remember anything about Sunday :pinch:
January 13, 2012 at 12:08 am #214383Nothing wrong with scottys memory
I was right there with scotty,LC.and menace. :sick:
Hope this helps to jog the memory scotty. :whistle: :whistle:spud…
January 13, 2012 at 12:14 am #214385dupsyam4 wrote:Nothing wrong with scottys memoryI was right there with scotty,LC.and menace. :sick:
Hope this helps to jog the memory scotty. :whistle: :whistle:spud…
I think nick was there also…. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
Maybe he remembers…..January 13, 2012 at 8:08 am #214386dupsyam4 wrote:dupsyam4 wrote:Nothing wrong with scottys memoryI was right there with scotty,LC.and menace. :sick:
Hope this helps to jog the memory scotty. :whistle: :whistle:spud…
I think nick was there also…. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
Maybe he remembers…..I remember being their ……….aaahhh
nope that’s it
January 13, 2012 at 12:30 pm #214390wow that OBT bear trap has come up awsome :laugh: I am amazed
I was going to throw it out to the metal yard initially but thought someone may want it and a good opportunity to raise some funds for the site or charity. Just goes to show the generosity of our members who realise they are getting a Primo weekend for next to nicks compared to an professional mob. Great idea to use it as an Esky carrier :laugh:
PS Good idea to paint it Gold
I dont know how many people tripped over it when it was black :laugh: (including me and my ol dad !)
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