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November 27, 2011 at 10:46 am #212294
Saturday morning dawned cool and overcast but there were some holes in the cloud cover which showed some promise that the worst may have passed. The forecast called for showers in the morning and then it would finally be clearing up by lunch time. Nick and Chris got ready every morning at my place so that we could make sure we had everything planned for the day before heading out. We sat around putting our boots on and the decision to only run one group was finalised. Nick had put a lot of work into his loop but there was no guarantee that he would be able to get across every creek crossing and that could mean having to improvise alternate routes on the fly. I was confident that I could combine parts of both loops and make one ridable and just wing it as I went. That gave me the confidence that Nick would be on sweep duty and with a Spot Tracker on the front and back of the group we had done everything we could despite the conditions to keep everyone safe and give them a great days riding.
We arrived at the resort at 7.30am and most were already taking advantage of the buffet breakfast. It was a great start to the day as we were all together and all well feed. By 8.30am we were assembled in the car park and I gave the brief for the day.
In all there were 45 riders and the scene in the car park was unbelievable. Punters were spilling out of there cabins to take in the scene and kids were frothing and dad’s wished they were with us. With a group of this size my plan was to spread the crew as far through the forest and I dared and that way everyone would get good flowing sections. I left the car park and started to drop cornermen. Adams KTM did not get out of the car park with filter issues which left us with 44 and then Nato’s rear pads fell out of his Gas Gas and the pin was gone on the first stretch of road which had us down to 43. I hit the dirt and opened it up and at every corner I did not even wait for the second cornerman. I trusted the crew I was leading and wanted to go out fast. The trails were in great shape and for the first time in three days I felt that the weather had not beaten us and as the sun shone and the humidity rose I kept my bike on song and dropped riders on intersection after intersection. I was soon waiting a minute of so at each corner which meant that we were not bunched up and I was hoping that the mid pack was enjoying it as much as I was upfront.
By the time I stopped for our second regroup of the day everyone was loving it and I was stoked to hear how excited everyone was when they pulled their helmets of and started jabbering on about near misses and power slides. There were a lot of stories of lay downs and Merv limped over and said he was in pain. It was one of the few times of the day when you would be able to main trail it back without a leader so he decided to do the safe thing and head back. Now we were 42.To Be Continued
November 27, 2011 at 10:52 am #212305Thanks too all for making it another great weekend up north. :woohoo: :woohoo:
Fantastic conditions due to the weather. :woohoo: :woohoo:
My hi lites:-
The anticipation
The weather/water
The singles
The widow maker
The beach, NOT. (Flipping a 500 in 5th gear doing around 80, not a good idea) :woohoo: :woohoo:
The Saturday night
The company
And of course the spiritSpecial thanks to Nick J, Chris T and STM
Hope to have some pics later
(Did the widow maker Friday and Saturday, perhaps Saturdays effort was a bit piss weak but there weren’t too many others at the top) :blink:November 27, 2011 at 11:01 am #212239Awesome week end :cheer:
Thanks STM…legendSweeps Nick & Chris and Buzz for dragging my wrecked bike over and back
Cheers to all the other rooters who helped make the weekend a rip snorter :woohoo:
A few piss pics….videos of actual bike stuff laterLord Gayness…Snowy
Menace and Boony…someone farted :blink:
Lc4skin and Menace….true pie eaters beeing “fully Sic” :sick:
Great Oldbulls weekend !!!
Happy days
Bol :woohoo:November 27, 2011 at 11:43 am #212308Murph the surf wrote:( perhaps Saturdays effort was a bit piss weak but there weren’t too many others at the top) :blink:You made it Saturday Murph I will post the video evidence OK :laugh: God funny how one little drunken remark about getting up with a stop but getting restarted gets remembered
The beach flip looked scary I was just glad you were ok Murph, I thought Crash was going to run over you from my angle :ohmy: Hope Dude has some video of that
November 27, 2011 at 11:54 am #212318Trailboss wrote:Murph the surf wrote:( perhaps Saturdays effort was a bit piss weak but there weren’t too many others at the top) :blink:You made it Saturday Murph I will post the video evidence OK :laugh: God funny how one little drunken remark about getting up with a stop but getting restarted gets remembered
The beach flip looked scary I was just glad you were ok Murph, I thought Crash was going to run over you from my angle :ohmy: Hope Dude has some video of that
Murph proved once and for all just how freakishly good he is on a bike. To get drive from where he was was amazing. In his last life I reckon he was a Rekluse clutch!
