Coffs 2011 ride report.

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    I was now confident that even some of the steeper terrain would be ok so I head off with the intention of linking the next four trails without stopping. This would really spread us out and give everyone a chance to hook in. It is hard not to spend the whole day worrying about what is going on behind you when you are responsible for that many people but the riding was so good I fell into my own rhythm and had a ball. As you can imagine I know these trails so well that I know the degree of every corner and the depth of every hole and the traction was supreme on the ridge line we were now riding. At every possible side track or obstacle I dropped a man and kept powering on through as the clouds gathered and the sky once again darkened. There are some long sections of single with no cross roads and each time I would wait for first rider through I could only imagine how good there run would have been. You expect a young frother like Sam to give a holler as he pulls up but at almost every junction some old fella was punching the air and yelling through their mouth piece.
    By now I had dropped the same corner men twice since our last re-group which meant the group was moving through itself nicely. At he end of the fourth section, Whinge Rd, I stopped and stripped down as the humidity maxed out at about 130%. Before long we had about 10 of our crew assembled and then at least 10 minutes passed before anyone else showed up and no bikes could be heard.
    After a nervous wait hoping no one was hurt it turned out Lefty had broken down.
    if you want anyone stuck in the bush with a failed bike and a bum bag it is Lefty. He had asked the sweeps to move through the pack and pick up the cornermen and he would hold his ground and work on his bike. Nickj arrived and explained exactly were he was so I geared up and led the group back to his spot. When I got there he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and saw his hydration pack on the ground and killed my engine to listen out for him. In moments he had joined us and was back in the game. We were now a fair way from where I had planned us to be and I did want to run a long fire road section so once again I changed our route on the fly and headed off into the next single.

    To Be Continued



    Dwayne O

    Great Work King and your Merry Men ;) :laugh:
    I see plenty of pics with bikes on their sides & dudes rolling downhill :whistle: :woohoo:

    Great times obviously ,,,

    Keep `em coming gents

    And WooHoo, How good is the $$$ raised for Black Dog Institute ???? Great work to all who chipped in & donated :)


    Had an awesome weekend!! This was my 1st Oldbull group ride besides a few small group get togethers. It did not dissapoint at all!!! I was a bit concerned a few of the creeks would be rivers as we cruised out from the servo on friday but after a few 300mm deep crossings we were flying and the trails had suprisingly good traction(i thought anyway) it was a great start to the weekend! As for saturday i did a whole 3km in the morning due to losing my rear pads and bolt that holds them in. So trips in to coffs later and it was all systems go and off to the beach for a roost and wheelie session with a few others. Sunday was the best conditions you could ask for with sunny skies and no dust i had a ball as by the look on the other guys faces they did too. Thanks heaps to all involved it was awesome and i will be back next year for sure!



    What a top weekend. :woohoo:

    Thanks to STM and all his crew for putting together the perfect weekend. You guys have some seriously awesome tracks up there. I’ll do a better report tomorrow.

    But for now here’s the pics I took.

    Coffs 1 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 1 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 2 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 3 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 4 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 5 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 6 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 7 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 8 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 9 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Check out Boonys eyes :laugh:
    Hill 10 by malinjected, on Flickr


    Those photos are epic Mal. That one of Strucky is a keeper. What camera are you using?




    Great weekend thanks to STM and all his helpers for a well run ride. Loved to creek crossings that cooled me down as the water laped over my seat.
    Thanks to STM for finding my glasses in the mud after a few guys had used them for traction.
    The pics and vids are great to relive the ride keep them coming


    King STM wrote:
    Those photos are epic Mal. That one of Strucky is a keeper. What camera are you using?


    Thanks King. There’s a heap more to come.

    The camera is an Olympus u Tough-8010 14 megapixal.

    More pics. :woohoo:

    Hill 11 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 12 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 13 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 14 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 15 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 16 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 17 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 18 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 19 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 20 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 21 by malinjected, on Flickr

    More on the way.



    Hill 22 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 23 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 24 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 25 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 26 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 27 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 28 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 29 by malinjected, on Flickr



    Hill 30 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 31 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 32 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 33 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 34 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 35 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Hill 36 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Widow maker 1 by malinjected, on Flickr

    I have these photos in a higher res. If anyone sees one they want just shoot me a pm with an email address and the photo name.


    simon burke

    That one of Boony looks like he is about to pop out a turtle :laugh:
    Great photos Mal :cheer:


    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    That one of Boony looks like he is about to pop out a turtle :laugh:
    Great photos Mal :cheer:

    i was that sh$t scared I think I did pop out a turtle!!!! :ohmy:


    That one of Nickj is a keeper Mal and the one of ChrisT shows how steep it was.
    It is easy to sit at home and say “That doesn’t look that hard” but that shot of the Widow Maker should silenece the critics. It is one nasty slab of rock that takes a lot of commitment for the average trail rider to commit to. We had 42 blokes at the bottom and only about 8 even tried and only 2 made it!!!
    OBT did get some revenge on Sunday though.




    the widow maker must have been hard if murph had trouble noing the stuff he rides .photos do no justice the left line looks the go in the piccy


    Great photos murph and mal. :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Keep em coming fellas,there unreal ;)
    I carnt stop thinking about the whole weekend.bloody unreal boys…
    Hang on a minute :sick: :sick: :sick: .sunday morning hit me pretty hard. :sick: :sick: :sick

    Had a blast in the early ours of sunday mornig with murph,LC4,menace,nickj and STM. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Carnt wait till next year.

    spud…DY4… ;)

    dupsyam4 wrote:
    Great photos murph and mal. :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Keep em coming fellas,there unreal ;)
    I carnt stop thinking about the whole weekend.bloody unreal boys…
    Hang on a minute :sick: :sick: :sick: .sunday morning hit me pretty hard. :sick: :sick: :sick

    Had a blast in the early ours of sunday mornig with murph,LC4,menace,nickj and STM. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Carnt wait till next year.

    spud…DY4… ;)

    You were on fire that night mate. Reading that list of who was left in the early hours is a very dangerous crew to be drinking with!


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