Cooking with the weber bbq

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 15 years, 4 months ago.

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    Jason Green

    Who likes to cook with the weber bbq? A juicy leg of lamb with some rosemary and a hint of garlic or roast pork or chicken take your pick these are a few of my favorite things



    I don’t have a weber but my old man has always sworn by them for roasts. I hear that the pizza ovens are even better if you like cooking big meals ;)



    Webers are the go for BBQ’s. We bought a gas one a few years ago now and it is the shit for cooking everything from your normal BBQ to doing a roast. we were so impressed with our big one that we bought a small one for when we go away.

    However you can still burn things when you have had too many Vitamin B’s before cooking. But thats OK Kylie just takes over anyway.


    I have a baby Q which I take on our West Oz surfing, diving and fishing adventures off Ningaloo and it was awesome to jump out of the boat back at camp and throw a fish on the barby :woohoo:
    Also have a workmate who uses the old type heat bead webber four times a weak, doesn’t even use the oven in the house B)

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