Coffs/Wauchope weekend

Home Forums Ride Reports Coffs/Wauchope weekend

This topic contains 82 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Tass Xenofontos 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Mike Wyeth

    Sorry to hear the news Ev,hope it does’nt keep you out too long ;)

    Looks like some nice hills down there to get your teeth into :woohoo: that big 500 would be eating them up eh Murph :dry:


    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Enjoyed the ride reports guys :cheer:
    Ev…so sorry to hear about your hand mate, that really sucks and u hope you mend quickly.
    Bol :woohoo:


    and there’s sum serious hills there, :dry: :unsure:

    and I seen your wheely, well done murph :cheer:

    and well done mr rules on delivering me a laugh at the expence of others. :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey at that log hop the guy who placed his foot on the log had the right idea. ;)


    Mark Bunting

    Great report and pics guy ;)

    I feel your pain EV. Heal well.

    Kram B)


    It looked like a very nasty break.

    I wish you a speedy recovery Ev.

    It was shaping up to be a cracker of a ride I hope one day we can fiinish it.


    Ben Guest

    Ev thanks for putting on the ride and hope you have a good 100% recovery with your hand. I had a great time on the tracks we did and will be back for sure when you get back on the bike.

    Apart from Ev’s hand it was a great weekend. Thanks KTM Rules for getting us a ride on Sunday with some local guys. It was a awesome loop. Loved all them creek tracks.



    How is EV recovery going, I hope all is well.



    its coming along I have some nice scars, im off the drugs but I broke my right wrist as well so I have casts on both arms so I cant do very much (i can just reach) :blush:
    atleast another 2 months to get them off

    BellingenEv wrote:
    its coming along I have some nice scars, im off the drugs but I broke my right wrist as well so I have casts on both arms so I cant do very much (i can just reach) :blush:
    atleast another 2 months to get them off

    Broke the other one as well :ohmy: i hope you have a speedy recovery mate.

    After seeing your broken wrist i have bought myself a pair of braces, you can keep the one i gave you but i do recommend getting something better.

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)

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