Nickj wrote:
Bulla wrote:
I also carry a card inside my helmet with my personal details incl phone number, address and medical history including allergies on it – just tucked up under the liner. Also have an ICE (in case of Emergency) contact in my phone. Its on the card as well considering I’m the only one who knows the unlock code. Just something else that maybe worth considering. Just the sort of info that I ask being a paramedic.
Hi Bulla
What would be the perfect info you could find on a patient at a job you were called to ?
Be great to know so we can all help you guys and ourselves !!
Things we need to know definitely are:
Contact number for Next of Kin
Date of Birth although we estimate if we have to however makes it easier to match medical records
Allergies to drugs, foods ie bee stings, morphine allergies, medication reactions
Any medical conditions – heart problems, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy serious past injuries i.e fractures or head injuries
Medications – any tablets you take daily (in case they interact with emergency drugs)
That covers most immediate issues especially if we cannot get hold of the Next of Kin and you happen to be unable to communicate i.e. Unconcious
Carry one in your helmet and one in your backpack/toolbag to be safe and have the ICE number recorded in your phone. Dont forget to leave your phone unlock code somewhere in your kit that others can access in an emergency.
Been to jobs where none of the riders really knew the injured rider and a few where people were riding solo but had ICE cards or similar in their gear which helped. – You can print them out from here for free, well worth it, don’t forget to laminate it though.