Coffs 2011 ride report.

Home Forums Ride Reports Coffs 2011 ride report.

This topic contains 239 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Beers,cold company is good,this is what all trail riding weekends should be like B)
    Excellent job stm and his hand madens.


    Aaron Wilde
    Corey8 wrote:
    Still kicking back in our unit after the riding and the pool and it’s just bliss. More later

    As thee is so much flooding back on the plains we have decided to see if we can endure one more night in paradise. :laugh: brilliant day today on the singles. Loved it thanks scotty Nick Chris and bigger al. For sweeping etc. Coffs never fails to impress.


    Thanks STM and Nick J for a great ride and weekend. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    I must apologise to everone who rode yesterday for the hold up as my bike wouldn’t start. :blush: Found the problem and we were back on our way albeit with a route change. :huh: Sorry Scotty.

    But in typical OBT style it was not a problem. ;)

    Thanks again and I can’t wait for the next one. :woohoo:



    Boony wrote:
    Beers,cold company is good,this is what all trail riding weekends should be like B)
    Excellent job stm and his hand madens.


    I am not sure about the company but if boony keeps looking through the bush like a registed sex offend I am calling the cops



    But you look so goatish , anyway the police think I’m in Bali selling boogie board covers so they won’t believe ya

    Boony wrote:
    But you look so goatish , anyway the police think I’m in Bali selling boogie board covers so they won’t believe ya

    Baaaaa baaaaa


    Nick Jackson

    What a great weekend , it was really good to catch up with so many Old Bulls in one place and the laughs were non stop :D

    Despite nearly 200mm of rain the trails handled it well and I enjoyed all 12 hours of riding King STM put together , we’re very lucky to have this quality of riding so close but riding with good people makes it so much better.

    Well done Scotty on an epic weekend you’ve excelled once again , Bollocks for making sure he got as much as he could for charity ;) , my good mate Chris t from Sydney and Bigger Al for helping with the sweeping , Aaron and DY4 for letting me test ride their bikes and really confusing me about which bike to get next :D and to all the old bulls that drove so far to make the weekend so memorable !!

    Can’t wait to do it all again !! :)



    Glen Dale

    Thanks to STM for organising a great weekend.

    The rain didnt dampen the riding, it only made for more fun.

    Its always good to ride with Old Bulls, looking forward to the next one.



    Mike Wyeth

    What a great weekend, arrived about an hour before departure time for fridays ride with rain falling and Moto waiting at the cabin greeting us with the news that his trip up from Newcastle had all been in the pouring rain :dry: so we knew it was going to be pretty wet in the forest :( :( .
    Riding up to the servo to meet Scotty and the rest of the group, which turned out to be around 25? we then set out into the forest :woohoo: conditions were awesome ;) :woohoo: creeks were flowing nicely and the group all moved around an excellent loop of about 30ks with big grins on our faces :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    By the time we got to the widowmaker it was hard to see the top as it shrouder in mist :dry: making it look more intimidating than usual :unsure:
    On to some more great tracks on outr way back to the caravan park for a few :blush: beers then off to the Amble for food and more beer 😆

    Saturdays ride turned out to be in one group of 46 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: and Scott once again led us on an excellent loop of around 75ks which had something for everyone and virtually no problems in the whole group :P :P
    I thought it was an excellent effort to take one of the biggest groups of riders i’v ever been in , around the tracks that we rode was awesome ;) ;)
    Many thanks to Scott and Nickj for their organizing and Chris T and Nick for sweeping

    Missed Murph looping the 500 up the beach :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    And finally well done to my apprentice Damo for being the only one to get up the widowmaker on saturday, just shows all the tuition is paying off :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Was great to meet everyone also ;)



    Ron Birrell

    Thanks Scotty for a great weekend. My family thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We will definitely be back next year.
    Thanks to NickJ and ChrisT for sweeping, to Factory Phil for Getting my bike to do what I couldn’t get it to do on that hill and to everyone else for a top weekend.
    Congratulation Dude on your award.



    Aaron Wilde
    mike wrote:
    What a great weekend, arrived about an hour before departure time for fridays ride with rain falling and Moto waiting at the cabin greeting us with the news that his trip up from Newcastle had all been in the pouring rain :dry: so we knew it was going to be pretty wet in the forest :( :( .
    Riding up to the servo to meet Scotty and the rest of the group, which turned out to be around 25? we then set out into the forest :woohoo: conditions were awesome ;) :woohoo: creeks were flowing nicely and the group all moved around an excellent loop of about 30ks with big grins on our faces :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    By the time we got to the widowmaker it was hard to see the top as it shrouder in mist :dry: making it look more intimidating than usual :unsure:
    On to some more great tracks on outr way back to the caravan park for a few :blush: beers then off to the Amble for food and more beer 😆

    Saturdays ride turned out to be in one group of 46 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: and Scott once again led us on an excellent loop of around 75ks which had something for everyone and virtually no problems in the whole group :P :P
    I thought it was an excellent effort to take one of the biggest groups of riders i’v ever been in , around the tracks that we rode was awesome ;) ;)
    Many thanks to Scott and Nickj for their organizing and Chris T and Nick for sweeping

    Missed Murph looping the 500 up the beach :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    And finally well done to my apprentice Damo for being the only one to get up the widowmaker on saturday, just shows all the tuition is paying off :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Was great to meet everyone also ;)


    I have had a lot to drink but didn’t Murph get up the widow maker on Saturday ?


    Mike Wyeth

    Your right aaron but i was told that because he paddled his way up it was’nt counted??? :(


    mike wrote:
    Your right aaron but i was told that because he paddled his way up it was’nt counted??? :(

    A DNF for using the paddles, thats a bit harsh isnt it??


    mike wrote:
    Your right aaron but i was told that because he paddled his way up it was’nt counted??? :(

    Yes sorry for the confusion my Bundy state may have caused that. They both counted off course, Damo’s was without stopping was the reason he was crowned “King of the Hill” Murph made it I have it on video as well will post them later this week, he stopped but got started which was amazing in itself :ohmy:

    To the King, you are the King sir, well done. Your helpers (sweeps, pre runners etc) getting it set and run thank you also wouldn’t happen without you all. nearly 3k raised for the Charity because of all that attended more on that later

    More from me later much more. Have just stepped in the door after a pretty much 9hr trip home because of the Hwy being blocked both ways (accident) roadworks (on a freakin Sunday!)

    There are 46 videos to sort through and over 60 still shots. I am tired and feeling rooted later and thanks again to every that attended



    BellingenEv wrote:
    mike wrote:
    Your right aaron but i was told that because he paddled his way up it was’nt counted??? :(

    A DNF for using the paddles, thats a bit harsh isnt it??

    Read the above EV its all good, great effort made by all that attempted it in the wet on Saturday. Factoryphil especially as he made many an attempt to wreck his new bike :laugh:


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