contact Galey

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #102146

    Hi, does any one know Galey mobile number?


    Bob Dowsett

    I’m going tommorow if that helps

    or if its urgent i can find hi no


    it’s urgent. Krusty was on a ride with them today and was suppose to be home 2 hours ago. Wife cant get hold of him by phone and is worried


    Bob Dowsett

    I think its on the ride page somewhere as well
    I’ll find it



    all good, Krusty finally decided to check in. thanks for you help


    Bob Dowsett

    should be


    Can say this now. :whistle:
    So long as everybody is good. B)

    Wasn’t life so much easier/private/better?/and in general, so much fuckin great without the damn technology. B)
    I’m a pretty good fisherman, so I am sure that will hook a few.
    Still thats the way I stand. 👿
    Mad Chrissy Beatle attack. The dogs are going wild. Probably O.D on the crazy things. :ohmy:
    Very old school Murph



    All is good… I normally check in after the ride but no service so she had to tough it out!!! :whistle:

    Cracker day.. Ride report thread soon…


    Adrian Gale
    OWL 02 wrote:
    it’s urgent. Krusty was on a ride with them today and was suppose to be home 2 hours ago. Wife cant get hold of him by phone and is worried

    Sorry for the worry Mrs Krusty. The arvo ride took longer than antiscipated.

    Hope your family gets better soon.


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