Coffs 2011 ride report.

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  • #212365

    Well i survived my first oldbulls weekend and to say the riding was good would be an understatement it was bloody awesome :silly:

    KING STM a huge thanks for all your effort from the awesome trails and accommodation , all were first class , also thanks to the sweeps (i dont know there names sorry guys) :laugh:

    I must give Boulder and Fish a huge thanks for taking me up to coffs and for getting me back on a bike again after such a long time i had a ball riding with them and all the old bulls . :woohoo: :woohoo: cant wait for my next ride bring it on. :cheer:

    Also thanks to TB & Crash for your advice with my BRP i have it sorted now :whistle: :whistle:

    baggy britches


    Mick D

    I really have to stop reading this thread. :( Having rode last years, I know what I missed by not being able to attend this years ride. I will be there for the next one though. Looks like you guys had a ball. That is what OBT is good for. Putting a great group of like minded blokes together for an awesome weekend.



    Thanks to the North Coast gang who combined to help set-up a great weekend.
    Especially STM & Nickj.
    I had a great 3 days riding. Didn’t even notice the weather, how was it?
    Great group of people and plenty of laughs.
    Highlights for me:

    Murphs US Navy Seal like roll (you know, when they are sitting on the side of an inflatable rubber ducky at speed & just roll off the side!) off the back of the new 500….on the beach….on the back wheel….whilst in Top gear!! Priceless. I love Murphs attitude, he just got up laughing & said oh well.

    Deejays 3 rides effort, I’d hate to be his girlfriend……no matter how many times he got thrown off, he just kept mounting back up! Well done DJ, great effort.

    FactoryPhil & Roachies’ goon riding display…… funny was that!!!!!

    Roachies’ effortless ride straight up the Widowmaker……how easy did he make that look.

    BaggyBritches first ride with OB’s… good did he go?
    And how good does a 650 sound? (I may be a little biased)

    Damo’s & Murphs’ wet & slippery successful conquering of the Widowmaker!!! Champions.

    Sending TB into the bush during one of our handlebar banging contests. His eyes were like dinner plates he reckons, as he plotted a course through the trees. (‘bout time I got one back on him)

    Everyone helping out when needed.

    Spuds metalwork

    Nickj & wifes’ generosity for a worthy cause.

    KTM coffs for helping out Adam when he needed it.

    Menace for driving all that way…..good to see him again….but I don’t know how you can imbibe all those different types of liquids and still stand!!

    KTMs for being KTMs……we had plenty of rests.

    Moto, for absolutely obliterating himself on Saturday night. Note to self….don’t ever try matching it with Menace in the drinking department!

    Murphs Swahealy speaking alter ego who appears after a sh#*load of drinks. I could only pick up on every 3rd or 4th word by the end of the night.

    Thanks to TB, Mal5.1 (can ride) & Deejay for their company……a very funny trip.

    Again thanks to STM for all his work, it’s much appreciated.

    I had a ball.


    PS. Spuds metalwork was going straight to the poolroom…………however, I don’t have a pool….and I don’t have a room…………it’s gone to the garage/bench wall!


    Oh……also, I now have ‘son of xr’ watching over the new wall hanging!!!



    Aaron must have parked his 450 too close to my 650! Now, what am I going to do with a 250? Yeehaa


    PPS. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something…oh well, I’ll just post another one later.


    Don’t tell me you came to you senses and bought a trail bike Crash :P

    Great report on the ride mate. You rode every meter on offer and were begging for more at the end!



