Coffs Harbour 25th to 27th November

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Coffs Harbour 25th to 27th November

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    bring on the beach ride, ohh and the amber inn,ohh and the lantana trails, oh and the sweet singles.



    Thanks to everybody for getting back to me and letting me know which days you are riding. Organising this many people is a mission so follow the thread closely the next few weeks as all final ride times and meeting places will be confirmed.
    The only person I have not heard back from is Gotchya so if I hear nothing this week I will consider him a scratching.

    Less than three weeks people :woohoo:


    Thanks to STM,Nickj,Tdriver,Dupsyam for a great day. STM the tracks are awesome :laugh: everyone coming to ride these trails at the end of the month wont be disappointed they are bloody incredible. I still cant get the smile of my face.:woohoo: :woohoo: Thanks again for a great day out.



    I rode with Gotchya yesterday and forgot to ask him about it STM. I’ll pm you the number I have for him.

    Who wants to share a jerry can of 50:1 2T fuel with me for Saturdays ride? :woohoo:

    Haning out for this ride. It’ll be my first decent trail ride in 6 months. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    mal5.1 wrote:
    I rode with Gotchya yesterday and forgot to ask him about it STM. I’ll pm you the number I have for him.

    Who wants to share a jerry can of 50:1 2T fuel with me for Saturdays ride? :woohoo:

    Haning out for this ride. It’ll be my first decent trail ride in 6 months. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Hey Mal,

    PM my brother nato as he will have his gas gas 300 there to. First real ride he will have on it to LOL



    Corey8 wrote:
    mal5.1 wrote:
    I rode with Gotchya yesterday and forgot to ask him about it STM. I’ll pm you the number I have for him.

    Who wants to share a jerry can of 50:1 2T fuel with me for Saturdays ride? :woohoo:

    Haning out for this ride. It’ll be my first decent trail ride in 6 months. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Hey Mal,

    PM my brother nato as he will have his gas gas 300 there to. First real ride he will have on it to LOL


    Will do mate. Thanks for that.

    He’s going to love the Gasser. Might bring some duct tape to strap his hands on the bars with. :laugh:


    If you need tyres for the ride check out the link below.

    Coffs Tyre Deal


    ive already got a fresh set of S12’s in the shed awaiting the hallowed singles of coffs ;)

    now im just praying for rain and a cold front to hit for the ride :laugh:
    i might even get nude and spruke a rain dance of sorts…

    coffs is great, bar the tropical heat says this cold blooded Menace B)
    its hot enough in melbourne this week, im like a snail shrivelling as i cross the footpath just to go to work, let alone geared up and riding :S

    so bring it down huey :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lets make it a little more interesting :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    let the drinks flow with old faces and new…

    f**k im hanging to get up there for a ride with you clowns :woohoo: :woohoo:

    menace wrote:
    ive already got a fresh set of S12’s in the shed awaiting the hallowed singles of coffs ;)

    now im just praying for rain and a cold front to hit for the ride :laugh:
    i might even get nude and spruke a rain dance of sorts…

    coffs is great, bar the tropical heat says this cold blooded Menace B)
    its hot enough in melbourne this week, im like a snail shrivelling as i cross the footpath just to go to work, let alone geared up and riding :S

    so bring it down huey :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lets make it a little more interesting :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The only time I have seen it really dry up hear was last time we rode together. Odds on dust won’t be an issue!

    let the drinks flow with old faces and new…

    f**k im hanging to get up there for a ride with you clowns :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Steve Wyeth

    Looking forward to this ride too, haven’t really been on here to stay up to date with what’s going on but after Menace calling me last night we are sharing a Jerry (STM must have found some new trails me thinks!).

    I’ll be convoying up with Meanarse and LC4. Even thinking about a new tyre despite the old being quite good :-P

    Will be cool to see old and new faces.

    moto wrote:
    Looking forward to this ride too, haven’t really been on here to stay up to date with what’s going on but after Menace calling me last night we are sharing a Jerry (STM must have found some new trails me thinks!).

    I’ll be convoying up with Meanarse and LC4. Even thinking about a new tyre despite the old being quite good :-P

    Will be cool to see old and new faces.

    You are going to love all the new stuff plus get to ride all your old favourites all washed down with plenty of beers :woohoo:



    Steve Wyeth

    Mmmmmmm……single trail :woohoo:

    Me, Mike and Tom will have to take you for a ride on South side of your area, we’ve explored there quite a bit :laugh: :laugh: :P

    moto wrote:
    Mmmmmmm……single trail :woohoo:

    Me, Mike and Tom will have to take you for a ride on South side of your area, we’ve explored there quite a bit :laugh: :laugh: :P

    You mean that gully you boys got stuck in for an hour? Sounds like great fun :P



    Steve Wyeth

    Yeah, forget the Widowmaker, lots of people ride up that, I wanna see someone ride out of the gully after a bit of rain!

    Murph will be in his element :P It’s definitely do-able, just apparently not by me 😆


    Moto wait till you get to the tight singles before the lunch break :silly: they are sweet.

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