Corey8 has been put on the sidelines

This topic contains 109 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 14 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #180289


    damn Corey. i wondered how i missed the first post. but then remembered i was away.

    hope for a good recovery! i dunno about a speedy one, but definitely a good recovery.

    as for the boredom others have suggested to give the DVD’s, video games a work out.



    Corey8 wrote:

    Well after my first 24 hours at home i am ready to kill someone.

    I have got pain down my sides from the crutches so my wonderfull wife brought me home a brand new wheel chair (hire) now i have wheels under me i feel so much better and so much easier to get around

    I have an old wheel chair and walking frame if you want to save a bob. You can have it for as long as you need. It is an old one but works just fine.


    Uncle Fester wrote:

    Corey8 wrote:

    Well after my first 24 hours at home i am ready to kill someone.

    I have got pain down my sides from the crutches so my wonderfull wife brought me home a brand new wheel chair (hire) now i have wheels under me i feel so much better and so much easier to get around

    I have an old wheel chair and walking frame if you want to save a bob. You can have it for as long as you need. It is an old one but works just fine.

    Thanks heaps Fez but i hired a chair for $5 a week and she is brand new. Going to your place of employment on monday for check up


    Nick Jackson

    Hi Corey I hope the healing is going well.
    Since riding your klx I have pulled out every back issue of every mag I own and read up on them , apart from the rear spring being to soft, (aren’t they all) I can’t seem to find a reason not to say goodbye to the drz and look at a klx.
    You have had yours for a while and I think you said it was an 08 ,is their anything your not happy with or think they have improved in the last 2 years, my budget is drz + $2000 which I think would get me a 08/09 with around 1000km and some bling. What are you thoughts mate??


    Nickj wrote:

    Hi Corey I hope the healing is going well.
    Since riding your klx I have pulled out every back issue of every mag I own and read up on them , apart from the rear spring being to soft, (aren’t they all) I can’t seem to find a reason not to say goodbye to the drz and look at a klx.
    You have had yours for a while and I think you said it was an 08 ,is their anything your not happy with or think they have improved in the last 2 years, my budget is drz + $2000 which I think would get me a 08/09 with around 1000km and some bling. What are you thoughts mate??

    The Only thing they have done from the 08 to the 10 is change the wheels to black and different stickers and seat cover and i can’t see the point in spending an extra few grand for it.

    I have had mine for little over 12 months now and i have replaced a water pump seal that was put into the bike back to front from new by the looks of it, New Battery, new tyres (the rear is the suttos deal and is fantastic) Needs a T.M Design chain guide as the original is stuffed after that coffs ride. Does not need a loud pipe to make it go hard as it goes hard enough and you and i will never out ride it’s power.

    Oh and the 12.5lt tank i put on that you can’t even feel but i think is a dead set must for this bike

    Best bike i have owned bar none.

    Been some good buys on ebay and bike point for them to


    Nick Jackson

    It looks like I will be making the change as I can’t find one reason not to. My last hurdle is the trying to tell mrs.j that their is a differance other than ones yellow and ones green. Now how would you tackle that one!!!


    Nickj wrote:

    It looks like I will be making the change as I can’t find one reason not to. My last hurdle is the trying to tell mrs.j that their is a differance other than ones yellow and ones green. Now how would you tackle that one!!!

    Mine has the db tail peice and small ballards blinker and b&b bash plate

    Tell her the difference is like home brand cola Vs Coke Or buying underwear from target rather then Victoria Secret both do the job But you know that she would die if people saw her target underwear :laugh:


    Nick Jackson

    I like it !!
    And I think that may work !



    cmon corey its only a kawasaki its greenn!!!!


    huskybloke wrote:

    cmon corey its only a kawasaki its greenn!!!!

    And i’m pretty sure last time you and i went out the clutch didn’t give up either ;)



    that was last year Corey and it did make the whole 210 km ride we done that day, but ive done 8 rides this year and its on fire its goin like stink and it hasnt had a problem what so ever will have had it for 4 years this year, and even better news is ive been given the go ahead to look for a new bike at the end of the season, WOO HOO!!!!


    huskybloke wrote:

    that was last year Corey and it did make the whole 210 km ride we done that day, but ive done 8 rides this year and its on fire its goin like stink and it hasnt had a problem what so ever will have had it for 4 years this year, and even better news is ive been given the go ahead to look for a new bike at the end of the season, WOO HOO!!!!

    Just 2 comments here Ian

    1- That was not last year that was Jan this year the week before i had the Taylors Arm ride

    2- Don’t look for a new bike to hard just go to your local Kwaka Shop ;)



    think they are doing a hot up deal on the klx 450 at the moment 1000$ gets you a kx450 header pipe cam (not sure if it was the complete head)etc so it will go the same as a kx now that would be a they are a cheap bike at the moment compared to the others new



    oh ok then, i remember now when you were giving it to me on the first stage of the doublesnotter( the easy part) and then the the mighty husky was given her head to go past all the jappys to rise to the top of the mountain eh LOL and also the last time i rode before i woke upto myself that it was to hot and heatstroke is not a good thing


    huskybloke wrote:

    oh ok then, i remember now when you were giving it to me on the first stage of the doublesnotter( the easy part) and then the the mighty husky was given her head to go past all the jappys to rise to the top of the mountain eh LOL and also the last time i rode before i woke upto myself that it was to hot and heatstroke is not a good thing

    Maybe I just didn’t have enough talent to keep up with you hey B)

    Yeah it was hot that day and to do both sides in one day is full on

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