    Aaron Wilde

    First of all thanks to Boony for lending me the Great Wall at very short notice to take the family to the ride. Thanks for posting the pics and videos up they are great. Yes Widow Maker was very slippery Eags. The way Murph went up there on one of the most powerful bikes is beyond belief. Just a lesson to us all that we could take a leaf out of his book on clutch control. The singles were fantastic seeing the amount of rain they had had. There was even some dust on the ridges on Sunday. How great is Darlington Beach Holliday Park. The Villas were huge and close together so some bench racing on any afternoon was only a few steps away. Can’t say enough great stuff about the setting. The 2 cornerman system was great to get to know other old bulls. The Sunday ride was my favorite as it was starting to dry out and grip was returning to the clay sections. I started off poorly and Nickj and Bigger Al got to help me out after I had overshot a corner while trying to keep pace with Crash on the BRP. I had stopped in time to avoid the two large trees but the trees had set a booby trap with two slippery branches that made me drop the bike twice trying to get it out. At least the sweeps got to have a laugh. Not long after I was following factory phil ( can you see a pattern here) and I launched myself off a hill and got to have my own murphsburg trying to get out of the gully. :blush: LC4 I think just out of view but still knew I had stuffed up. Because of the rain putting the skids on work we hung around with Boony and his family and we had a ball. Just a few highlights on the most fun weekend ever.



    Firstly I really need to thank snowy09 for a loan of his second pair of boots, I had ordered my new pair a fortnight prior but the only arrived here today, ( I look like a rat with a gold tooth in them)
    Friday morning finally arrived and the car was packed, and we travelled over with Aaron and his family . we got there to late for the friday ride so we hit the cans,( bad move).
    Saturday morning I felt like I had licked a dog, :sick: I got dressed and mounted up anyway with the thought that I can only start to feel better. :whistle: That happened when we left the widow maker and headed for lunch, :S :(
    Those trails were sweet although a tad slippery in some parts, them creek crossings were awesome, I thought a croc was gunna get me in one of them, Yeah, there knee deep, if your standing on your seat, :laugh: I have a 100% record at the widow make, nil making it from nil attempts, however Aaron was the only tamworthian not to make it up it. :whistle: :whistle:
    I had this crazy thought whilst riding past that really nice white house on the bananna plantatien, I was gunna stop and ack like a corner man and send 20 bikes up the driveway and then ride off like nothing happened.
    Following a great lunch I took snowy,buzz and Polly for a beach run on the way back to camp and we were like kids in a lollie shop.
    Sunday was family day and the pool was the place to be when the temp started to rise over 1 million degrees.
    STM , man you rock, that was one hell of a ride mate, Nick and Chris, top job picking up the debrie at the back.

    i need next years dates so I can book the cabin again.


    PS the predator lives… thanks adam ,murph and lefty. :unsure:



    Auction viewing

    Crash won Spuds work of art. Spud you are a legend mate for making and donating it mate thanks, $406 for it towards a great charity. I was glad to see the pasty white tea bag get out bid after he wouldn’t let me buy my jersey back ( more on that later :cheer: )

    From left to right

    Crash, TB and Spud


    The auction that was

    Thanks again Spud you are a gun and can wheelstand ;)




    The King challenged me to put my favorite jersey of all time up for auction for charity. It was my charity I guess and it was a good cause and besides I thought who would want it and they wouldn’t pay bugger all would they really. It was a 80 buck jersey 4 years old, sure I loved it but it was mine :laugh: I figured I would buy it back, money to charity everyone’s happy right? Wrong the pasty white pommy wanted it for what reason I am not sure, was it because I made it up the hard run at Big Red and he didn’t? :P I don’t know but it’s gone, dead to me now :laugh: :unsure: :( :pinch: But all for Charity eh

    Here is the lead up to the auction

    The official photographer we paid on the night :P seemed to miss the auction itself but it went for $320!!!!! yup can you believe that!! Three hundred and twenty dollars :ohmy: Ollie would have paid that to be cool he has always been jealous of it :laugh:

    Here is the happy winner


    Ps whenever he wears it I will give anyone and everyone $20 for every time they roost him, shoot him or run over him ;)

    Enjoy Nick it’s all good really :laugh:



    Aaron Wilde
    Crash wrote:
    KTMs for being KTMs……we had plenty of rests.

    Oh……also, I now have ‘son of xr’ watching over the new wall hanging!!!