November 27, 2011 at 1:38 pm #212240OK…i have some vids :cheer:
Unfortunatly some of them are a bit muddy due to the fact…it was a bit muddy :blink:
The first little hill that was a bit of a ‘tester”
Me and my poor little wr nearlly making it through a creek,1 m from the end it decides it has had enough :angry:
Snowy chucks a rock at Murph on the creek crossing…such a prick of a kid
Side burns has a whoopsie..mine 2 minutes later was a lot less pretty :blush:
Me taking on the hill of carnage..and crashing..and nearlly getting taken out by Bigger Al..(thanks mateee) :laugh: hopefully you can see through the muddy bits
Boony,Menace and Snowy all come undone on a greasy hill :cheer:
Boony being Boony :huh:
Up the beach on the way home..video cuts out just as i get to Aaron who was chucking insane wheelies
http://youtu.be/JqqaT1BOUNUsorry about the quality…blame the Gods of mud :huh:
Bol :woohoo:November 27, 2011 at 2:21 pm #212241King STM you really are KING :kiss:
What a great weekend even with my bike issues I’d do it all again :woohoo:
Thanks to Nickj, Chris T and Biggeral for sweeping and all the behind the scenes crew who did their bit to make it a fantastic weekend
Also thanks to every Old Bull cause without there would be no rides, all offering to give a hand where necessary and taking the piss where necessary :laugh:
The King was worried about the rain but as he found where really just big kids that love playing in the mud :whistle:
Congratulations to Dude for his award, well done
$3000 raised, what an effort, really makes it worth while, and Old Bulls contributes to what the Black Dog Institute stands for without even trying to do it
November 27, 2011 at 2:54 pm #212320The weekend was fantastic. The conditions were perfect.
– fridays ride was fun with a little bit of pace every now and then.
– the widowmaker bit me this time and dinted the old ego but scratched the hell out of the old DRZ.
– meeting new people is always a joy.
– learning that KTM 350’s should be left in the shed if you own a DRZ as well.
– saturdays bike crew was a blast to watch coming out of the resort and heading up the road.
– riding on tracks i have never been on before with the KING was a blast to.
– the laughs we had waiting at the end of whinge was funny. (need to find some family car stickers)
– watching the 2 younger blocks do the race starts up the hills with a few swap overs LOL
– the KING’s “the water only comes up to your knees” pahaps he should have said whilst standing on your pegs at the start of that sentence.
– the beach run with the 43 oh hang on the 8 of us that crossed the water getting to watch murph treat his KTM with the respect it deserves.
– lunch with all the OBT crew.
– chilling out in the pool with the kids in the arvo in the pool.
– waking up sunday morning with the feel of the screws in my leg pushing hard on bone and it was swollon saw me sit the 32 degree day in the pool again with the kids not out in the bush. think i made the right move there with the heat any way LOL
– trying to eat dinner last night with Boony doing his mating call through the bushes can sure get the hairs on the back of your neck standing.Thanks STM, NickJ and Chris T for all your work over the weekend.
Thanks Chris and TB for such a good site so we can all get together over the weekend.
Thanks to all the OBT’s that did make the run to coffs for making 2011 ride a great ride.
November 27, 2011 at 3:30 pm #212321Some pics in no particular order
November 27, 2011 at 3:35 pm #212322
Team spiritNovember 27, 2011 at 3:48 pm #212323Great shots Murph!!!
That one of LC is straight to the pool room!
And the one above team work shot (Nate80) shows just how steep that little bugger is. I knew when we turned up ‘Middle Ridge’ what were in for and it did not disappoint. True to OBT you were never going to get left without a bunch of guys to help you and I had full faith everyone would ride through that section.STM
November 27, 2011 at 4:06 pm #212242Looks and sounds like everyone had a great time.
Sorry i couldn’t be there but daughters only turn 21 once.3K for charity is awesome. :cheer:
Probably for the best my arm is still stuffed from Nundle. :unsure:
November 27, 2011 at 4:56 pm #212324
Our illustrious sweep ridersNovember 27, 2011 at 5:14 pm #212326Sorry if ya didn’t get a photo
40+ riders was a hell of a crew
MurphNovember 27, 2011 at 6:18 pm #212243What an amazing weekend of riding and drinking didnt wont it to stop.
King you are the grand master :woohoo: picking the trails on the fly was an awsome effort, cant wait to ride with you and the boys again.
A big thanks to all the old bulls for making this trip something to remember. This was my first ride with most of you but wont be my last.
A major thankyou to STM, Nickj, biggeral,chris t and anyone else that helped to make this ride come together.
Great effort in raising nearly 3 big ones, how good was DY4″s plague and trophie he is one talented Old Bull and can also do a mean wheelie.
It was great to watch Murph and Damo hit the top of the widow maker in the condition Sat
F**King unreal :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
But most of all thanks to Mal, murph and the boys who keep helping pick up the bloody old banana not just once but three times on that hill.Rob400
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