Coffs November Ride

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Coffs November Ride

This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Rodgers 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    daniel lewis

    ill be there Saturday Sunday for sure

    fuchsy wrote:
    ill be there Saturday Sunday for sure

    You are on the list mate.


    singletrackmind wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Sorry Scott but I’m out. Have promised bride I will complete house rennos before Christmas holiday. Will be scratching gravel as is without having weekend away. Snow

    Xmas is three months away!
    This is the last OB ride I will be hosting so it will be a shame not to have you on it.



    Darlington Park called and at this point they only have one confirmed booking. As of Monday our group discount gets cancelled so the price will go up. You have till Monday to avoid that. Contact Kate and check first post for details.




    Gday put me on the list stm. ;)

    I was planning on just swagging it tho….. cause the camping area is quite flat and I like swagging it. :huh: :dry: 😆



    if it was not such a long drive would be swaging it to
    dude enjoy

    white rocket wrote:
    if it was not such a long drive would be swaging it to
    dude enjoy

    I think it’s the same distance we drove to Sunny Corner twice Rocket.



    Some people let a bit of a drive get in the way of a sweet weekend. I drove down from Rockhampton twice for this one :)


    Iced Volvo

    Hey Guys, me a a couple of mates are thinking of coming down from tweed, just wondered how the ride system works in terms of grading? Grading systems seem to differ a lot depending on who decides. I notice there are three groups and I assume they are different grades: we all ride the RTCB with no issues and would grade that a 3 if that helps.




    Richard W

    Have a read of this while you wait for the guru’s to reply


    Iced Volvo

    Thanks, I had a quick look at this but we have been caught occasionally when people say “yeah its s#@t easy ..” and u turn up and its near impossible Erzberg Rodeo stuff :-) but I have heard that these rides are awesome fun so wanted to come even if we go on the “easy” loops


    simon burke

    Sorry Scotty, better take me off the list :(
    I have a work thing on that weekend now :angry:
    Look forward to the ride reports ;)
    Bol :woohoo:


    Mike Wyeth

    Moto told me he can’t make it


    I spoke to the resort on Friday and they said they had no bookings yet. The group booking has been cancelled and any accommodation they had on hold is off.
    I have had a few more pull out so I really need some firm numbers this week so I can plan this thing. If there is not much interest I am happy just to can the idea.
    With such small numbers the Friday ride wont start till 4pm if it goes ahead.



    Richard W

    The wife has taken Friday and Monday off Work so she can go shopping while I go riding.
    Chin up STM, it will all fall into place.
    Me +1 for breakfast catering if that helps.
    see you at 4pm Friday.

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