    Aaron must have parked his 450 too close to my 650! Now, what am I going to do with a 250? Yeehaa


    Crash my 450 is actually a 250! :laugh: You now have the best bike ever!! :laugh:
    That was the other funny thing that happened on Sunday. We met up with another group of riders that were having bike troubles. I decided to open my big mouth and ask was it a KTM :laugh: :P He then quickly replied “No it is a CRF 250X ” I don’t know if he saw me coming but it sure shut me up :laugh: So many funny memories now sadly lost with those neurons now obliterated by alcohol !!! I think I had a great weekend!


    Nick Jackson

    I wanted the jersey for one reason only and you’ll find out soon enough but also I couldn’t see You buy back what was already yours ;)

    Aaron wrote:
    Crash wrote:
    KTMs for being KTMs……we had plenty of rests.

    Oh……also, I now have ‘son of xr’ watching over the new wall hanging!!!

    Aaron must have parked his 450 too close to my 650! Now, what am I going to do with a 250? Yeehaa


    Crash my 450 is actually a 250! :laugh: You now have the best bike ever!! :laugh:
    That was the other funny thing that happened on Sunday. We met up with another group of riders that were having bike troubles. I decided to open my big mouth and ask was it a KTM :laugh: :P He then quickly replied “No it is a CRF 250X ” I don’t know if he saw me coming but it sure shut me up :laugh: So many funny memories now sadly lost with those neurons now obliterated by alcohol !!! I think I had a great weekend!

    Funny story there Aaron
    I come out of a section of single leading the crew and there are 8 other blokes sitting on a fire road with their bikes turned off. You rarely see anyone else out here and as soon as I shut mine down one of the guys asked me if I had a Jap plug spanner. I did and gave it too him but as we had waited for Sam’s KTM (insert 10 KTM riders saying that they never break down) I wanted to keep moving and told the guy were I lived and that he could drop it in the letter box.
    Sunday afternoon I got home after the ride, smashed two recovery beers and checked the surf. Nothing happening there so I went for a nana nap. I was woken by a knock at the front door and wandered down in my boxer shorts thinking it would be a neighbour but instead it was A NSW police officer in full uniform.
    I started thinking what had gone wrong and who had pulled a 80km wheelie through suburbia as my name is all over this ride. He asked me if I was Scott and if I was leading a bunch of guys out in the bush today. I told him I was and he said that he could not thank me enough for loaning him the plug spanner and getting him and his mates out of the bush!!!




    Nickj wrote:
    I wanted the jersey for one reason only and you’ll find out soon enough but also I couldn’t see You buy back what was already yours ;)

    I know mate secretly happy it went to a good home :) I know it will be looked after, was better than Menace getting it he was wanting to burn it :laugh: even after your bought it :laugh:

    Besides you know roles reversed I would have sold Salina and the kids to keep you from getting yours back :P :laugh:

    Enjoy it, looks good on you even if it’s a little tight :pinch: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    And the Banter continues :whistle: :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    King STM wrote:
    Sunday afternoon I got home after the ride, smashed two recovery beers and checked the surf. Nothing happening there so I went for a nana nap. I was woken by a knock at the front door and wandered down in my boxer shorts thinking it would be a neighbour but instead it was A NSW police officer in full uniform.
    I started thinking what had gone wrong and who had pulled a 80km wheelie through suburbia as my name is all over this ride. He asked me if I was Scott and if I was leading a bunch of guys out in the bush today. I told him I was and he said that he could not thank me enough for loaning me the plug spanner and getting him and his mates out of the bush!!!



    Friends in the right place there King, well done. How bad did you shit when you saw the copper at the door?



    Apart from the sweeps and local pre-runners I already thanked on the Saturday night I want to give a big shout out to Dude who really deserves the OBT spirit award and Spud for his contributions. The two of them exemplify what it means to be a member of OBT and are two of the many reasons I love being a part of this website.

    Good onya boys!!!


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