Coffs Harbour 25th to 27th November

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Coffs Harbour 25th to 27th November

This topic contains 359 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  damien turnour 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    strucky wrote:

    Just got a msg from Justo could you please add him in for the weekend


    I had him on there mate.



    Thanks mate

    Just read my msg




    Im booked in Fri,Sat,Sun

    Thanks Scotty B)




    If there are any spots left I’ll have one thanks STM. I had to wait for work to get back to me for time off.

    If not put me on the reserve list thanks.

    If anyone has a bed in a cabin I’m happy to take it or I’ll ring on Monday and try to book one. I was hoping some of the locals from here would be keen.

    mal5.1 wrote:
    If there are any spots left I’ll have one thanks STM. I had to wait for work to get back to me for time off.

    If not put me on the reserve list thanks.

    If anyone has a bed in a cabin I’m happy to take it or I’ll ring on Monday and try to book one. I was hoping some of the locals from here would be keen.

    Your on the list mate. I think there are a few beds spare in cabins so if anyone has one just let Mal know.



    simon burke

    gday stm
    put me on the reserve bench…i’ll camp and ring em during the week if i have 2 book a camp site…or scab a roomif any one has a spare.Christ i,m slow :angry:
    Bol :woohoo:

    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    gday stm
    put me on the reserve bench…i’ll camp and ring em during the week if i have 2 book a camp site…or scab a roomif any one has a spare.Christ i,m slow :angry:
    Bol :woohoo:

    You are on the main list mate. The 40 did not include leaders. There should be a bed in one of the cabins for you mate.




    ring snow slow poke???? sheez!!!! :huh:


    After only one day the last name just got added to the list. That is 40 riders confirmed and two leaders.



    simon burke

    whew….by the skin of my ball sack :laugh:

    cool…just spoke 2 snowy…im in with him and polly…poor bastards :P

    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    whew….by the skin of my ball sack :laugh:

    How could you have a night with out the might voice of Bollocks?


    jeez… ya gotta be quick :laugh: :laugh:

    i go away for 1 night and poof, the ride is full??

    im keen to make the pilgramige if anyone has a cabin bed spare… and doesnt mind a mexican in the midst.

    and hell, if the ride is full, i’ll just sit around and sink piss… (but put me on the reserve still!)

    i dont wanna camp after a 15 hour drive :S

    help a brothewr out fellas ;)


    that was quick!

    bed is sorted! i’ll be an honourary Tamwegian for the weekend :laugh:

    put me on the rider/reserve/VIP list Scotty!

    woohoo! B)

    menace wrote:
    that was quick!

    bed is sorted! i’ll be an honourary Tamwegian for the weekend :laugh:

    put me on the rider/reserve/VIP list Scotty!

    woohoo! B)

    Your on the list.
    This ride is officially closed off. As everyone has booked cabins I can’t imagine their will be too many drop out so I am not going to run a reserve list.
    I am also going to lock this thread till I have more info to post regarding ride times etc. If you need to ask me anything about this ride just pm me.



    We are about 10 weeks from the ride so I thought it time to unlock the thread so the banter can begin.
    Keep in mind though that the ride is full.

    I went out today and started looking around some of the trails I have not ridden for a while and they are in surprisingly good shape. There is still a lot of trail work to be done but it was good to see some of my less ridden loops have not been over run by lantana.
    I am starting to plan the two loops as we will run a similar system to last year. For those not here last November I split the ride into two seperate groups on the Saturday. You all get to ride the same terrain and you all get lunch together but it flows much better as two groups of 20.
    Friday and Sunday’s ride will be one group.
    If you let me know which days you plan to ride I will start putting the list together.

    Fridays ride is just a two hour lap starting at 2pm for those that can get the day off and would like a warm up before Saturday.



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